City Biddy
As far as goose bite is concerned... my daughter had an African goose named Clark.
He developed a rather nasty little habit. When ever my daughter would call for pizza delivery Clark would hang around the yard being a great noble goose and no problem. Then when the pizza guy would go into the porch to change his pizza for payment - Clark would hurry to his "station" at the opening of the hand railed handicap ramp that leads up to the porch. When the pizza man was ready to leave Clark would spring into action - rising up to his full size, wings spread wide, yelling hissing and even biting any pizza man who dared try to LEAVE!
Word got around. My daughter had to walk the pizza people past the goose - except for one goose owning delivery guy who went by un-scathed everytime.
Finally Clark's pizza patrol was cut short by his playing with a big dog.
He developed a rather nasty little habit. When ever my daughter would call for pizza delivery Clark would hang around the yard being a great noble goose and no problem. Then when the pizza guy would go into the porch to change his pizza for payment - Clark would hurry to his "station" at the opening of the hand railed handicap ramp that leads up to the porch. When the pizza man was ready to leave Clark would spring into action - rising up to his full size, wings spread wide, yelling hissing and even biting any pizza man who dared try to LEAVE!

Word got around. My daughter had to walk the pizza people past the goose - except for one goose owning delivery guy who went by un-scathed everytime.
Finally Clark's pizza patrol was cut short by his playing with a big dog.