Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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That's a good idea, kel!

Wonder why I didn't think of that? :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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Seriously, I'm just :pop waiting for the next installment.
You are an inspiration QA!


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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Aly, I have a question for you.

When you first move your breeding pairs from their big pens to the breeding pen how long until the hen starts laying again? I've had an older Phoenix pair in a kennel for about maybe two weeks and I've only gotten one egg from the hen, and I have a 2 year old pair of Buff Brahma Bantams in a large rabbit hutch for about a week and haven't gotten any eggs from her. They're being fed the same but they were freeranged perviously, but I feed they greens still. Do you have this problem or no?


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Amos said:
Aly, I have a question for you.

When you first move your breeding pairs from their big pens to the breeding pen how long until the hen starts laying again? I've had an older Phoenix pair in a kennel for about maybe two weeks and I've only gotten one egg from the hen, and I have a 2 year old pair of Buff Brahma Bantams in a large rabbit hutch for about a week and haven't gotten any eggs from her. They're being fed the same but they were freeranged perviously, but I feed they greens still. Do you have this problem or no?
My Buff Brahma Bantam hen started laying about 2-3 weeks after being put in the breeding pen. She is now laying about 3 days in a row, skips a day, then lays again. I have 9 of her eggs in the incubator now to test fertility.

My Speckled Sussex went from giving 5 eggs a day (out of 6 hens) to 1 egg a day, and didn't pick up again for about a month. Now they've slacked off again, and I think it's because of how warm it's been.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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"July 4, 1988"

It started like any normal 4th of July. Nice, hot, sunny Alabama day. Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and friends all gathered at the farm house for the annual cookout, with plans to go swimming at Gulf Shores and fireworks later in the day.

The day didn't go as planned.

A five year old girl was sitting on the ground playing with a puppy. The puppy began chewing on her, and she tried shoving him away, yelling, "Stop that." Three times the puppy chewed, the girl shoved, and her Dad finally came over, smacked his child across her face and said, "Get up and beat the dog's ***."

Horrified, because smacking anywhere other than their bottoms was not accepted in their house, her siblings ran to their Mama and told her what happened. Mama came outside to see what the problem had been.

Not having been told what happened because they were inside the house, but having heard the slap, Aunts and Uncles came poring out of the house to solve the issue. They saw Dad and Mama arguing about Dad's bad behavior, and just assumed the slap had been Dad hitting Mama.

Uncle Number 1 threw the first punch. Dad didn't see it coming. Knocked dad backwards. Another Uncle jumped in and then it was Dad against 2, with an audience of about 10 adults and numerous kids. Never having seen their daddies carry on so, the kids were quite scared, screaming and crying. Mother's tried to herd the kids to the backyard, where they wouldn't see the fight, but the expletives and screams of pain coming from their daddies still reached their ears.

The only Uncle not involved in the brawl tried to step in a break it up. The Uncles stepped away from eachother, and Daddy packed his family up in the truck to head home. He took the time to light a cigarrette and before he even inhaled, an Uncle came to the truck and punched him in the face through his window. Dad's cigarrette fell out of his mouth and into his swimming trunks, lit. He was trying to get it out so it wouldn't burn him, while the Uncle came at him again. Three people grabbed the Uncle coming at the truck and pulled him back, while the Grandparents, Aunts, and kids were all screaming, "Go! Leave! Go home! Hurry!"

Dad floored it and the truck jumped out of the driveway, headed for home......


On the way home, the youngest of the four children road up front between Daddy and Mama, while the 5, 7, and 9 year old were in the back sitting on chairs that Daddy had strapped in for them.

Daddy was hitting Mama, pulling her hair, and cussing her out the whole way home, screaming that his family was no one else's business, and took a turn so fast, the nine year old almost fell out of the back. She screamed, and Mama yelled, "Mike, stop it, you're scaring the kids!"

So Daddy quit hitting her, until they got home. Soon as they got home Daddy yanked Mama out of the truck, slammed her against all the fishing gear he had in the back, cracking her head open.

Soon as Daddy realized what he had done, he let Mama go and she ran to the bathroom. Dad unloaded the kids and sent them to the house. They were too scared to do anything other than sit on the couch, and the entire day was just ruined.

Daddy went to the bathroom to see if Mama's head was ok, when he opened the door Mama started screaming, "No, please, don't beat me!" Daddy looked like he was going to crumble, and he replied, "I'm not, let me see what I did, let me look at your head." So she took the towel off and Daddy said, "I think we should take you to the hospital for stitches." Mama said no because they'd call the police. Daddy came back out to the livingroom. Daddy looked at the kids and said, "See what happens when I get really pissed?"

The kids knew they never wanted to see Daddy really pissed again.

Later that night, the Aunts and Uncles from the previously spoiled cookout came over. Daddy, Mama, and the Aunts and Uncles all laughed about the fight like it had been no big deal, guffawed and hugged, and then lit fireworks for the children. The kids, still baffled and traumatized from the earlier events, couldn't thoroughly enjoy the evening's festivities and were quite relieved when the Uncles, who's faces were scabbed and covered in dried blood, left with the Aunts and the kids were tucked in bed for the night.


*July 5, 1988*

the next morning, an officer comes to the house. The kids thought he was there to take Daddy away. Daddy sent the kids to their bedroom and he brought the officer in the house to talk, he was willing to go with him. So Mama sat with him, and when Dad came and got the kids from the room the officer was gone, but Dad hadn't been arrested.

Daddy sat the oldest two kids (his children from a previous marraige) down and said, "I have something to tell you, and it's not good news."

"The house your mom and half-brother were living in was burned down last night."

Their Mom's ex-boyfriend had set fire to the duplex they lived in back in Ohio, killing the family of 5 that lived in the second half.

They asked Daddy, " Is our mom dead?" Daddy said, "No, they were camping and not at home when it happened."

The kids decided that they would never fully like appreciate the 4th of July again. A holiday that should represent freedom, and independence, has a different meaning entirely for them.


So I may have made myself look like as *** on the peddlers journal, so be it. Truth is, I can relate to what those children must have been feeling, thinking, remembering. Who knows how bad it was for them once they got home? An abuser takes his anger for others out on his wife, his children, and anyone else in his home. Who's going to stand up for them at the house where there are no witnesses?

Yes, it's great to stand up for children, or anyone, who's being abused, but at what risk? Who went home with that family to make sure Dad didn't beat up the mom or kids? The authorities didn't.

And for the record, I come from a military family on my mother's side. We are all members of Military Support group, The RPG, and I've a brother serving in Germany, having just returned from Iraq, I've a cousins serving over seas as well, and one who was killed in Iraq. My family knows and appreciates the cost of freedom in our country, as my entire family has dedicated their lives to it, and as a result, controlled or not, none of my family that I'm aware of have ever engaged (it's past tense, engage is present tense) in a public fight and interferred in something that could be handled by proper authorities. We have and DO stand "guard" until proper authorities arrive.

I don't expect anyone to think highly of me, respect me, or think my ideals or values are better than theirs, but I am asking all of you to think before you do. You may think you are helping someone, especially a child, but unless you've been in those children's shoes you cannot possibly know what you are doing to them. Your idea of "helping" may very well make things worse for them at home, and while you are a hero in the eyes of the public, to the ones being abused, you are the cause to their pain, even if you aren't the one submitting the actual blow to their body. The abused believe what their abuser tells them, and abusers put the blame of the abuse on outsiders, not themselves.

I can relate to children who've been abused. Unless you've lived through it, you cannot possibly understand it.

And with that, I'm taking a much needed break from here.



City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
When I worked at the Alternative school with "at risk" students holidays were always traumatic. Staff wanted to sing Jingle Bells or wish everyone a Happy Halloween, but the kids always escalated at those times of the year.

"Normal" families have fun on holidays. To many families all over the world a holiday is just another reason to get drunk, and fight. A lot of real trauma can happen over a holiday. Even in families where drinking and beating are not the routine - verbal abuse and sheer neglect can cause lasting wounds.

The family I grew up in was so materialistic and verbally abusive I used to fear Christmas. It took many years in my own family before the situation was corrected (in time for my own children).

Quail is correct. You can never truly walk in another persons shoes. Unless you are willing to go the whole nine yards and stop the abuser - don't just make a "big deal" out of it and then pretend it did not happen. If they are abusing in public - how much worse must it be behind closed doors? Also abuse runs in families. Notice that in the example the Uncles were swinging too.

I have not yet read the posts to which this was an obvious reaction.

We all need to remember different members of this community have different perspectives ... and respect that. That is how we will benefit the most from this old world we live in.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
"I don't expect anyone to think highly of me, respect me, or think my ideals or values are better than theirs, but I am asking all of you to think before you do"

Quail I am sorry to hear the story that happened when you were a child. It breaks my heart. I think we all may have stories of violence and tragedy in our past. Personally I used to hide in a closet when my dysfunctional family got out of control.

I do however respect you and what you accomplish and share with us on this forum. I love to hear about your farm, animals and the great ideas you have.

I think that maybe sometimes the written word, recanting stories and events, gets jumbled and is truly hard to put on paper. I think we all need to remember and take that into consideration when reading posts.

I hope this event on paper does not keep you from sharing your knowledge and real life experiences with us.

Take a break but don't go forever!!!! :hugs

Well put Farmfresh-- "We all need to remember different members of this community have different perspectives ... and respect that. That is how we will benefit the most from this old world we live in."