Punkins' world....SUNSHINE, seeds and no more drought!


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
The past 3-4 days have been a blur. I'm working on 8 gallons of Icicle Pickles (tonight they go in jars), freezing 1-2 gallons of tomatoes just about every day and trying to find something to do with all these zucchini.

Last night, we had spaghetti. So, I grated a zucchini and put it in the sauce. Josh (DS's friend who eats nothing green) asked me what I chopped up in it. If the pieces were big enough, he picked them out. :/ I've got a zucchini relish recipe that I will probably do to help use it up.

I don't know why every year I insist on having at least 4 zucchini plants. (Maybe if 3 die). And I have 5 cayenne pepper plants. Those plants produce like crazy. I have about a gallon of peppers on my bar right now. :barnie Next year, 2 zucchini plants and 1 pepper plant.

I also got an email today about my 25th high school reunion. I've been out of high school for 25 years? :old DH and I were in the same class. I asked him to our senior prom and we have been together ever since. He's not much for stuff like that, so I don't know if we will go or not. The truth is, there's no one that I really want to see. I do have my 4 best girls that I see and keep in touch with. I think most of the people who will be there were the "snobs". You know, Most Likely to Succeed, Most Popular or Club Sweetheart. Maybe I'll go to see how many times they've been in rehab, how bald they are or how much weight they've gained. (insert devil smiley)

At Goodwill, I found 2 Revere Ware Copper Bottom saucepans for $5. They are in excellent condition. They actually look better than mine that I've had for 20 years. I also got a crockpot for $4 and a nice plastic tote for $.79.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
punkin said:
I also got an email today about my 25th high school reunion. I've been out of high school for 25 years? :old
:gig :gig :gig YOUNGSTER! ;)

punkin said:
Last night, we had spaghetti. So, I grated a zucchini and put it in the sauce. Josh (DS's friend who eats nothing green) asked me what I chopped up in it. If the pieces were big enough, he picked them out. I've got a zucchini relish recipe that I will probably do to help use it up.
My ds would never eat onions, so I used to whip them up in the blender and put the onion juice in almost everything. That might work with the zucchini....

punkin said:
At Goodwill, I found 2 Revere Ware Copper Bottom saucepans for $5. They are in excellent condition. They actually look better than mine that I've had for 20 years. I also got a crockpot for $4 and a nice plastic tote for $.79.
:thumbsup Great deals! I love the old Revere Ware Copper Bottom cookware; mine is almost 35 years old now and still going great.


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
Farmfresh said:
Punkin I finally got started on your pickle recipe. I am excited! :weee
Let me know how they turn out and how you like them. I just finished 24 1/2 qts. of them last night.


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
What a nice breath of fresh air we've had for the past 2 days. The high is in the upper 70s and lows in the upper 50s. That's a full 20 below what we usually have for temps in mid-July.

Saturday night, DS came in 3rd in his Pro-ATV race. That was OK, though. He still got 100% payback. :cool: One of his friends had a bad wreck. Thank God he's OK.

Sunday, I peeled and cored 2 more gallons of tomatoes. I'll probably have another couple of gallons by Wednesday.
Today I have canned 12 1/2 pints of Zucchini Relish. I'm ready for DH to put the shelves up in the canning/coat closet. I have 3 cases of canned goods sitting in the floor, ready to be put up.

I hung out 2 loads of laundry. I walked outside and found one line laying on the deck. It broke. It will have to be replaced this time. I've tied it together too many times before. :rolleyes:

DS's best friends are at camp this week. The house will be a little less full and 2 seats at the supper table will be empty. :(


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
I am glad someone is enjoying there weather. It is hot as Hades here :somad

I have been dragging the hose over to the chicken run every few hours to spray the area down. I hope we cool off a bit.

Your boy must be lonely without his friends around, I know mine always get a bit mopey when their buds are not available.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
You sure have been busy canning, punkin! Isn't this a strange summer weather wise?! We are fluctuating between 50 and 85 on a daily basis!


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
Had a very busy morning. I started yesterday trying to find some blackberries to buy. We don't have enough around here to pick, plus I hate picking them. Got in touch with a guy who had his last 5 gal. for sale @ $10 per gal. Bought them all. They are great lookin' berries.

Now, we found this guy through a local mom & pop hardware store owner. He has the neatest things in his little store. I bought a Foley Food Mill, cheesecloth, canning salt and DH bought a metal sign with a thermometer in it. It was a little overpriced, but it's the kind of person you want to have as a contact. He seemed to know how to get just about anything or know someone who does. He said he also sells Bonnie (too high priced IMO) vegetable plants. I'm thinking I might could sell him some of mine (local grown) for him to resale.

I started canning them last night and did 8 1/2 qts. Finished up this morning with another 5 qts. Plus, enough to make a cobbler with tonight.

I also did 2 1/2 qts of tomato juice for my dad.

We got just a little teeny bit of rain this morning. I'll have to start watering the garden again.

I had a couple of friends stop by that are getting ready to go to Florida on vacation. I loaded them up with tomatoes, okra and a few canned items to take with them. They have concord grapes and said they would call when they come in. :weee They have them by the bucketfulls. We are running low on grape jelly.

I want to find several bushels of peaches at a decent price so I can can some of them. I also want to make more freezer peach jam.

The rest of the day I may spend organizing. And I gotta get DH to bring home some shelving board for my canning closet. Too much is stacked in the floor already. :rolleyes:

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