Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Quail_Antwerp said:
punkin said:
But, Aly, what would you do on your vacation. Like 2Dream, you would just wear yourself out with all the fishing, hiking, napping, eating and reading.

Better stay home where you can rest. :gig
:gig That's true, but on top of that, a vacation wouldn't be enjoyable because I'd be worried sick about my critters at home...are they being fed right? are they OK? did anything happen and I lose anybody? :rolleyes:

Ernie and I are thinking of going camping for one night with the kids at the local forest. Harrison County State Forest, it's about 6 miles from us, has completely free camping, and fishing if you have a fishing license. So, we'll get the proper fishing license, and plan to take the kids down for a one night campout. It should be fun.

We don't have tents, or a camper, but my parents do, and I'm sure they'll be nice and let us borrow them for one night :) We can pack a cooler for lunch, and if they have a good catch of fish, we can cook fish on our campfire.

We've never taken the kids camping before, so I think they would really enjoy the experience. The best part is it's free!

We haven't picked a day to do this yet. The nice thing about only having the farm and no outside jobs, and homeschooling the kids, we don't have to wait for the weekend to do it! We can go for a weeknight if we want. :)
Sounds like a fun time, QA!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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If we could ever get rid of the humidity around here we might go camping again.....tomorrow it is supposed to be 94 and HUMID. YUCK! I hate being sticky. Any wouldn't you know it I told the kids we could go to the library and the park tomorrow afternoon.......maybe the river instead!

I am disappointed about the ducks too but I really wanted runners so I might check the hatcheries and see if I could get in an order of ducks with my meat chickens.

Don't you love seeing the little chicks poking out from under mama! I would love to see a pic of your phoenix. *hint hint* :)


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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This morning started off well, and just went down the crapper after noon. I'm just so sick over stuff right now, and don't think I want to post what is going on.

Just know the family (inlaws) have struck again, and this time they are going after my heart...that would be my children.

Please keep us in your prayers.

We seriously need to move. Seriously. The sooner the better.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Morning, ya'll.

I slept really well last night, so this morning I'm feeling pretter dern good. It was like almost as soon as I hit the pillow, I was out. I needed a good nights sleep!

This morning I need to move my Phoenix Mama and her 6 babies from the pasture field to a safer place. I thought my black sumatra, Jett, was the daddy to her babies...boy was I wrong! Every last one of her babies has feathered feet, so looks like the daddy's are my Mille Fleur and one of my Buff Brahma...both bantams! :rolleyes: Sure made cute chicks, though!

Yesterday I had Sizzle and Serama eggs arrive. They went in the incubator last night. The Sizzle eggs are for DD's Sizzle flock that she's trying to work on, and I'll probably sell whatever serama chicks hatch.

I think what happened yesterday was the result of people not being happy with themselves, or their circumstances, even though they are better off than we are. So, in their misery, they want company, and are going to extremes to try to cause us problems and heartache, stemmed from jealousy. I refuse to let them.

Yesterday evening the boys got their hair cut down at a neighbors. I had my friend's teen son with us, too. I took him home and got pics of the baby Lop bunnies I'll be getting while I was there. They are the cutest little things! Their ears are just starting to get heavy and droop down, so they don't all look like lops just yet, but should soon.

This is a little brown female. You can't see it in the pics, but she has some reddish tinges to her fur. She's very pretty! and the friendliest of the babys. She ran right up to me when I got there.

This is one of the little calico females. She's a little doll, too. Her coloring is white with splotches of brown and grey/blue. Very cutsie!

This is the second calico girl I'll be getting. She was hiding from me LOL I had to look under the hidey spot she was in to get this picture.

This is the little male I chose. He's another calico, except his ears are tipped in white. I thought his white tipped tears were absolutely adorable, so he was actually the first one I had picked out. You can see his ears are already starting to go down. Isn't he just so cute?!

And finally, this is a pic of a couple of the other lop babies. I think she has a total of 12 lop babies right now? She's keeping one and I'm taking 4. She'll be selling the rest of them as soon as their ears are lopping like they should.

Not sure what our plans are for today yet. I know my friend might be coming up to help me build another rabbit pen today, but I'm not sure if that's a definite yet or not.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Thanks, guys, for the hugs, and for :smack them. lol

We're just going to go through the process, and we'll come out on top of this, and when they try this again, it will backfire because there will be proof, written, recorded proof, that what they've said is not true.

Something else good is going to come out of it, but I don't want to discuss that right now. Lets just say, their plan to hurt us is backfiring and is actually going to help us quite a lot. :)

So it's all good. I'm keeping my chin up...going on about business as usual. I don't have the time nor energy to worry my little head off over them and their petty ways. That's just what it is, too...petty.