I second the idea of meeting at a neutral location, if possible. We did that when selling 2 cars, meeting the buyer down the road at a gas station, & others have done the same with us. Can't be too careful now'days. :/
Well, I don't know if we can meet at a neutral location. I mean, the people at the gas station might look at us kinda funny. :/ But DH will be home. I do want to get one of those motion detector cameras....
People seem scared of my dogs....most people do not have dogs running around in their yards around here. Unless they have a farm and even then most people keep their dogs indoors unless they are hunting hounds, which are usually tied.
I've had people ask me how I manage to keep the dogs from coming down by the fence adjacent to the road. They can't see that the dogs are wearing collars with receivers on them, so they can't know they are contained by the electric fencing.
I like the fact that people think these dogs may be dangerous and that they can patrol the whole area. I've never had anyone bother me or steal anything where I live but I do live right by a busy highway and I'm a single woman alone.
These are not typical LGD breeds, just Free to a Good Home mutts. It doesn't have to be expensive to have good guard dogs....just something large that barks at strangers seems to work.
I can't wait until these free Newfie mix pups get their full growth! No one would dare bother me after seeing them.....they don't have to know that this breed is most well known for it's sweetness and non-aggressive temperament.
Dogs are dual purpose protection, like guns. You can have a pet and protection with dogs. With guns you can have protection and a way to procure food.
If you do get a dog, you can train them to not bark too much. All I have to do is open my back door and shout, "Shut up and get in yer house!!!!!".....does the trick. Sometimes all I have to do is turn on the outside light and it stops the noise.
Bee your Newfies are going to be fabulous when they get older. They have you for a Mom, very experienced in handling and training farm Critters.
When I finally get to move to a new place I am definitely getting two more dogs. Outside farm dogs. My Rottie sleeps next to my bed. All well and good to protect me but how about the rest of the place???
We have five dogs and people do not mess with us and we don't have a problem with barking, they sleep inside, but nobody knows when we might let them out. Dogs can be trained to not bark.
I do not agree with Boogity's suggestion of taking a photo of their license plate in front of them. Personally, if I pulled up to purchase something from someone in my vehicle and saw them photographing the license plate of my car, it would not set a good tone for a friendly visit and positive sale. As an honest and trustworthy person myself, I would not feel like having anything further to do with that person so while that tactic might scare away crooks, it could also deter sales since there is an element of trust on both sides when you are trying to sell something. That would feel the same to me as examining the bills to make sure they were not counterfeit in front of me. Taking a photo secretly is a great idea though.
If you are really that afraid of crooks don't have people meet you at your house. When we have sold small livestock we have usually met at a mutually convenient location because our home isn't in a convenient location and I liked that much better. It seems to help clinch the sale.
I need to poke my head in here and point out that, in general, dogs are NOT good protectors. Although they ARE excellent deterrants!
I have experience in training personal protection dogs and some experience in police K9's. Getting a dog to engage, and continue after it recieves opposition (gets threatened or hit) is not so easy. It takes a VERY special dog and a lot of training.
So YES, get/keep the big dog - particularly the black dogs. I agree with having them run in invisible fence.
You can be even more tricky by having an invisible fence system for each dog and have them overlap. If someone watches carefully, they'll figure out the regular square/property line invisible fence. But irregular shapes, overlapping with one dog per area is the way to go.
Here is an article from a company I used to work for. Go down to "Proper Deployment of Dogs"
Most electric fencing systems can overlap but you cannot run the transmitter/receivers on opposite frequencies, so both dogs would be able to be in all of both areas~defeating the purpose of the overlap.
I know my dogs wouldn't engage a trespasser...probably wag most folks to death. I wouldn't want them to do so....sets me up for a lawsuit~thief or not.
These electric fences are not the be all, end all to canine containment....I imagine my dogs would cross in a heart beat to confront a stray dog or predator. In fact, I know they would because they have done it in the past.
I don't rely on my dogs for personal protection but I think their presence deters the need for it, in most cases. For personal protection I would either use my gun or I wouldn't, depends on the situation.
I wouldn't keep a dog that attacked humans without a specific command to do so.