Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
update on the moving truck.
got a call around 12:30, they were getting a new truck, and once that arrived they were going to work as fast as they can to get this sorted.
as of right now the back end was so badly smashed up that they couldnt open the truck so had to get a metal cutter out to literally hack the trailer in half to get the stuff already in there (shared trailer) into the new truck.

there only an hour away from me when all this whent down...*grr*

if they can get everything moved into the new truck and get to me by 4pm, were good to go tonight (and ill leave tomorrow morning)
if not they will be here by 8 am tomorrow (i should still be able to leave tomorrow morning, it shouldnt take more than an hour or so to pack my stuff as its all in the garage and all already flat packed/dismantled so they dont even have to dismantle anything)

im frustrated...
i know accidents happen...but the waiting is sucky...

but on the bright side at least this didnt happen to the truck AFTER my stuff was put in...who knows what kind of damage might have happend to any delicate items even if well packed...

the guy is realy nice, he calls every 2 hours to let me know whats going on...
im hoping to get a very nice discount for this inconvenience...
and my family is happy because hey, im home another day.

the rescue remidy seems to have worked on tempi because shes fast asleep quietly on the bed right now, though that could change any minute lol...
jack jack is behaving despite being in an unfamiliar much much smaller space..the dogs are snoozing quite happily right now while things are a little more quiet (they were paniky this morning when i started dismantling jacks cage)

i guess as long as im not driving on the weekend...ill be ok...if i realy get my head into it i think i can do this trip in 2 days, 1 overnight at a motel would be much easier and i could just get there and get everyone settled in

but yeah...thats about all thats going on right now.

dads off to the hospital for an endoscopy, they think he has a stricture and its causeing issues for him trying to eat...(personally i still think its also in part because he tries to eat too fast) but hopefully theyll find something like a stricture, fix it and he can stop complaining lol.

so yeah...
think its lunch time.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
:hugs for the stress! Sorry that the delay is happening, but definitely at least it didn't happen after your stuff was loaded! Was it the truck drivers fault or the other driver?

Good luck tomorrow! I'm getting more strained as time gets shorter. I'm stuck in limbo and trying to do everything and it's making me slightly neurotic.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
the other guy aparently stopped at a light and the guy behind them slammed into them hard enough to damage the door mechanism (hence having to cut the truck open) and do enough damage that the rear bumper and part of the back were aparently hanging off...

there not going to get here untill tomorrow morning...he literally just called, there still waiting on someone to come can-open the trailer.
but hes like "but listen, im gonna do everything i can to give you a great deal on this!" so we'll see what numbers he comes up with tomorrow morning. (id be happy if i can get a couple hundered off to pay for the shuttle fee since the 53ft trailer wont fit up the driveway, but im not holding my breath.

poor guy does sound tired and a little defeated though, talk about bad luck this week (it was origionally delayed by a day because he had a medical emergency!)

*deep breath*
and thanks for the hugs, i need them this week...

betwen friends i never see thowing hissy fits, my sister trying to make me feel guilty and people telling me im making this all up and not actually moving...and now all this...its been one of THOSE weeks lol.

i know that limbo feeling...its after the excitment of "hey were moving wears off, ya get a bunch of boxes done and look around and realize youve got soooo much more to do that its not fun anymore!
right now im back in a similar place...right between "im all packed" and "what do i do withmyself now!" lol.

as a side note my sister informs me shes naming one of my goats Miriam...and my mums buying a goat...itll be HER goat, it has to be a black and white nigerian dwarf with blue eyes, doe, and i get to take care of it and she gets to come visit it and get any money i make off the goat...*blink blink* i told her, first the goat has to earn its keep, it pays for its own feed first...then i get commission for my time...then she gets whats left over...
so im aparently somewhere along the way getting a black and white nigie named Miriam.
color me im sure she'll fit right in with my spotty nubians that i want LOL!


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
pinkfox said:
as a side note my sister informs me shes naming one of my goats Miriam...and my mums buying a goat...itll be HER goat, it has to be a black and white nigerian dwarf with blue eyes, doe, and i get to take care of it and she gets to come visit it and get any money i make off the goat...*blink blink* i told her, first the goat has to earn its keep, it pays for its own feed first...then i get commission for my time...then she gets whats left over...
so im aparently somewhere along the way getting a black and white nigie named Miriam.
color me im sure she'll fit right in with my spotty nubians that i want LOL!
:gig :gig :lol: :smack isn't it awesome the way people try to take over what your doing? :)


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
I think that trimming Jack's wings is a good thing when you are moving. So many birds are lost forever in that situation.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
agreed, if anything were to happen...godess forbid, at least hes a little restricted.
dont get me wrong, with a good updraft even a completly flightless bird can get enough air time to get a good distance, but id rather limit his options lol. not to mention...they will grow back :p

havent had a call this morning from the truck hoping this is a good sign lol. they said anytime between 8 and 10, im hoping for closer to 8am so i can be on the road before lunch time...

just dosed both cats with rescue remedy, and the birds water dishes...

so is supposed to be the day...


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
If you want spotty Nubians you moved to the right town. There is a small farm called Capricorn Farm right down the road from you that has some gorgeous Nubians. :D I'll get you the number when you decide to get them. Some are papered some are pure no papers. all are very nice animals.

TTs Chicks

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
:fl hoping the truck is loaded and the trip is safe :fl


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
Deep clenaing breaths...

got a call at 10am this morning...oh btw were in buffallo...7 hours away...

im not quite sure how we whent from we had an acceident 57 mins form your house to were in buffallo NY 7 hours away...
talked to the driver, he says he got a call and had to reroute...

i dont have the time or money to cancel and re-book, and hes promised me theyll be here tonight and will "make it up to me" i told him i dont care what time you need to get here, you get here tonight!

even if he were to give me this entire move for free ill still be filing with the better business, i whent with this company because they are accredited...i was on the schedual for a pick up on tuesday, its not thursday and im still getting "reasons" why its not the trucks fault...hes gotta do what the owner tells him (which means someone came along with a more expensive job and gets priority)
im REALY frustrated...told him in out 2 nights motel reservations, sedation meds for the critters, multiple apointments and now ill have to pay more for the motel room because i cant leave untill tomorrow morning which means getting a motel on a friday night!

i refuse to cry from frustration, i refuse to stress more than absolutly nessicary...i might not however refuse to take a couple zoloft today though (i have 4 left from my last script that ive been saving for emergencies)

the excitment of my own place is currently NOT winning the frustration and anxiety of whats currently going on!

id cancel but as it stands right now id loose the deposit, i need to give another company 5-7 days notice and jack jack is currently living in a 24" dog crate that im pretty sure his beak could destroy if he realy thought about it hard enough! i cant make him live in thre for another week and setting the cage back up for a couple of days is insanity...
i didnt sleep well the night before ast because of the trip, then last night because of by tomorrow...itll be 3 nights of not great slepe to drive 1100 miles on! yay fun!

can anyone suggest anything herbal that would help me get a good nights sleep tonight, i just need a solid 8 hours. planning on being on the road by 8am tomorrow...if they dont show up tonight...well im a redhead, and i am well versed in strong british language...and my daddy can be incredibly scary when he needs to be

Side note:
Squeeeeee spotty nubians...i LOVE spots!

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