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- #621
Super Self-Sufficient
thanks guys, she was realy a pretty and sweet young hen sometimes the world just takes them too soon i guess.
none of the other girls seem effected in any way shape or form and had a feast of turnip and raddish greens today...
managed to get some clearing out done on the veggie beds. the raddish had gone full tilt to flower and just gone incredibly weedy while producing no bulb so they got taken out, we dont eat enough radish to hold on while they go baby booming lol.
thinned out the turnip which despite the raddish getting breeding fever are doing very well coupld or realy nice looking ones in there so ive given them room...all the onions are out there tiny but incredibly yummy
removing the raddish also opend up a little more space for the squash to sprawl in...never grown squash before and there doing pretty dang well...lol.
someone on the forum mentioned putting out onison sets in the fall and letting them over winter for better sized onions?! ive never grown onions before so help there would be great as we do eat alot of onion.
still have some muscelin mix and some leaf lettuce still in the ground that hasnt bolted yet and is still nice and sweet, but the romaine and bib both whent caput, used the space they were removed from to shuffle some peppers that were being consumed by the maters a little bit better real eastate
ONE of our cauliflower plants has started to get a head on it...its sooo cute and tiny, but so far nothing from the others or the broccoli...im told not to worry...lol
the cabbage is starting to tighetn up and is slowly starting to show signs of forming a head.
peas and beans didnt do much this year, think i got a bad batch, got em from walmart as thats realy the only suplier there burbee brand...
but weve got a few vines that look like there pondering something so i weeded carefully around them and will keep an eye on them...
carrot greens seem to be flourishing too though the ones i thinned out were itsy bitsy tiny, hope the ones with larger leaves are doing a little better down there...dont want to disturb them to check lol.
pulled alot of clover and grass from between eveyrhting too...
then whent for a dip in the pool...its not deep enough to swim but its nice to just hang out in...i realy want to put a swim spa or small pool in at my house eventually
wondeer how much it would cost to have a small concrete no liner inground pool installed in finger TN?!
and now were getting ready to head out to dinner..
dads having surgery on monday that will restrict what he eats for a while and its his birthday next month so he decided were having his birthday dinner early and going to my favorite steak house! YAY!
oh and ontop of all that, managed to get jack jacks nails doen today..i love him and love having him out of the cage but his nails were so sharp i cuoldnt hold him without him literally removing flesh...so i toweld him while dad cliped and gave him a quick grind and now there much better...hoping his new pedi perch will help keep them down now. (he destroyed his sandy perch brand one...literally ate right through the concrete and sand lol, this new one is alot more solid...
oh and i heard word form one of the kitten owners...the folks who took mouse, the smallest of the group and the longhaired male...he looks stunning first and foremost...but they are right around 4 months old and mouse (who is still called mouse) lives in a large metal shop....he caught his first mouse today...then followed it up an hour later by catching and killing a 2nd mouse! go him! and hes a whopping 5lbs already (as big as his mother and hes not even full grown yet lol)
none of the other girls seem effected in any way shape or form and had a feast of turnip and raddish greens today...
managed to get some clearing out done on the veggie beds. the raddish had gone full tilt to flower and just gone incredibly weedy while producing no bulb so they got taken out, we dont eat enough radish to hold on while they go baby booming lol.
thinned out the turnip which despite the raddish getting breeding fever are doing very well coupld or realy nice looking ones in there so ive given them room...all the onions are out there tiny but incredibly yummy
removing the raddish also opend up a little more space for the squash to sprawl in...never grown squash before and there doing pretty dang well...lol.
someone on the forum mentioned putting out onison sets in the fall and letting them over winter for better sized onions?! ive never grown onions before so help there would be great as we do eat alot of onion.
still have some muscelin mix and some leaf lettuce still in the ground that hasnt bolted yet and is still nice and sweet, but the romaine and bib both whent caput, used the space they were removed from to shuffle some peppers that were being consumed by the maters a little bit better real eastate
ONE of our cauliflower plants has started to get a head on it...its sooo cute and tiny, but so far nothing from the others or the broccoli...im told not to worry...lol
the cabbage is starting to tighetn up and is slowly starting to show signs of forming a head.
peas and beans didnt do much this year, think i got a bad batch, got em from walmart as thats realy the only suplier there burbee brand...
but weve got a few vines that look like there pondering something so i weeded carefully around them and will keep an eye on them...
carrot greens seem to be flourishing too though the ones i thinned out were itsy bitsy tiny, hope the ones with larger leaves are doing a little better down there...dont want to disturb them to check lol.
pulled alot of clover and grass from between eveyrhting too...
then whent for a dip in the pool...its not deep enough to swim but its nice to just hang out in...i realy want to put a swim spa or small pool in at my house eventually
and now were getting ready to head out to dinner..
dads having surgery on monday that will restrict what he eats for a while and its his birthday next month so he decided were having his birthday dinner early and going to my favorite steak house! YAY!
oh and ontop of all that, managed to get jack jacks nails doen today..i love him and love having him out of the cage but his nails were so sharp i cuoldnt hold him without him literally removing flesh...so i toweld him while dad cliped and gave him a quick grind and now there much better...hoping his new pedi perch will help keep them down now. (he destroyed his sandy perch brand one...literally ate right through the concrete and sand lol, this new one is alot more solid...
oh and i heard word form one of the kitten owners...the folks who took mouse, the smallest of the group and the longhaired male...he looks stunning first and foremost...but they are right around 4 months old and mouse (who is still called mouse) lives in a large metal shop....he caught his first mouse today...then followed it up an hour later by catching and killing a 2nd mouse! go him! and hes a whopping 5lbs already (as big as his mother and hes not even full grown yet lol)