Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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@Deb, that's what I said...I would have been stupid to sell her a PREGNANT bunny for what she paid...I would have been even more stupid to sell the worlds youngest heavily pregnant bunny (he would have had to have bred at like 3 weeks old to be as "heavily pregnant" as she claims) and even MORE stupid to sell the worlds first pregnant male rabbit lol...

I offered her a return/refund, explained its not something I typically do as she did hold and handle the rabbits and seemed perfectly happy and took them home (if she was truly unhappy or concerned with condition, why take them home?) but I would meet her today, or tomorrow (cut off tomorrow night) to return the bunnies and give her a full refund...

she has refused the offer...will be "keeping the bunnies" and "reporting" me for animal cruelty...*shakes head*
oh and I "will stop contacting me about this" (she demanded in her email yesterday that I contact her and make things right)
ive got a feeling she wanted to keep the bunnies AND get a refund...
shame, she seemed so nice, but I guess the pristine white Mercedes with its top grade interior should have set off some bells lol.

I mean seriously?! WHY take hom an animal you don't think looks healthy?! WTF lady?!
whatever...if I ge AC knocking on my door ive got nothing to hide, we are legal, we are ina right to farm state, I double checked the town code last night in terms of livestock/number of animals/ect...i know my animals are well tended and healthy...
ugh, people!


heres Bubble and Squeek...
they are still pretty freeked out, but they like to eat so ill win them over lol.
dads extatic, hes always wanted pigs!



Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well the good news is our local Animal Control Officer seems nice...

the bad news is crazy rabbit buyer did indeed file a complaint (and must have taken a picture of my license plate for him to find me)
I showed him around and he seemed quite happy (even asked if he found stray goats if wed be willing to take them/foster them, he apparently picked up 2 last week and wanted to know if they were ours)
only think he said was about shelter for the rabbits during the winter, so im going to have to get a little more creative than tarps
he talked about taking them into the barn for the winter, (moving those cages would be a bitch) so im going to see about getting creative with the canopies, mabe cheap plywood, or the ridged foam insulation for walls ect...
but gotta get on it because ive no doubt he'll be back to check up before the weather turns...
he also mentioned the ducks and geese need a bigger shelter so gota get to work on that too...

ya know...when it rains it pours....

I told him I knew exactly who reported me, explained the situation (the 9 week old pregnant male rabbit and extremely malnourished brother) he saw my buns and the babies and said they probably eat better than he does, I even had him get his hands on a few and hisresponce was Wow...
my response was (after hed mentioned meat) "yeah...its not worth eating skinny rabbits" and he laughed...

but still, on that radar now and were just a little short on land for the right to farm technically we are residential which means were a little more scrutinized, said if wed got 6-7 acres hed have torn it up and tossed it out...but because were just about 5 acres he has to investigate complaints as residential...

we chatted for a while, I apologized for him having to waste his time and he said it was ok and nice to be able to come to a place and not have to hand out citations...but still. UGH! seriously!


now ive realy got to get things in tippy toppy shape around here....barn needs cleaning, rabbitry needs winterizing and the geese need their shelter building...
*shakes head* Stupid people...
miss TN...least stupid people there pretty much kept their opinions to themselves...

he asked if the lady was local and I said no she lives about a hour away...then he goes "and ill bet she was driving some fancy car huh?!" I said as a maer of fact a very fancy looking white Mercedes with white leather seats, you know...those cars you don't even want to breath on" and he nodded his head knowingly, "city slickers"

im REALY frustrated right now...and to top it the same breath I ge an email from a previous bunny buyer asking me if I had any more babies because her frineds are all so inlove with her rabbit they all want one!

but also all he more reason to think down the bunny stock some.
ive no interest in dealing with stupid people anymore so need to thin out and minimize sales...focus on my rex.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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I just...I now 150% on edge, ive been fighting an anxiety attack since he got out of his truck (im actually pretty dang impressed I kept it together while he was here) its not that I know im doing anything wrong, infact im sure im not, and yet in the pit of my stomach is this yucky churning, I feel shakey and upset and im trying to focus on breathing but its definatly bordering an anxiety attack...I hate tha response.

were now under scrutiny...
im probably just being paranoid now because that's who I am...
I mean what kind of ACO officer asks a farm who he thinks might be cruel to animals if wed be interested in fostering goats if he picked any up...
he even offered when mum asked about getting rid of our brush that if we can get it to his property (he has a 150 acre farm) hed happily burn it for us...I mean people don't do that if they are planning on handing you citations an dfees and coming back to take your animals...right?!

stupid woman...

ive got pretty much all but the rex listed for sale right now because I DONT want to feed everyone over winter...but still this puts pressure on...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I think you're gonna be ok with the officer. He would NEVER ask you to foster an animal if he didn't think you were competent and well set up. If he did - it would put HIS job in jeopardy, ya know?

I think if anything you've proven that you are a conscientious and caring animal owner and you'll probably never have this issue again. Just gotta figure that some people, like that woman, are ignorant - and you just can't fix ignorant....


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Oh, and one more thing.....when do geese need a shelter? My geese live for the worst, wettest, windiest, coldest weather ever and they're out playing in it!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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exactly, he mentioned about if we need a sweater the rabbits need some kind of cover, and I WANED to say...but they are wearing a permanent rabbit fur coat...
in TN I couldn't have PAID my geese to use their shelter and I had a frined in upstate NY with a goose who brooded outside during a snowstorm, all youd see was her head pop out of the mound of snow around her, she hatched 6 healthy goslings and was an amazing momma...
BUT...apparently law says they must be provided with "adequate shelter" and that's apparently open to intepritation but generally means at minimum a 3 sided shelter with a roof large enough for all animals in the enclosure to stand up turn around lay down withouth being in eachothers personal ducks hwoever like to slep ono of eachother...*shakes head*

I figure a 4x4x8 box should be plenty, stuff it nice and full of straw and I think hell be fine with that...
he seemed more concerned about the buns who "if we need 2 do they" lmao...
he repeatedly mentioned moving hem into the barn, but I don't like that thought, its dusty in there (no matter how much you clean a barn is dusty) and theres not a lot of natural light in there...
so dad thinks we can make faux walls out of sheet insulation and stucco, make it in panels so they can be taken own in the nice weather and stored...if we do that and deep bed in straw under the cages and hang some heat lamps mabe...I figure that should help...we could probably put some of that reflective heat barrier in the ceiling too to keep the heat in...

I could probably even set up a small rocket stove in there in the back away from the straw and such if I had to...but well see...

I just panic so much...its silly I know...but Im so afraid of loosing everything or being sued to high heaven...or whatever...ive given up a lot to come here and now to have just enforces that I realy just want to "go home" and I hate that because I know I have ti goo here...I do...realy...but...yeah.
stupid anxiety...stupid rules.

in order for us to get "off the radar" and be a farm, because we are just 5 acres wed need to find a way to make 50,000 a year off the "farm" to be covered by the right to farm act.
farms over 5 acres only have to make 2,500 a year...WTF? 2500 a year I coul probably figure out...but 50,000 that's over $1000 a week in product off the the hell do you make $1000 a week on less than 5 acres?! id need to grow mass amounts of pot or something (which is not legal here lol)

we need to see if the neighbor will sell us an acre or 2 lol. 1 acre would put us good 1 1/2 acre would give us a nice little buffer lol.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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oh pinkfox, I'm so sorry you've had to deal with that. i agree with frustratedearthmother you have probably seen the last of the animal control officer unless he brings you a goat. i was a nurse for over a quarter of a century and trust me you can't cure stupid. that woman needs help


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks goatgurl! it helps when people talk sense into me lol.

I think he will be back, but im hoping is just once to make sure I make the "winter prep" for the ducks/geese and bunnies...I do think hell check...
but im definatly going to have dad call him and talk to him about his offer on the brush...mabe if him and dad get friendly...its always good to be firneds with ACO lol.