Crazy Cat Lady
Well,reinbeau said:Where did I say that anyone should or should not be here?
OK, sorry, perhaps I misunderstood. It sounded like you were saying that IF you are on this forum THEN you shouldn't <espouse certain political ideas>.reinbeau said:if you're on a self-sufficiency forum you really shouldn't be looking for anyone to take care of you.
(Well actually that *is* what you said, but, perhaps you meant something else, like "how surprising it is to me that..." or something.) In which case I apologize.
Just to clarify, I was actually referring toI think what I posted was fairly simple to understand. I don't see the desire for bigger and bigger government at all compatible with self sufficiency. And I frankly can't understand anyone who thinks otherwise.I will repeat what I said before -- honestly Reinbeau I have no idea what your reply at the time was supposed to mean, sorry <snip>
from a few pages ago on this thread.reinbeau said:And then there are those who make more complexity with their very existencepatandchickens said:Just goes to show, life is full of suprises and often more complex than one expectsreinbeau said:I will say I'm surprised to read what I have hear in a self-sufficiency forum.Pat
Oh c'mon, can't a person raise an eyebrow at the way things have gone? Obviously if I was going to complain about your actions as moderator, I would have done so and you would know about itNow, if you think my moderation duties negate my ability to post, then please tell Rob and I'll remove myself as moderator. In the meantime I will continue to politely voice my opinions as I see fit.

Isn't it possible for there to be a level of interaction *between* just sitting back being told that if I'm on this forum I shouldn't hold certain political positions, and going and complaining to Mommy?

I would hope so.
Peace, I hope,