Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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I cried tears of joy, im stil guardedshes still not out of the woods yet, but she WALKED.

I whent out to feed and told her "ok time for bed" then whent about getting everyone sorted befoe id have to carry her to the greenhouse to bed her down for the night...
got everyone sorted came back up the hil and told her "ok lillyputt" and she stood up...not ust up on the back end and knees on the front, but stood, all 4 feet, ON HE OWN, no support, no help, she swayed a little but she stood...
so I caed her and she moved her head around...
I think she can see shadows/blurry shapes...
so I called her again and she took a tentative wobbly step towards I encouraged her told her shes a goo girl so come gt supper, and slowly she WALKED (ok limped) across the backyard, a good 20ft. she stopped about 3 ft infront of the greenhouse and I pet her neck and told her she was a good girl and put the bowl of food neer her and she walked a litte more so I used that to lure her in. once on her straw I put the food down and she got comfy and chowed down.

I CRIED a little. gave her her penicillin shot and get her a good dose of scritches!

shes fairly steady on her left front leg but her right is very obviously achey and sore at the joint, she kind of keeps it a little bent and holds it up and ways it back ad forth a little and is very tentative about putting it down and maintaining weight. it must be tender to touc too as she doesn't like me messing neer the oit and it crackles so im betting its seized up and swollen..the more she uses it the easier ill get but shes got a long path yet...

but my god, thank whatever diety is looking out for her and thanks for making us both super stubborn.
Im realy hoping that the penicillin ad the thiamine treatments will help her eyesight come back...and put her on the other side of this even stronger than ever.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
OMG that is so Wonderful! I hope this means a big turnaround for Lily, she has been through so much in the last month.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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That's great! Hopefully, she'll be OK. :ya :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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progress is slow...but its progress, shes up and about more now, though still laying around a lot I know it takes a lot out of her. shes sheding her coat something wicked but I oticed last night shes got nice soft shiney hair on her neck and coming in along the spine which is *YAY!* and shes more talkative now, more like her normal self.
still no improvement in the eyes...but everything im reading says depending on what this is itcould take weeks to strt to show any improvement there.
but yes, improvement.

ive got a baby duck in the uncubator and another egg pipped, Im not xpecing a good hatch out of the 12 that are in...mostly because I got lax o water and the humidity dropped o me last week without me realizing it...if I get 6 out of 12 though id be REALY happy as ive got someone who wants 6 ducklings.
planning on setting another batch ASAP so ive hopefully got babies to sell at next months swap meet. need to make enough money to order some more duckies, im starting to get interest from frineds for buying eggs to eat, and theres some interest in hatching eggs too. just not yet sure if I want more runners or if I whant khakis.
and I want to make them their own pen out in the main pasture before getting more. there just too active for my lazy geese. the geese will stay in the orchard/backyard area where they are now and ill get some more in the spring. but ducklings I want more of in eary fall so they start lying by spring. so adding that to the project lidst.
next up is quail cages which is next weeks proect, ive got everything I need ot build the cages, need to buy some t-posts to raise them off ground like I did with the rabbits, and some tarps to cover like I have with the buns. but everything else I have already.

once that done ill start on working on moving the ducks, need to plan pen placement so I can easily fill up water without hauling buckets...

otherwise everythings going as normal here on the homestead...its been hot and HUMID yesterday and today is proving no different so ive got the ac on and am doing more insidy type stuff...least I should be but im having motivational issues lol.
I should realy get back to makgn the house a little less disaster-zone-ish.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well...its HOT, a feels like of 106 and muggy.
but i managed to cross a couple things off the to do list.

got my deppo the nurse was awesome...the usual "your gonna feel a pinch" with the deppo usually turns into "lets have dart practice on her butt" its given deep muscular and i swear most of those ive had in the past stand 5 ft away and throw...
but barely even felt a pinch with this nurse so YAY!.
now just gotta hope it kicks in pretty quick and we go back to where i was before idiot dr took me off the damned stuff....the risk is that while it worked for me last time now ive been off it a few months theres no guarantee itll work the same crossed.
i mean heck ive been wondering why iebeen tired lately despite b12shots...
then when you think about it,anyoen bleeding for about 4 onths straight (ive had 2-3days off per month) is gonna be a little worn out.
would be real nice to get the energy back and to not be in constant pain...

from there came home managed to tae weights, tattoo and nail clip all 8 baby rex. 1 is staying, and allbut 2 boys are spoken for. the 2 boys may end up in the freezer, they've got another 4-6 weeks before they would be large enough.

once that was done i started the angora harvest lol
did fiver first, the male English angora, i hand plucked/combed him, took forever but was pretty easy. nd got a little over 1oz pretty painlessly.
then did primrose the satin female, i clipped/scissored here, much quicker but i was so worried about cutting her that it was stressfull for both of a little over 1oz...
given i got about he sae amount of wool both ways im going to skip the stress and comb/hand pluck from now on. it takes longer but seems to be less stressfull for me AND the bunny.
still have clover the English girl to do, but its just too hot and muggy right now,i had fur stuck everywhere because i was sweating.
also still have to do all the rst of the bunnies nails...its on the "tomorrow" list.

got a bunch of stuff i should be doing in the house...
but energy level go crash right now, im thinking im gonna have an early dinner me eat befor the critters for once?! lol


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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So glad Lilly is making progress - in this heat that's almost miraculous!

I can't even imagine flying bunny hair and hot sticky weather. You are a brave soul to tackle that, lol.

Crazy hot here too - we've been under a heat advisory all week. Hang in there and keep up the good work with Lilly!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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her progressis amazing, shes still cant see but the eye are efinitivily ulcerated and not clouded which means its some kind of infection and not early onset cataracts, as long as the scarying isn't toobad she should get back at least some vision as the ulcers go away. its likey pink eye caused by chlamidyosis which she probably picked up from the barn when she couldt get up properly (or from hay that got wet that i didn't catch)
but shes up, shes walking around much more comfortably, the limp is getting better as shes using the leg more the joint is becoming looser for her, her condition is coming nack and shes getting aroud the back yard quite comfortably right now (and I had to fence off all my flowers along the back deck cause she was epng herself to my climbing roses...*rolls eyes* they must be able to smell that stuff form 3 miles away cause she sure as hell cant see well lol.
today was day 5 of pen-g and thiamine, so as of tomorrow shell go to a once daily pen-g/thiamine regime for a week, by then we should be seeing improvement in theyes to if its pink eye and im hoping by the end of next week shell be well enough togo back into the pasture with her herd they all come any lay by the fence in the evening for about an hour before bed and she lays with them on the other side of the fence so I know she wants to be with them but I don't want her getting tangled in the electric if she cant see or getting lost or inured because shes not all that stable yet...

I gave up on the 11 other duck eggs in the incubator...they've been in 34 1 little duck from that hatch, called her Uno and assuming my sexing skils are still ok and she remais a she she will stay
set 48 more eggs tonight (fingers crossed) on a better hatch this time.
I realy need to start bringing in some money, with lilies med expenses ive got $20 to last me to the end of the month right now an that's going to have to go in the gas tank.

im going to start focusing on some crafts, got some birdhouse gourds there to finnish cleaning and get painted, a couple of pre-fab bird houses to get painted up too.
figure they might be a good way to bring in some cash over the fall season (nice holiday gifts)

ive also got a perfectly good kidney id be willing to part with :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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why is it that when you don't have the moneyyou find the thing you've been looking for at the priceyou were hoping...
found someone with alpaca, and she offered me a starter herd of 2f,1m all unrelated for $600...
where he heck am I gonna come up with $600 (+ another $200 to put up a run in shelter for them lol)

oh well, if its mean tot be ill magically find the money laying in the driveway or something LOL!

in GREAT news, every day lilly is looking better and better, shes now actually walking, the limp on the front leg seems to have gone, shes still not as stable as I want before putting her back in with the herd, but that's just a case of nutrition and excersize to build those muscles back up.

oh well, nothing else realy going o around here, heading to a frineds this afternoon, was hoping to get some pool time in but I don't think the weather isgoing to so-operate on that front.

suppsed to have bunnies going home this weekend, but haven't heard form ether of the buyers (both put down deposits so...)

next week I get started on the quail cages

im making plans for the rabbitry.
thinking im going to expand the angora a little, add 2 pure meat does to the rex colony pen (their babies would be strictly for meat since the rex seem to sell well enough to ot give me a steady supply)
and id realy like to get my hands on an English lop doe to make keeping Thistle my e-lop buck more...worthwhile right now hes more of a pet and I realy cant afford him as a pet lol.
also need enough room to keep back some F1 Rex x lop crosses both mini and large.

im going to be taking apart the 4 bank huches, planning to salvage the wood and such to make some movable grow out pens for the meat buns, the 2 bank is going to get turned into an outside brooder for the quail. so sorting, dismantling and moving those are on the list for this month. I think ive decided to put my new duck pen on the other side of the oak tree that shadng the rabbitry. i can even save wire by using 1 wll of the rabbitry for the duck pen. shoud be close enough to get the hose pipe to for water, nicely shaded and plenty of weds and tall grass under there for them to nibble on and hide in. its also going to be next to the vegatale gardens which means i should be able to let them run through that area during the day from harvest through spring planting.

and its that time of year that its time to start thinking about my fa fruit tree/plant purchases.
ive got a couple trees that i orered that didn't make it, so will need to replace them, plus need more beries lol.

got a feeling fal is going to keep me on my toes.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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I know my introvert firneds will get this...
not tired...but too much "LIFE" kind of exhausted.
pt few days ive made effort to be social, whent to a mall pool party one day and dinner with frineds the nxt...these are people I know well feel comfortable around ect...
today I whent to E's and groomed her dog (more so I could try out her AGC clippers LOL!)
got home and OMG im completely whipped out.
need to recharge the introvert batteries and replenish the anxiety shields before I doanything else requiing more than 5 mins of human contact.
got 3 bunnies going home tomorrow, but after that I don't think I need to do any human interaction until the weekend.

ts hot and humid around here....cant realy complain given weve realy had a mild summer overall, but still theres outside stuff I want to get done...and this isn't helpful lol.

still need ot groom Clover my other angora doe...

and build quail cages, will need a roll of wire for the floor and some t-posts and a tarp to get those done

ive got the new duck pen area planned so that's part of next months project. need fencing and t-posts.
gonna make a very simple 3 sided structure for them to take shelter and nest down in. mabe put a few opentop barrels in too as alternate nesting sites. ill move one of the kiddie pols in, and im going to rig up a gravity watering system so they've always got fresh drinking water too since they make a mess of the pool so quickly.

sooo tired though.

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