Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Yes, I am desperate for pictures, but your mug isn't ugly!! Mine is! :lol:

I actually love that pic of you with your deer! I think it's a nice one, and the rack looks nice and even (if that makes sense LOL).

We picked up our deer meat today, and the taxidermy told me that mine would score 140, but because he has one tine more on one side than the other (not a perfect rack), there'll be deductions dropping the score to around 130...Now, that wasn't a proper scoring, just his estimation, so I'm not sure how accurate he would be.

I'm not even sure I understand the scoring or what the numbers mean? :hu


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Me either and I don't care, if it's pretty I like it. :D Mine didn't have a lot of points but the ones he did have were so tall, when I got to him in the field and called Chad all I could tell him was "he's just so pretty honey"

It didn't help that I left my flashlight at home either so all I could see him with was the light from my cell phone....couldn't see much till we actually got him back to the house in a real light. :p

What did you shoot yours with?


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Few pages back or so in my journal I mentioned my husband's brother being released from prison, and the family not thinking we should know right away.

I don't need to re-hash his reason for being in prison, but anyone who's read my journal probably knows.

Anyway, back in 2007, via myspace, Ernie and I had located the oldest son of his brother. We sent him a message, told him who we were, and he messaged back said he always wanted to know more about this side of his family, that he's always been curious. We swapped phone numbers, and that was it.

Well, when we had been informed that Ernie's brother had been released, we sent another message to our nephew, asking if he was OK since the release of his dad. We didn't get a reply back, so we let it go.

On November 1 I logged into my myspace account after not being on it in several months (I switched to Facebook and the farmville thing lol). On October 30 our nephew had sent a friend request. I accepted it. The next day we had a message from him, asking where we stood on the issue with his dad and do we talk to him. (I think ya'll know where I stood on that...I was pretty blatant). We were honest, told him we had no interest in having any contact with his dad.

It just went from there. His wife then added us to her friends list and we've been messaging back and forth and talking almost daily via myspace.

Sunday we are going to meet them for dinner. We are excited and nervous at the same time. Ernie hasn't seen his nephew in 20 years. He's now a 24 year old man with a wife and young child. Sunday can't get here fast enough for us!

Our nephew said "He hopes we're nice and sane and everything, because it would be nice to have more family around." He had also said he's hoping this first meeting eventually leads to a holiday or two together!

We think it's just so awesome. All the grief we've had with our inlaws, and this young man feels mostly like we do, that it would be nice to have more of the family around for special occassions, etc.

Ernie's ex-sis-in-law is coming to the dinner, too. We had asked our nephew to talk to his mom, to be sure she was OK and in support of our meeting. That was important to us, because she's experienced some of the same grief as we have due to my inlaws. Not only did she approve, but she asked to come, too, but part of that could be the protective mom thing. :)

So, wish us luck and pray this dinner goes well! :D

edited for typo.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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So it went well last night. We met at Cici's pizza and ate dinner. Then, since we were like the last people there and the Cici's employees looked like they were trying to clean up and close, and they stopped putting out food lol, we thought we'd go to the mall and walk around. Forgot it was Sunday and the mall closed early. So we went to Walmart, open 24 hours, and walked around until about 9 pm. E and I knew we needed to get the kids from Becca before they drove her insane, or to the point of wanting to kill us, LOL, so we invited them to follow us home for coffee.

They stayed and talked until midnight. Drank coffee, looked at pictures, and E gave them a box of pictures that had his brother's name on it, so he thought our nephew might want them. Opened it up, and 90% of the pictures were of our nephew's mom in her younger years like highschool and graduation pics, etc. So E told him to just take the whole box and keep what they wanted out of it.

We showed them the pics from when Ernie and I first got together and pics of Ernie's sis and her family and her kids and of BIL from h-e-double toothpicks, his wife. and their daughter. We offered to help them get in touch with them if they really wanted to, but they said for now they'd rather just get to know us since we're the only ones in the family who've made any efforts to find them and have contact with them.

They want to come down on his next day off, during the daytime, (their daughter) can see all the animals. I think our nephew, too, wants to possibly see his grandpa, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that because Ernie's dad talks to E's brother that just got out of prison, and I'm not ready for that BIL to know we're talking to his son. Just kind of freaked out about him still, ya know?

They left at midnight, after his mom called wanting to know if they were OK and where they were. They both hugged us before they left. It was very nice.

Stayed up until 1 am. I've not stayed up that late in years! We stayed up incase they had got lost on the way out and needed directions. We're STILL tired, and I think I'm gonna need 2 pots of coffee to get motivated.....

My Mom called twice last night before we got home to see if we were Ok. We cracked up laughing, but we recognized her concern. Mom called back this morning at 8:30 am and woke us up. lol She said she'd have been driving over here if we didn't answer the phone this morning.

It was a good night and we're all looking forward to getting together again, and maybe meeting his mom, too.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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:thumbsup Yay! sounds like everything went well, that's good, a step in the right direction with family for a change! :hugs


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Sounds like your reunion with nephew and his family went well. It was very good to hear. What a nice start to the holidays ... :hugs

Hope all is well with you and yours.

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