Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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We're back home from the Dr.'s appt. I guess it went Ok?? It was hard to read the Dr. He was nice, but he didn't give much away as to what he was thinking.

One thing that was made apparant, Ernie has become dependent on me to remember things he needs to know for these appointments!! I was embarrassed, because he couldn't answer some of the simplest questions (like his own SS number or when the date of his surgery was!!).

Then when the Dr. started to ask him pertinent information, Ernie looked to me for the answers, I shook my head and said, "No, you have to answer his questions." The Dr. agreed with me and said, "We'll check with her after for anything you might have forgot." The Dr. and I both kind of chuckled, but it did help Ernie to relax. So he went down the list of questions and Ernie answered them fairly well. There were only 2 times that I had to add information for him. When the Dr. asked if he smoked or drank, Ernie of course said no, but the Dr. looked at me to "confirm" he was remembering right :gig I LAUGHED! I said, "Oh yea, that's correct! No one's smoking or drinking in my house!" This made the Dr. chuckle.

He originally wanted Ernie to sit in a short, wooden chair. Ernie balked and said, "I can't sit on that! I need a padded seat." Dr. told him to sit on the exam table, which was only KNEE HIGH to Ernie. :ep AND HE HAD HIM LAY DOWN!!!!!!

Ernie was struggling to get up, so the Dr. stepped back and he got to see first hand how I assist Ernie out of bed when we're at home, except, this was much lower than our bed, so it was a bit difficult. I had to roll him to one side and swing his legs down, and he used me as support to stand up.

Anyway, we got through it, and then came the hair raising car ride home, because FIL had drove us down there (FIL insisted, only because he wants to be nosey, IMO). First, he nearly slammed into the back of another car that was stopping, because he wasn't paying attention to the road. I yelled, "Dad, they're stopping!" and he hit is brakes. I was ready to hit the back of his head!!

Then, a few miles down the road, TWO vehicles were passing another!! They barely had time to get around the car, and I said, "Dad, they're in YOUR lane passing!" His reply? "I don't care, I've got insurance!" To which I, very heatedly I might add, said, "Insurance won't mean anything to you if you're dead!"

:he :somad :barnie

Ernie and I were both relieved to be home and to say BYE to his dad!


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
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east central Ohio
Sounds like the doctor should have gotten a good picture of E's condition. Hope it helps with further treatment and assistance. :)


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Becca stopped by last night and once again I've added to my I-give-up-on-not-adding-more farm. :p :rolleyes:

Becca brought me her HUGE (and I do mean HUGE) blue buck rabbit. He took up nearly all the space in the cat carrier! Did I mention he is huge????

She also brought me another pair of BBS Orps. She had hatched these at the same time as the other 7 I got from her, so I've a total of nine now...Last night she brought me a Splash pullet and Blue cockerel. They are beautiful!!!

Last, she brought E a trio of Bourbon Red Turkeys. That man was pleased! Told me he's going to name them Larry, Curly, and Moe. I told him to leave the naming to me. :rolleyes: That will NOT be their names.

I sent back home with her a Langshan cockerel and the trio of Fawn and White Runner Ducks. (See! I downsized a little!)


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Went to Church this morning. Then oldest 3 kids went to a friend's how to play and Ernie and I along with the youngest 2 kids spent the afternoon in town with Becca. We made a stop at TSC, Walmart, Agland, and The PetsPlace. Also made a stop at an autoparts store.

Went back to Becca's house, Ernie left to go pick up the older kids. Helped Becca sort out her bunnies and separated boys from girls. She only had two boys!!! So, we traded one of my 6 boy Rex bunnies for one of her girls. :lol:

Then came home. Fed all the critters. Boy, were they happy!!!

Now, we're relaxin' before it's bed time.

Funny story about this morning, though. Last night we turned the bedroom clock back. Ernie said he'd turn the livingroom wall clock back in the morning. So, we went to bed. Got up at 7 am this morning. I told the kids what to wear and expected them to get dressed. Ernie and I were going over our budget for this month. I looked up, and it was 8:10 am!! I freaked out, kids weren't ready, I wasn't ready, only Ernie and oldest DS were ready to go.

I got the remaining 4 kids dressed and ready to go out the door, and packed the diaper bag, in a record 15 minutes!!! (We will not discuss the amount of yelling I did to accomplish this :p ). I try to call Becca to tell her we're running late, no answer on her end. Hang up, dash out to car. It's now 8:40 am!! We're supposed to meet Becca at 9am!!

We get to the bottom of the driveway and Ernie asks me, "Did you change the clock in the livingroom?"

Me: No, I thought you did.

Ernie: I only changed the bedroom clock.

Me (smoke coming out my ears): You mean I just rushed the kids, and we're running an hour early?!

Go back to the house, check the BEDROOM clock...Yup...It's only 7:50 am, NOT 8:50 am.


Plopped on couch and enjoyed second cup of coffee. Left for Church at 8:30 am, clock turned back time. :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
east central Ohio

I got new boy bunny settled in, but ended up putting him in with the girls because the 2 boys were running around nuts, and I couldn't tell if they would try to hurt him. I think they are too young to really care about fighting, though. Right? He is littler than most of mine, but I guess we really don't know if your litter was exactly the same age as mine.

Cold this morning. All the outside waterers had ice. Time to start running power cords and rigging water heaters. :(


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Funny story about running late! We have a habit of changing clocks immediately after we wake up. We like to do it in the morning so that we can look at the clock and say....hey look it's really X o'clock! :rolleyes: then we giggle and change them......yep we are dorks.

Anyways, at least you were not actually late!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
We have always changed our clocks before we go to bed the night before. That way our caffeine derprived foggy brains don't have to do too much thinking! :lol:

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