Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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still alive....
just emotionally and physically drained right now.

I lost 2 rabbit litters (they were supposed to pay for the fed for sumer since I don't beed during the hottest months) to weaning enteritis of some kind...ive neve rhad issues like that 1 dropped then the next then the next, over the space of about 2 weks I lost 18 baby bunnies to upset tummies (depsit treating them with everything but the kitchen sink) necropsies showed no issues other than bloating...but I treated for cocci just in case....even still...
thankfully the angora litters are doing fine, got 3 babies going home next weekend, have someone MABE coming this weekend for the 3 adults and 2 babies left for sale.
might have a buyer for my Flemish/nz mix (mother to the big liter that all whent down fast!) too.
planning on replacing with 1 mabe 2 more French lop does.

im debating selling my small broken blue otter rex doe too, open up a space for a nice BIG rex doe to replace her with since shes thrown 2 litters of pretty...but undersized litters (and the last one was the other litter that got the tummy isues)

I also spent the last week building a pen for our dumb turkeys...hat
our turkeys figured out how to get out, we have a jain temple property behind us, they were "helping" by rounding up the turkeys form our neighbors property every afternoon (out neighbors didn't mind the turks and they were coming home at bedtime so no harm no foul...) and locking them in their peacock pen so I was having to walk 2 miles each way each evening and talk them into opening the pen so I could herd the turkeys home....(not hard once they figured out where I was trying to take them, I was worried thye were going to hurt themselves trying to get out of that pen of thiers) unfortunately these folks speak barely a bit of English, and while meant was tiring at the end of busy days...(and I don't handle people well either)
so they are now in their own hoping as they get older and fatter...they'll be less apt to try and ly away.
we lost one of them to something too...mabe cocci, she just stopped eating and whent downhill hard and fast after that.
we still have 2 females and 2 males, one of which is Christmas dinner.
now they are separated into their own pen I can treat their water as a just in case. I haven't had the energy to necropsy the one we lost so im assuming based on the sysmptoms..

I did add some cortinux quail to the farm this time around...we butchered all the meat chickens, and ive got about 15 spare male cotx that will join them in the freezer in about 3 weeks too....should eb a good amount of meat for folks to try :)
I ended up with 2 young breeding groups, an older group that wasn't laying well (they may also go to freezer camp) and the 15 spare males...
so fingers crossed, hoping to keep 4 groups at a time as we get established, will have this group A, theearly spring well hatch out group B, then early the following spring Group C who will replace A ect ect ect...since cto production drops around the 2 yr mark...

ive got a list of jobs I need to do over the next few weeks that I want done before the real heat comes in.
fenceline needs brush wacking (dads supposed ot be doing that tonight or tomorrow) the alpaca are getting sheared this weekend if it kills me (our shears just arrived yesterday but dad left all his tools in the barn so I haven't been able to get that done yet)...I need to build a chicken coup for the rhodebarrs, and finnish the pen for the banties, and pep the brooder for the pilgrim goslings and welsh harlequin ducklings weve got coming...
that in itself then sets up the move the duckies" project, need to mark up and cut out for a fenceline down neer the pond then move the duck house and pen down there dad doesn't want them up neer the house "making a mess" anymore.

I swear, I did less work when I lived alone and did it all by myself LOL!

body hates me, brain isn't liking me much either and im tired...but, I want to get all the big projects done before the heat comes in then spend july and august lounging by the pool lol (yeah ill belive it when I see it)

and my room is a disaster zone to couch broke :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I've been trying to find time to lounge by the pool for years! Still haven't been able to do it. Hope you can.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I knew you were working yourself near to death...just had that feeling!

Congrats on all the good stuff...and so sorry for the loss of the litters.

Oh... hope you love Pilgrims as much as I love mine! They are the sweetest, calmest, most sane goose breed least mine are. If you spend a lot of time with them when they are young they'll be so easy to work with later. I can walk right up to mine and pet them or even pick them up with just a little effort. Love, love, love them!

Hang in there and I really hope you get your pool time! :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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our one pilgrim girl is just the sweetest! we couldn't find any last year and dad wanted "big white geese" so we got embdens to keep her company...the embdens are nice (though the male is currently a little bit of a handful due to hormones) but my personal long term goal is realy heritage and miniatures and pilgrims need all the help they can doesn't love auto-sexing lol.
I managed to find a hatchery (metzers) that had some so we put in an order for some and finished it out with a aki male for our kaki girls and a group (1 male and 5 females) of welsh harlequins (which are listed critical)
and if the harl boy take s afnacy to the kakis and visa versa the ducklings should also be sex link (darks boys, normal girls) so not a big deal if they muddle themselves up. (though eventually in future world ill have them separated into 2 flocks)

our turkeys are heirtige listed as threatened are the delaware chickens....

I looked into goats and such that fell on the lists but noen of them interested me so if we can do at least some part on conserving some poultry breeds, its beter than nothing.

yesterday SUCKED.
we had some weeds and branches on the fenceline I asked dad to take the rushcutter up there a week ago (he wont let me use that thing as it is Dangerous! (think weedwacker but with a saw blade attatched to it lol) nothing, the fence started realy draining from grounding out so I had to unplug it...
yesterday the pigs saw their opportunity (they must have been testing the fence since I unplugged), thankfully mrB and Squeeker whent into the goat pen and were hanging out in there...
but bubbles....oh no, she got out out, into the back woods between us and the temple took me an hour of climbing through thorny wild roses and low branches and poisen ivy (turns out I don't seem to be reactive to that stuff suprisngly lol) I tried to lure her with food and treats and nothing, shed come over for a chin rub then run away when I eventually I had to get rough, grabbed her by the back legs found the weak spot she got out under and wheelbarrowed her over to it got her nose back under lifted the fnece with my foot and she of course simeply ran the direction her nose was facing.
gods it was tough work rtying to drag an unhappy pig through thorns and low branches and crazy roots....
my arms hurt, I was out of breath my chest hurt and my head was pounding...managed to lock her in her house (the other 2 in the goat stall) but she immediately started screaming and slamming her body against the walls of the house...(which of course et th other 2 off in the barn, so I said screw it on waiting, took my weedwaker to everything it could handle...that finally ran out of line...then took my little chainsaw to everything that could handle until the chain popped off and I couldn't find my allen I grapped the hand held long handled pruning shears and finished the job with that...ran a couple new lines of electric closer to the ground in some of the low spots on the pig side and plugged her back in.
theres been a few yelps form the piggy pen today but everyone is home right now at least...
im EXHAUSTED and hurting today....
still need to get up there and clean the barn up ready for shearing this weekend...
and still want to get the banty coup done this weekend too (that wont take long at all, its going to take me longer to drag the fencing up there than to finnish it off.)

but right now...more coffee, had to take mum to pt early this morning which threw my entire routein off and for me that throws the entire day off...

good news though.
angora trio supposed to be heading home sunday. :)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
At least when I do things that hubby things are dangerous, he's not around to object!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
lol! ain that the truth...easier to ask forginess than permission lol.

more progress...banty pen is done, brd netting up and lil roo and the 2 young silkies are in.
got a lead on some more silkie hens I might go pickup tomorrow if I get everything else I need to do...done.

dad wants to head into town this morning (and I need ideas for fathers day)
so were going to do that, and we need to get hey hay up to the barn and I need to finnish clearing up around the area ill be using for shearing. got the eye bolts in yesterday for securing.

ill be doing this with them stood (or cushed) since I don't have the stuff or space to lay and stretch (abnd I just don't see that as being a positive expeience)...were not interested in show wool anyway, just getting it off in as nice piece to the plan is nose into the corner and secure by halter on left and right...then I can swing the paca against the wall and pin shave down the spine and remove 1 side/half the blanket, then swing them to the other wall and take off the other side/half the blanket.
cant present the fleece for show that way (they want a whole blanket for show) but as long as my clippig skills ont fail me I should still get a nice usable fleece.

while out today im going to be looking for a dresser too, I need to realy focus on getting my room sorted.

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