Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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hennypenny9 said:
Good grief. I'm 22! I'm not married, and no kids. But I have a job, and am living on my own.
You're far more mature than alot of people your age now days. ;)

My niece will learn. One of these days she'll look back and realize how much energy she wasted on being lazy, and she'll regret it. By then it will be too late.

My energies are being spent on my family. The economy is tanking, so I'm only going to worry about the ones in my home...that's it!


Lovin' The Homestead
May 10, 2009
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Lochbuie, CO
I hear you. I'm trying to break my own cycle of laziness. The hardest part is getting away from the computer. :caf I'm trying to do a little every day. Laziness is a hard habit to break. DH and I were just talking this morning about how the days of not doing anything on the weekend are over. We just don't have the time anymore.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Aidenbaby said:
I hear you. I'm trying to break my own cycle of laziness. The hardest part is getting away from the computer. :caf I'm trying to do a little every day. Laziness is a hard habit to break. DH and I were just talking this morning about how the days of not doing anything on the weekend are over. We just don't have the time anymore.
I've found it's not so hard to be away from the computer anymore. I used to want to be online from morning to dark. Now I give myself a time limit, or I at least try to.

I have found that the more chores I have around the place, the less time I have for the computer. I keep adding animals the way I've been, soon I'll never get to be online because I'll be feeding/watering/cleaning pens from daylight to dark! :lol:

Oh I don't think I told ya'll, I got my raised bed planted!! I wanted to make the most of the space, so I have califlower, broccoli, and carrots planted in my raised bed.

I put my cabbage in the ground, and my dern chickens found them! I only have 2 cabbage plants left.

Still have some things to plant, but I'm glad I haven't planted to much yet. Our potatoes were doing great, but we had a surprise frost last night and we lost several potato plants. Not sure if we'll get many potatoes this year as a result. :(

Our strawberries are doing wonderfully!! Now if we can keep the chickens out of them....and we just planted our sunflowers..


Lovin' The Homestead
May 10, 2009
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Lochbuie, CO
Quail, I like your thinking. That is what I'll tell DH will help me break my internet addiction. :celebrate Hmm... What critters do I want next? Rabbits? The neighbors won't even notice. :bun Goats? Might be a little noisy but maybe milk trade will buy them off. :drool I must think more on this. ;) :lol:


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
Man, I was living on my own at 18. And I had a good, supportive family. Sounds like she is trying to manipulate you with those threats of suicide. Tell her you can have her held for 72 hours in a psych ward if that is how she really feels!

You go, girl!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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It just gets WORSE ya'll!!!

Tomorrow I get the fun job of filing for a protective order against my niece! and her boyfriend.

She told me today that she is coming to get her stuff. I told her fine, when? She wouldn't answer when, just said she wanted her mom's dog and her mom's stuff, too. I said, No, you can only get your things as your mom has not told us to allow you to pick up her stuff. I mean, surely you can see the problem here??? Daughter in TN with Mom's stuff, mom is living in Ohio???

So Niece gets angry with me. Starts accusing me of going through her things and keeping it (I didn't, but her mom and her brother did go through the stuff). She was so rude towards me, and telling me that she will be coming because her stuff is here, that DH tells me to tell her we'll have her brother meet her somewhere with her stuff.

She says, No, she'll come here and get her stuff. I said No, I don't want you on my property....Now here's the kick in the pants...She says, "My mom has part ownership of the property so you can't kick me off."

:th :ep

Um, sorry, Psycho Jr., but that's not true! (I didn't say that, but I wanted to!)

The property is in my husband's name first, then my MIL's (who has passed on years ago), and then my other BIL's (who's in Prison). Now, we can't do anything about BIL's name, but legally, since it isn't a surviorship deed, and because MIL's estate was less than $65,000 so her share in the property went to her living spouse. My SIL is convinced (the one who was here, diagnosed schizo) is convinced that she has part ownership in the property since her mother passed away. Um, no, she doesn't. But no matter how many times we or an attorney tell her this, she refuses to believe it!

Anyway, Niece starts getting really rude with me, saying she will come to my home if her stuff is here, and all her stuff better be here or else.

I replied, "Or else what? I can take that as a threat!" She replied, "yea" so I called the sheriff. I told him what happened and explained to him how Niece had talked about suicide and wishing to die, how I don't feel like she is safe to be around my kids, etc. He told me to call the prosecuting attorney tomorrow, and to get an attorney, and to call the Tri County Women's Health Facility (the ones that took SIL) tomorrow and to tell all 3 what happened with Niece.

So I'm stressed again..........and for the first time ever I really want to MOVE! I don't want any of these psychos around me or to be able to find me!!

Now, on the upside, I really did have a great day today! Mom and I went to Meyers where I got a Salmon Faverolle Pullet, 1 Deleware Roo, 7 Speckled Sussex pullets, 10 Welsummer Pullets (gave 2 to a friend), a trio of blue cochins (I actually got 2 splash, 1 blue), and there were 2 barred Rock bantams that I gave to my mom.

Then of course they had two huge bins of assorted bantams!! Some were two weeks old, and in the 2 week old group, Black Tailed Buff Japanese! It's a breed my 5 year old DS had last year, and he lost both of his...

Well, I was sorting through them and even at just 2 weeks the little roos already had red combs, and several little ones had yellow combs!! So I snitched one that was an obvious roo, and 4 that looked like they are probably pullets because they have small yellow combs. My son is so excited!

I also left with TWO EMBDEN GOSLINGS!!!!!! They only charged me for one, and they tried to give me a boy and a girl, but charged them as straight run. Neither are banned, so I don't know for sure if I have a pair, but tonight they go under the mama!!! The lady at Meyers said as long as I do it after dark, she should take to them. :fl she does because they are sooo cute and I would hate to find them dead in the morning! My DH was excited over these two babies, too!

On the way home from Meyers I stopped at my friend Harley's house in Millersburg. From her I got 10 Spitzhaubens, 10 Salmon Faverolles, and 2 Penedesencas. The Penedesencas were for my mom. I told her they were my birthday present to her as her birthday is this month. She is also going to get 3 of the Spitz, but since she just wants them to have in her mixed flock, she's letting me keep them until they are older so I can choose which ones I want for my lines (breeding). She's not worried about having chickens that are to the standard, etc, since she isn't wanting them for anything other than a backyard flock. I'm trying to be choosey about what I put in my breedings, so that I will be offering good quality chicks/eggs. Not necessarilly Show quality, but at least true to the breed quality. ;)

So, that's my day. The best part was the chicks. :)


Lovin' The Homestead
May 10, 2009
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Lochbuie, CO
Sounds like a mostly fantastic day. DH would go :ep if I came home with 50 chicks. Heck, he went :ep when I came home with 4. :lol:


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Aidenbaby said:
Sounds like a mostly fantastic day. DH would go :ep if I came home with 50 chicks. Heck, he went :ep when I came home with 4. :lol:
:ep Is your math right???????? Did I come home with 50 chicks????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*does quick count*

Holy cow, counting the 2 goslings, it is 50!!!!!!!!!!!!! :th

Ahem....*off to make DH special treat so he won't count chicks*......


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Yeah! Glad you found your goslings! Hopefully the momma will take them as her own.

I have a lot of crazies running around in my family as well. You just have to stay the rational one and do what is legal. Usually they spend so much time yelling and running in circles that they really accomplish very little.

For example has she figured out exactly HOW she is "coming to get her (so valuable that she left it behind when she moved out the last time) stuff". If I remember right she had to have her car patched up (by your kind hearts) to get her where she is now. PLUS what about the cost of gas - to your house and back to whence she came? I assume they are still "rolling in the green." Unless they have received a handout from some kind person - they probably won't be able to afford to come ... fulfill her threat.

We DID go through a problem one time when one relative allowed another to live with them for a while free of charge (helping out family again ... man when will we ever learn) and the freeloader decided to invite a few ex-convicts over to party. The homeowner called the police when they came and refused to leave, but (according to the police) since the freeloader was a "resident" at the home they could have anyone they wanted come to visit and the homeowner had NO CONTROL what so ever!

Homeowner decided to STOP helping family and kicked the freeloader out!

Still... grrr!:somad

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