Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Where as my name means the bee, and I'm allergic to bees. Does that mean I'm allergic to myself?


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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:weee Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Gemma - happy birthday to you! :weee

Hope you have a wonderful day!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well esterday was kind of a blah day, i think im fighting a cold and then the school shooting in ct was not even 10 miles fomr my parents house, and i had friends who worked there...(thankfull all are ok, but i didnt hear from them until today) so needless to say.
today whent a little better.
started off kinda hard, Chino whent to his new home, realy nice people though and they fell in love the moment they saw him and emaile dme a few hours later to ay they were already madly in love with him lol.
then Aspen decided he didnt like to be "alone" and needed ot become super clingy. set up the dog house in the "barn" spent some timesat with him and the girls in the big field and no sooner did i head back to the house he was through the fence...
little monkey face has figured it out...he knows if he tries to go under the bottom line it zapps him...BUT if he jumps between the bottom and 2nd line it doesnt (no feet onthe ground means no grounding, no grounding means no little guy. anywho, after messing with it to the point of insanity i decided i need to add line #5 to the current set up and headed out to tractor supply to go pick up a reel of fence line.
bye bye money from chino lol. by the time i got that and uinsulators and put as in the car...yeah. but it was "farm money" and theres enough wire to do more than this project VERY easily (and all the wire can be reused when i move the fenceline again.

right now the plan is to bridge the aprox 12" gap between the lowest line and the next one up with a 5th line at 1/2 way between them. this should make jumping between the lines impossible without getting zapped. i may even lower the bottom line just alittle bit to ensure he cant get underit easily without getting a good zap.

IM sure once hes bonded to the girls he wont be in such a rush to jump through anyway, but untill then...add ot that the fact i will hopefully be getting some pigs come spring the 3 close lower lines will be beneficial for them too (snout height) and if aspen can get through the lines this way now...can you imagine the chaos if the babies learn how in the spring? so yeah would rather fix the issue before it becomes one.

so yeah, ran up to get those things, worked out cheaper by 50cents to buy just 1/4 mile rather then the 1/2 mile...odd becaue its usulaly cheaper to buy the bigger reel but nope, same stuff same guage...odd.
going to play with some measurment software this evening to find out exactly how much electric i will need to run to do the new acre plus the back of the property so i can start saving up and bringing in supplies bit at a time so when im ready i can just do it and not worry.
i also want a spool of barbed wire, going to put 3 strand barb and some no tresspassing/private property signs along the perimeter (just staple it into the trees, i cant afford full perimeter fence right now so i figure barbed should keep the human apect away and then the inner electric about 3ft away should then deter the rest.
aspen is shut in the barn with the girls tonight, (i set him up in there with his own little area but figue by sharing with the girls from night 1 he'll bond to them quicker...)
and since ive already eaten dinner, im going to go take a hot shower, put on my pj's and watch a movie with desert.

oh and for my brithday i got the food grinder attatchemnt for my kitchen aid mixer WOOT lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well added a line to the fence, hes still brave enough to challege it if its REALY worth it for him but hes been in with the girls for the past hour or so and seems a little more warey of the fence.
lilly is being the bitch i thought shed be...she thinks shes queen bee and is giving him some chase and some pushes...
poppy is MUCH gentler with him, shell stand with her head down and let him ush on her a little, its only if he starts his games (rearing) does she get "oh no you didnt" on his fuzzy ittle tuckus...
Daizyi think is going to be the one to realy accept him first, she wants to interact ith him more...though lilly is not liking THAT, aizy wil stand and theyll push on eachoth a little theyll even rear and"butt" and theres been some nuzzling with daizy...but then lilly decides she doesnt like that and will chase aspen then give daizy a little butt to let her know she didnt say he could play with the boys lol.
its interesting to watch the dynamics at pay but at the same time i just want to give Lilly a good headbutt an put HER in place lol.
I know the sooner they accept him into the herd and he bonds with them the LESS likely he is to test the fence/want out., overnights with him housed with them (i took the playpen i had up to seperate them down because he was just jumping out lol) seem to be going ok. i feed the girls on one sid and give him food in the dog house...he knows if he goes in there they cant get him from the side and they cant run at him (they can technically sqeeze in there, but theres not enough room for them to squeeze and manouver enough to push him/ram him ect. it only took daizy about 3 days to realy integrate so im hoping a few more days like today we'll be fine. untill i knwo hes not going to callange the fence though i have to put him in the small pen when im not home to supervise, odly he doesnt even try with that fence despite it being the same fence line setup...comfort of a familiar place mabe?

managed to get mum and sisters gifts off today, now to hope they get there on time, i couldnt afford to upgrade to the "better shipping" time (and my experiecne is the 2 tpes depist the $3 difference tend to travel the same speed anyway (and even she said they tend to get there at the same time) so itll be close...but *fingers crossed*

tomorrow ive got some projects to do, so itll be break out the paint, and mabe some round loom projects too.
wednesday ive got crazyness in the morning and a christmas party in the afternoon.
thursday ive got to head up to jackson, and i might go see what i can find with my birthday gift cards at macys...neve shopped at a macys before.
and friday is drs apt and a trip to lexington for some last minute stuff.
saturday and sunday finnish up the little gifts and help with a kitten train, monday make cranberry sauce and truffles for the christmass dinner with friends...and tuesday is christmas so the next week is going to be kinda nuts.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
havent been on in a while, and for that i apolgize, not much going on but i promise a real update later.
untill then wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy christmas!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Figured you were just busy w/everything going on at this time of year. It's been really quiet. Merry Christmas!


Jun 27, 2011
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Hope you had a Merry Christmas and that the storm isn't being too much of a pain for you!!!!!!


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
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Mojave Desert
Happy belated birthday! Wow! You have been busy! I'm so happy that you are accomplishing all of your goals.

Have a great 2013!


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