Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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so...rates locked in...
should be hearing from processing dept in 24-48 hours (by monday at the latest) to get them everything they need to finalize the loan and yeah...

excited and increidbly nervous all at the same time.

keeping my eye on craigslist for a washer, dryer and refridgerator.

got some moving quotes, looking like about $1200 for profesional movers to do all the heavy lifting for me...
costs MORE for the relo-cube pod type deals, and by the time gas and labor on the other end to help unpack is taken into account even budget vans and moving it myself works out about the same price so i think im just going to bite it and have the profesionals do all the heavy lifting for me...
why spend about the same and have to figure out the logistics on the other end getting things like the fridge and couch in when for the same price i can have them come, load everything on this end and unload everything on that end?!

at some point i need to get up to ikea and pick up my new bedframe...
parents are buying me a new matress since my sister literally stole mine and shes harder to shop for lol
dad also said hed help me out on the fridge and washer/dryer he was looking at looking at we cant afford new plain and simple and i dont need new i just need working.

i have to start packing stuff up soon...and make a list of things im going to need to buy.
itll be silly things like pots and pans, dishes and silverware LOL.

once bads feeling up to it were going to go through his tools and put me together a semi tool kit out of any doubles he has...and then fill in the essential gaps so i will have a small tool kit before heading to the middle of nowhere lol

so many lists to make lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yall remember the kittens?

Leo at 8 weeks

Leo Now (4 months) he looks JUST like his momma!

Leo shares his home with a little girl and 3 other cats and is aparently doing incredibly well, loves to play is incredibly gentle with the toddler, and while not realy a "snuggly" cat yet he is starting to settle down.

Mouse at 8 weeks

Mouse Now (4 months) he looks like a plushy lol

Mouse lives in a workshop owned by my mums work frineds boyfrined. aparently the loud machinery doesnt even phaze him but hes still terrified of the vacume cleaner...this reacent picture was only minutes after mouse had caught his second mouse of the day....the first mouse of the day was about 1/2 hour before this and his first mouse ever...
they wanted a sweet "pet" cat who could also keep the shop free of mice that were chewing through wires in very expensive machinery...looks like they got it. Aparently he could take or leave women but LOVES men!

Willow at 8 weeks

Willow Now

Willow of course if here with me and my crazies lol. shes avery good bug hunter, but ive not yet let her outside, she will, like tempi be an indoor/outdoor mouser and shes showing good hunting skills (flies be warned lol) but i figure with planning to move letting her out here then confining her for a few weeks at the new place and then letting her out there would be stressfull.
shes so very silly though and a big mushy when she wants to be...and by big i mean shes huge...NOT...
leo and mouse have both already surpassed their mommas weight (both are over 5lbs) but at tall and lean, but willow is very petite shes only 3lbs and all legs! and the vet thinks shell be small like her momma maxing out aroudn 5lbs.

all the kittens have the long face and big voice and willow has turquoise eyes that makes me think theres definatly wedgie siamese in the genetics somewhere.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Love the kitty then and now pics! How cute! Glad they all got good homes!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Love the kitty pics. I still want to steal Willow.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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aint she beautiful?! i love torties so i just knew when she was born that was it, i needed to keep her., just need a solid white kitty and a calico kitty to "complete my collection" lol (black white tortie and calico ar emy fave colors) though i wouldnt turn down diute tortie or dilute calico either :D

not much going on on this end...
i hate the waiting thign.
should be hearing something from the mortgage brokers today or monday about getting everything in for them to finalize...yicky waiting time...
i just want to hear "yup your good to go" so i can get my stuff together ready for closing...
right now im in limbo, i need a washer and refridgerator if im moving, but i cant realy look on craigslist yet because if i find one ive got nowhere to keep it for the next couple of weeks.

in other news...
tis pretty dang hot LOL.
ive come to the conclusion central AC of some kind will need to be installed in my new house...
i know these temps are not "normal" but im sure its just as hot and sticky in TN and id be a mess if didnt have some kind of cooling. the house has a ceiling fan in the livingroom...
and i do have a big window unit i can take and put in the bedroom, with the doors open itll handle the entire house without a problem...
but i hate the window units lol, there enrgy hogs and ugly lol.
thinking ill need to put a ceiling fan in both the bedrooms too.

wonder how much a whole house system would be for a 650 sqft home?! lol.

oh and i need a pool lol.
whent in the pool last night and the water was 90 degrees...i might as well have taken a bath...
were also in the midst of an algeal bloom thanks to the heat and sun lol doesnt harm the pool but makes it look murky and yick lol. but it felt sooo nice even at 90 degrees.

mum wants to go out and do some shoping this afternoon...personally im not even sure i want to get dressed right now lol.

in good news dad is doing well, healing up nicely, still having periods of sleepyness and he gets tired quick but its very normal...
were playing wiht the protein shakes (hes on them for another 2 weeks) and so far chocolate seems to be the winning flavor, but weve still got some samples to play with and ive got tubs left from my surgery. i still use the powder once in a while to make protein cakes, or add to smoothines on days where i dont feel like eating much. (like today) so weve got plenty to play with to get him through this.
hell be much happier when he can start on the muchies but so far so good, same experience as me..hes simply not hungry, his body is telling him when its "time for a meal" (shake) but its more of a "hey its about that time" rather than a "wow im hungry" kind of feeling...

but yeah other than that...not much going on.

our veggie patch is doing ok, the lettuce that i had left (leaf) is not likng this heat and is majorly wilted and just doesnt look happy...i think thats going to have to get pulled very soon. the maters are ripening nicely, they seem to realy like this heat as long as we keep them watered that is...
our squash are going a tad nutz lol, ive never grown squash before so i wanst quite prepared for how large they can get and how quickly they do it lol.

im still not sure if the cauliflower or broccoli is going to do anything...weve got 1 tiny cauli thats got a little head, but the others dont seem to be attempting to even try...we got them in nice and early, pretty much as soon as they were selling the starts...thoughts?

pulled all the onion, there drying nicely, think ill keep the smaller ones and have dad plant them in the fall, see what happens if we over winter them...they are delicious...just realy small!

but yeah thats about all i got right now. probably going to put some clothes on, make something for lunch and then well probably have to go get groceries...i do need cat food...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well im having a brain smush few days.

some days the brain fires fairly normally...
others they just fire in random happenstance...
and others they dont seem to fire at all...

this past couple of days has been OCD random happenstance.
forgetting some things, obsessing over others...

i forgot to eat all but dinner yesterday (which happend at 9pm) because the OCD kicked in and i spent the day looking up pictures of mexican kitchens for inspiration for my new house...that i dont even have yet...

doing the math for the move and im a little worried about stretching the reservs but i think i can do it if im smart...
i think im going to ask my agent if theres any way to do the closing at the house, it sounds weird but im so worried about the critters, i cant leave 2 dogs, 2 cats 2 small birds and one loud macaw in a hotel room for a couple of hours while i go sign some papers, and i cant leave them all in the car either
so im wondering if i can do final walkthrough and then just do all the offical stuff right there on the kitchen counter least that way i can leave the critters crated in one of the bedrooms and not worry about escapage, but knwo there safe and sound.

that is of course if i decide to just sign and move all at once...
gotta keep an eye on the flight prices, if i can get a good flight and a few days in a hotel and a rental car for a deacent price ill do it that way, but id rather just go down once and save the extra money. ahh the joys of logistics.
we'll see.

yup, you gessed it, im ocd'ing about this whole thing...

nothing else to report, seems a little cooler out today...and jack jack is currently climbing all over the fishtank going "ooooo shsshy shisshy shisshy" (i think hes trying to say fishy, but it scomes out mostly as lots of shhhh sounds lol.)
speaking of fish, ive got to buy some cLR and get the 55 cleaned out so it'll be ready to move.
im taking the 55 and then mums going to ship my fish out as soon as its set up and had time to cycle for me


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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anyone here grow elderberry?

it grows wild in the uk and growing up dad used to make "elderberry wine" hed make a real batch up then make a batch of kid frinedly version up and its YUMMY...elderberry jam is also yummy.
then the flowers as a tea are great for warding off colds, expecially if combined with rosehip

i havent seen the shrubs in any of my local nurseries though and was reading an article that made it seem like there a fairly new berry choice here in the USA.

im thinking it would be cool to grow some elderberry shrubs along the nside of my propertyline at the new house as a privicy hedge that also produces...thinking of intermingling some Rosa eglanteria and Rosa rugosa specifically for the hips :)
of course theyd be planted well within my property line so that even when they are full grown most of the plants remain within my property boundries, but i figure the neighbor is so close on one side that a nice hedge of edible/usable plants that are also incredibly pretty would make a nice privicy screen.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Elderberry grows wild around here. I think, but I'm not sure that I know where there is some. I tried using my shrub book to ID it, but it doesn't have elderberry in it, or it has a different common name, and I don't know the scientific. I tried to find it, but had no luck. :hit

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