Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, i can imagine that would get old fast lol.

im LOVING this weather, its gorgeous out again, the suns fighting its way through grey clouds, the temps are just col enough to need a light sweater and im sat out on my back deck with my brekakfast. THIS can stay.

todays plan is fairly mundane unless something pops up unschedualed, ive got a house that realy needs cleaning, some laundry that i could do, and some projects.
i also need to make the christmas pudding so it has chance to "age" some, and ive got a batch of beef and veggies to cook up or the dogs to go with the extra rice from the last batch of home cooked dog food....

there a bajillion and 1 other thigns i realy need to do too, but most (like cutting brush and raking leaves) fall into that no strenuous activity zone...
so if i get the house clean early enough ill probably start painting some bird houses and see if i can make a little extra money sellng those...
and ive got to order the resin and some gifts off amazon today to make sure they arrive ontime.
dad stillwont give me any ideas but wants fancy lights forhisbike so i may just send him an am-ex gift card or something to put towards the cost.

but yeah...should realy get started if i want to have a productive day


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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christmas pudding is in the steamer, but i wont know untill christmas if its like i remember, you cook it way ahead of time so it can sit and mellow until christmas, traditionally they were made as far as months in advance...(i guess the brandy keeps it form going bad)
hard to belive its almost 2013...

anywho...not to get the none fun stuff dishes and stuff lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well "results" are in...
the good news is i dont have the proteins connected to teitzies syndrome...
the bad news is hes not sure what it is and we might need to do further figuring out-ness

the blood test showed loweres white blood cell count than woul be normal...
the ct scan showed inflamation of both the catrilidge AND the muscles of the rib cage/chest and spine...

the back issues are ongoing and ive been having back issues ince before GB surgery (so almost 2 1/2 years now sonce the back pain started) the rib/chest pain is new though)
hes thinking it COULD be some kind of auto immune issue given the white bloodcell count being wonky...but otherwise not sure.
he mentioned lupus, so ive got to go look that up (because i frequently get tingling in my fingers and they turn almost blue when i get stresse or cold, and i suffere from migranes)
ive heard of lupus but no idea what it actually is.
fibromyalgia was the other thing he brought up, but said typically ti doesnt display with inflamation of the cartilidge (an arthricit responce)...
but the only certain anwer he gave me was thathes not entirely sure and since the anti inflamitories seem to be helping (and would be the perscription for most of the autoimmune disorders out there...) we'll keep up with that and see how it goes.
i HATE not having a definitive answer... that done, for now we'll play it by ear.
then headed up to jackson, picked up block of wax to make my pinecone firestarters, and the bits i need to make the rest of bizzies christmas gift. njust waiting on the orer to come in from amazon with the rest of it...
I should have enough to make more which im hoping to sell...
lord knows i need the money this month, with chrustmas gift stuff done i have $20 left in my bank accout and ive still not got dad anything...
im probbaly going to need to ask fora bank of dad loan just to make sure ive got coverage till the end of the month...thankfully i had some amazon gift cards that covered much of the gifts....

oh well enough of that talk...

not much going o, itskinda cold today (especially compared to where the temperatures have been...) but hey, it IS december afterall, 4 more days till my brithday and to be not all too interested this year...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I know it's hard not getting a definitive answer, but I'm glad you're getting some relief from the anti-inflammatories.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well im putting some definate thought into letting little chino go to a new home...had someone asking about him and if id be willing to sell...
i need the money and i realy dont need 2 bucks and hes much too pretty to wether so im putting thought into it.
i figure if lilly and poppy are both pregnant and give me girls im planning on keeping at least 1 mabe 2 back... and id love to add either a couple of pure nigi girls or a couple of lamacha, so i wont need to keep any babies out of aspen. (and i shouldnt lol)

well see, im not totally decided yet lol.

in othernews...
it got cold :p ill take those 68 degree days back please!
and thats about it. everything iordered from amazon got shipped out, should have a package arriving tomorrow, one arriving thursday and another arriving this weekend (they shpped everything as it came in at no extra charge)
stevens gift is going straight to ct since it came from an independant seller (it was cheaper even with the seperate shipping charge)
so im hoping by monday i can have everything wrapped boxed and shipped off to la-familia, if i can get it out by monday it should arrive in time *fingers crossed* and since its ot big stuff it should fit in one of those flat rate boxes.

then next week ill focus on some little gifts for friends here, and stuff.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Makes sense to me. My theory is that when somebody offers me money for something - I think really hard about taking it. I have a neighbor that raises really nice horses. She had THE most beautiful stud colt that won every halter class that she put him in. He was absolutely gorgeous and as nearly perfect as you can get. When he was about 18 months old she turned down a $20,000 dollar offer for him. I swear in less than 4 months that horses' feet all started pointing in different directions and even after surgery at Texas A & M he never got right again. She gelded him and sold him for about $1500 dollars. So, the moral of that story is - if somebody offers me money for something that could die on me tomorrow (or get crooked feet) - I'm nearly always gonna take it!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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and i think i have to keep in mind my long term goals, im Not trying to be a goat farm or have any plans to set up a dairy...and with 2 bucks to breed to id be constantly tempted to keep back every pretty baby (because id have an unrelated buck to breed back to), with only 1 buck the temptation will be there but the logic will keep me in check because i wouldnt have a buck to beed them all back to and thus it would be a waste of time.

I have decided that i want to keep my goat herd under 10 goats total, but with money the way it is im thinking 6-7 goats is a better number.
right now ive got lilly, poppy and thinking daizy may even be a mini nubian as her feet made me think shes older than her size led me to belive, but we'll see...
im HOPING to get at least 1 spotted doeling out of the beedings to both lilly and poppy form the spotted nubian buck...if i get spots or partis atleast 1, mabe 2 does will be staying, that puts me at 4-5 girls...and id realy like a nigi doe or 2 to round out the group...6 does 1 buck breed 3 for spring and 3 for fall, that should be plenty of milk year round to drink and make some cheese and soap with on a smaller scale. if after a few years i find the soap and lotion takes off i can increase then...but untill then ive got to think about money in vs money out.
i also have to think about room too...ive only got 4 1/2 acres and i still would realy like to add some woolies (either alpaca llama or sheep) and some pigs. if dad doesnt move here even a couple of horses and some chickens and turkeys and more ducks and geese, plus room for growing ive got to keep the big picture in mind...
and the folks that are inteested in chino are only about an hour away, have been looking for a dehorned nigi for some time (theyve only been able to find horned slightly older kids in their pricerange) and they have mini horses for him to run around and terorize...

itll be hard to say goodbye to my little cappuchino though :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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looks like chinos going to a new home on saturday, gonna be hard but i know he'll be spoilt and i know its better for my long term goals.

this morning i noticed silver romantisizing blackberry, hoping for some baby buns soon, they need to start paying their way.
setting up the nest box for the linnies today and once chino goes home ill get the nest box for the parrotlets and set them up too, see if we can get some babies from those guys, and the duck are laying regularly, 3-4 eggs a day out of 5 hens right now...
just wondering if there going to stop and take 2 weeks off again after 1 week of laying LOL.

its cold today, we had frost and some ice on the buckets this morning and my hands felt like ice cubes by the time id done morning chores.
it amazes me though that the animals dont seem to remotly care (well the dogs do, but the livestock...)
i do need to fatten the geese up some though and would love some ideas, they get 2 cups of feed and 2 cups of cracked corn each evening,unlimited acess to the "orchard" (though admitedly most of the "grass" is not dry and brown) and i toss out fresh veggies every morning for them an the ducks...the ducks seem to be holding a good weight but the geese nee something extra...thoughts?

the buns are loving thier colonies at this point, there active and when i go over there they are round my feet for scritches and attention, they certianly LOOK happier, and the feet isues i was havig with bigwig from sitting in his litterbox are gone :)

not much else, today is cleaning day...the place looks like a little disaster zone right now, if i get all the cleaning i need to done then ill start on some sewing projects, primarily taking in my feety pajamas and sewing up dozers bed...again...
so yeah, going to go get that started i think.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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having an achey day so i ran a quick errand this morning then after i got back started working on gifts.
need to wrap pt1 of mums gift and pt1 of bizzies gift. pt2 of bizzies gift is one of todays crafts, ive cast some feathers in resin and attatched necklace bails to them, i did 1 blue guinea, 1 normal guinea and 1 macaw feather...1 will be for my sister, 1 will be for my friend lisa and 1 ill keep for myself as a display peice...IF they turn out well im hoping to start making and selling them in the new year. the guinea feathers are so beautiful with thier barrs and spots, and jack jack is always leaving me some pretty ones to play with...even the linnies and parrotlets are giving me plenty of tiny little feathers in green grey/blue, sky blue and bright yellow.
so lets hope they turn out. if so i think i could do quite well, and technically you can cast anything from flowers to shells to whatever...
the downside is it can take up to 72 hours to cure hence making sure to get them done today, i realy want to be able to ship out the package wiht the presents in on monday so it will hopefully get there ontime...
dads and stevens are already on their way to CT and my sisters going to intercept and wrap for me :)

just sitting for a few mins while i debate on what project is next...ive got a box and bucket full of pinecones im planning on turning into fire starters, have some wax and wicks to start that project with...and ive got 2 bird houses to make and some loom knitting to do.
right now im thinking wax project (the pinecone fire staters are nother project im hoping i can make to sell) willbe next this afternoon and i can dedicate tomorrow to some painting...well see.

either way, i like being productive :)
BUT it has made it very clear thatmy craft room is next on the list...i need to get the back bedroom painted and get a countertop built and some shelves up for my craft space...its kinda annoyingnot having the room to just sit and work. i also want to make a table on casters that will roll out from under the craft space for my sewing machine.
i cant just use a normal counter thoug as my cabinates are not deep enough so i need to get a peice of ply and make it myself...
part of me is thinking a sheet of ply and a peice of countertop laminate is probably the way to go...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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REALY random side note...

my name is Gemma, my date of birth is Dec 14th, and i was born in the weeee hours of the morning...

i have my own meteor shower...
every year, peeking in the wee hours of the morning of the 14th the GEMnids come streaking through...

cool huh?!
and no my parents did not name me for the shower, and i was supposed to be born on the 12th but i decide to wait a few more days....
how cool is that for timing?!

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