Mountain Sage topped me!
So very cute! Will make some very tender little steaks in the fall and will probably be enough of a nuisance by then to give you a good reason to can him up in a jar.
Sorry to hear about your of the reasons I moved five hours away from mine~too much unsolicited hatred and drama.
I know you have worked blood, sweat and tears into that property and it would be horrible to even think of moving but never a door closes that a window doesn't open. Sometimes unanswered prayers are the best ones~at least it was for me. No one ever thought I would move away from my other home and sell all my possessions and start over somewhere new. I thank God every day that I did. It was hard, but it was very worth it and we have been very happy here.
I will be praying for God's will in this matter and for you and Ernie to have the strength to weather this new battle.
You could always move up here near me!

Sorry to hear about your of the reasons I moved five hours away from mine~too much unsolicited hatred and drama.
I know you have worked blood, sweat and tears into that property and it would be horrible to even think of moving but never a door closes that a window doesn't open. Sometimes unanswered prayers are the best ones~at least it was for me. No one ever thought I would move away from my other home and sell all my possessions and start over somewhere new. I thank God every day that I did. It was hard, but it was very worth it and we have been very happy here.
I will be praying for God's will in this matter and for you and Ernie to have the strength to weather this new battle.
You could always move up here near me!