Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yay tractor! lol.

ive seen some realy cute ones. don't kno if ill do that or ust buy a stock tank and make that "pretty" (I can get a 50 gallon stock tank for less than 1/2 the price and it would hold ust as much water)
im thinking about mabe doing a stock tank and painting anything that would eb above the level of the raised bed in a bright color in that flexible krylon for plastics type paint... on the outside only of course)

lots of ideas but everything has to take a back seat because now im fighting a flea infestation! JOY.
no fleas on Binx whos outside most right now, haven't seen anything on dusty though the occasional scratch, but ruby was covered, shaved her dawn bathed her, made shure she was clear, but within 30mins of running round in the backyard she wa covered agai.
since the dogs and cats both have advantage on im betting the fleas from the pyr puppies have infested the backyard and while the advantage is still likely working its just not able to keep up with constant reinfestation. (advantage stocps fleas form biting pretty much as soon as they ump on a dog with it in their system...BUT it takes about 12 hours to kill em completely and they just wander around until then.

I use a produc called enforcer hosue spray, works wonderfully but guess who ran out last night. managed to spray their beds as a temporary stop gap, but now ive gotta dig into the dobie pup training fund to go buy a bottle of the house and a bottle of the yard spray.

im also thinking about getting a trio of silkies or bantie cochins to "free range" in the back yard...but worried there going to destroy my flower beds I put in..would be nice to have secondary flea and tick defence IN the backyard though...I could probably run a short chickenwire "fence" around the beds fairly easily and it wouldn't look too obtrusive how high do bantie silkies or cochins typically try to jump?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well, im not getting the tub.
I whent into town today to pick up flea stuff for the epic flea battle about to commence...and foud a little og running down the side of the highway. stopped pulled over opend my door and before I could get out...the dog jumped in. lol.
checked her over, she had a tag so into the tom tom and home she whent. when I got her home I found a frantic woman in a wheelchair by the gate calling the dogs name and the little girltried to jump out of my closed window to her person.
apparently she thinks a delivery man left the gate open and when she let the dog out to potty a truck passed spooked the dog and she bolted.
she was obviously well looked after and happy to be home.
woman offered me a "reward" but didn't have any cash, told her it was fine...she kept insisting I need something and I saw she had a little "pond" with a "for sale" sign by the driveway.
40 gallon tuff stuff trough, a pond pump with 2 light, (of the glass shades if broke but im going to try and fix it.) I ased her how uch she wanted for it and she told me to tae it...after another 5 mins of me saying I don't need a reward and her insisting her husband came out looked at me, picked up the tub and told me to unlock my car lol.
she then told me she had another tub in the back she wasn't using and could I put it to use...
I now have 2 40 gallon tuff stuff ruber troughs (about $35 a piece), 1 ive alreay set up as the pond...
the other I put in the pasture...the pigs immediately found it and started "discussing" who wa going to get to play in the pool first. LOL!

so from there I took the 2 pullies I bought for the lilly rig but never used back...the oneyr form that bought new chains for the old swing.
and enough left over for a water plant basket...see the pump is a standard pond pump but not a filter...I had an entire pad of cut your own filter media at home...I could MAKE a bio-filter...
form there off to home depot to take a look at some tile id seen online ot decide if that was "the one" for the kitchen figure out my numbers and knew I needed 15 12x12 mosaic tiles...
loked at it..very pretty but curiosity got the better of I took alook at the other stuff...
clearance rack, plain white gloss "subway" tile osaic sheets, $1 a oppoed to $5 for the one I had been looking at! 4 were missing a tile or chipped so I asked the dept manager and he said "those will be 1/2 price. took all 20 pieces, should be more than enough to do the kitchen backsplash AND have enough pieces to peel out the broken tile pieces and rpleace them with good pieces...the chipped tiles should e good for when I need to cut to fill in spots. $18 for the whole backsplash. I have a full small tub of premixed adhesive that should be plenty, and I have a tu of white grout mix that should make MORE than enough.
should I have spent the oney...NO...but this was origionally $14 a sheet subway mosaic and even their CHEAPEST tile would have cost about that per YOINK!
from there to tractor supply where I picked up the permethrin flea spray for the house and the going to war.

came home, first thigns first and the pond got set up lol...its so cute!
then I hung the swing...the swing faces the pond, itll look REALY nice when the flower bed is in and theres plants all around it :D

now im having a drink...
going to put the critters to bed in about 1/2 an hour that should ive me eough daylight to get the yard sprayed but not have to have the dogs out while I do it...

once that's done and while inners cooking I need to top up the of the "fun projects" for next onth is to start re-stocking. I had a flter go out (ive repaired it) but ended up loosing all but 1 angel fish and some guppies...

so projects for this week
tomorrow: clean house and flea treat every room clean the kitchen and clear as much stuff as possible that's on the countertops and doesn't need to be in the kitchen OUT.

Wednesday: Kitchen Backsplash!!! should be more than a 1 day project

Thursday: Id realy like to get the first coat of paint on the swing

Friday: probably chill day, mabe paint up some of the birdhouse gourds.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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You'll have to post some pics. Glad you were able to find the owner.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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WOW - talk about being in the right place at the right time and doing the right thing! Good begets good - and I'm so glad it worked out that way for you and the little lost dog. Can't wait for pics!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i know right.
as i told her, i was just doing what id HOPE anyone else would do in a similar situation had it been one of my dogs...she took thetime to put a tage witht he dogs ame and address on the dog, why not take the 5 mins to take her home.?! but unfortunately it seems that's not common around here. :/

last night sucked, managed to get the yard sprayed and stuff, but putting everyone to bed was a major issue, NOONE wanted to co-operate, the pups and lilly kept getting out of the pen, daizy and th epigs kept getting in, the pig were in the barn the goats were in the pig feed...i swear, was about ready to turn them all into sausage....
by theend i got the goats locked away but the pigs kept getting into the pen and th pups kept getting out so i said to hell withthat and left em.
everyone was still alive thi morning so all was good but still

and i found out from the septic guy that he cant give me a quote for a full system rpelacent like usda wants without having the health inspector out to draw up thefeild system, but since my county doesn't have its own health inspector they charge to come out and it would be $100 before he couldeven submit...WTF?! i don't have $100 plain and simple so ive got to call the usda lady and see what the heck the next step is.
his suggestion short of spending the $100 and possibly thousands of dollars...
have someone come pump the tank, then have someone with a trencher come in, dig out the broken pipe and trench a good 100ft straight back and replace broken pipe with a large corrugated irrigation pipe and call it good.
its not legal or code so usda wouldt let me put the cost in...but it would avoid a bunch of huge fees...*gah* *pulls out hair*

an then it s 4 am before i fimlly managed to fall asleep...i dunno what the hell is wrong with me.

and today starts battle of the fleas, it pyr puppies seem to have infested the backyard, which in turn infested ruby (despite flea control) which inturn has probably infested the whole house.

pspraying everything down with a high grade permethrin spray...*fingers crossed* bedroom is done, dogs bedding is in the wash.
next up...the living room, then lunch.


and ith this flea issue im thinkingabout some backyard chickens for IN the backyard...
need a breed that's not going to try jumping the 4ft fence, don't care if it layes well but broody would be a bonus if not...
and preferably a breed that's not gonna tear up the yard/flower beds every 3 seconds.

right now im thining any of the bantam cochins (though im told they tend to fly better thn the standards) silkies, or salmon favrolles.


Jun 27, 2011
Reaction score
You always have so much going on! So glad you could return the pup to her mom and what a plus to get the "ponds"!!! Will be interesting to see what comes of your septic issue. I hate dealing with the county or state offices!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
you might think a bit about ducks instead of chickens-- they will do a number on the bugs, but not quite so destructive of your plantings. And they make you laugh.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i have ducks, great for slugs and worms and such but they don't seem to do anything for the fleas and poor ruby has such an allergy that shes chewing herself up right now as I try and battle this issue.
a mild wet summer has meant flea population explosion...not so much ticks...but tiny annoying little fleas *YUCK*
the dogs have advantage on, and I haven't had ANY issues until this week, bathed ruby in dawn and killed everything on her, she whent outcame back incovered again so ive treated the yard, and am in the process of treating the house...but id still rather not use pesticides but DE does nothing for these mutant blood suckers!

I wish there was a flightless/jumpless guinea!
that would solve the problem! lol

war on the fleas has been in overdrive today, main bedroom done, dogs bedding drying, then thatll get sprayed with the permethrin too, then back intotheir crates oce dry.
Livingroom almost done, got a little bit of dusting to finish up and some "organizing"/removing objects that belong in other rooms but ive been to lazy to put in their right places...
back bedroom done, including litterboxes and birdcage cleaned... im on round 4 with the laundry. only problem with the little apartmet size machines, when you need to do blankets and towles and sheets b the mass, it takes 20,million loads lol. but its cheap t run realy water efficient and doesn't take up a lot of room, and most days its perfect as I don't have much laundry usually.

taking a drink break then gonna get the bathroom done, it takes me the least amount of time and yet its my least favorite room to clean lol.
then once that's done starting the kitchen. not only do I have to put dishes away/do more dishes, and geneally clean and spray...but I want to put some stuff into cabinates tempoerairly so everythigns out of the way so I can tile the backplash tomorrow.
m actually realy excited about that, but im a nut who actually kinda enjoys tiling lol.

s soon as the ittens go home im painting the back bedroom, and then...then Im thinking about what I need to do to get the bathroom done. but that might also be right around the time my dad wants to come visit, so thatll be a big help. ive no issues tiling, no issues painting but modifying the cabinates to make a vanity and plumbing the new sink and faucets in has me just a tad antsy lol. ive never done any plumbing before. lol.

but hopefully by Christmas ill have all the rooms pretty much done and ready for finishing touches :)

otherwise that's ALL im doing today, blitz-cleaning the house. Fun times.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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whew, it feels never ending! just got the kitchen to do...not sure if itll get done realy lagging behind right now.

in bad news...the lightbulbs on my fishtank just died...
in good news, they both whent within 5 mins of each other (I hate replacing one build to only have to replace the other 2 weeks down the line.

devil-fish will have to live in low light for a while,


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well the backsplash in the kitchen is tiled
now has to set for 24 hours before I can grout


this is just the area behind the cooker and shelves. I was origionally going to stop at the edge of the cooker...but I had JUST enough tile to finnish out all the way along behind the shelves too!
theres a few spots where I didn't get the lines perfectly straight.
I also want to get some black edger strip tile like I used for the detail on the new cabinate top and run that in that gab between the tile and the edge of the hood and all the way along on both walls to "top t off" it would then also match the cabinate top I made and the floor which is black and white checkerboard pattern.

im actually very proud of this job. and hoping once is grouted up and cleaned and sparkly and everythings back in place itll look realy nice.

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