Protecting Our Property


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I used to work at an urgent care clinic and the worst bites I've seen were from small dogs...usually terriers of some kind. I've seen some pretty serious damage done to hands and children's faces from small dogs.

People think small dogs are fine with small children, can't do much damage, right? Wrong...oh, so wrong!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 3, 2010
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Zebulon, NC
I was a pet-sitter for 2 years, plus worked in 2 animal hospitals & 2 humane societies...I've been bitten 3 times: cocker spaniel, maltese, & lhasa apso (still have a scar on my hand from that one). :/ Beware of small dogs!!


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
Small dogs are better guard dogs in the home all around. Years ago I saw a program where criminals were interviewed about what type of dog deterred them more. They all said the little yappy dogs. They are hard to catch, they bark a lot and they bite.

We have beware of dog signs all over the place, but I cannot imagine our dog actually biting anyone on purpose. She does let us know, when someone is in the yard, who is not suppoed to be there.

Our front yard is fairly open and the other night someone stole our recycling :/ They left the large bin in the driveway.
We also think someone let the air out of the tires of SO's truck. A neighbor was over and notice that the tires were low. When they checked the tires, they were ALL at 20 lbs!!! We immediately suspect a former "friend", who is knowledgable about vehicles and is likely to be vindictive (one of the reasons he is a "former" friend)

I keep telling SO we NEED to put a gate across the driveway. We have the gate, it just needs to have a post installed. Considering SO is the paranoid one, you would think he would jump on getting this done.

I am just sick and tired of people walking up to our back door and hollering for us, or coming into the backyard. I want them to have to ring a door bell, before they get that far!!! And guess what, if we don't answer...go away!!!!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I used to know someone who owned a Great Dane. If that dog stood on it's hind legs, it would scare people just because of it's size.

And, I used to own a black Cocker, Ebony. (I still miss her.) She was not much on barking, but when she did, if you didn't know what kind of dog I had, you'd think she was much bigger! She didn't sound like a smaller dog. She was one of those dogs that people just couldn't help respond to. I only ever once saw someone not smile. You would think that she wasn't much for protection, but you'd be wrong. One day, the neighbor asked what she'd do if I was attacked. I didn't have a clue, so he acted like he was going to hurt me. She threw herself against my legs, and turned snarling at him.

When my hubby and I got married, she went w/me. One day, he brought me home a kitten. From the getgo, that was her cat. If you messed w/Smokey, you had to answer to Ebony. The neighbors had a Rottweiler. I couldn't stand that dog! It was always in our yard. It even came up on our porch once and peed on my hubby's shirt and lunch box that he had just put down. The neighbor was standing right there, and never said a thing. :somad One day, the Rotty came into our yard, and started to chase Smokey. Next thing you knew, there was a black streak running across the yard. Ebony chased the Rotty out of our yard, back where it belong!