Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Normally we're up early, bright and early. Monday night I was up most of the night with Logan, who was running a low grade fever and congested. Finally broke his fever around 2 am and he zonked out for the rest of the night. I stayed up to 3 am making sure he was breathing OK and stoked up the fire in the woodburner to keep the house warm.

I hate winter. Just had to inject that in here. Despise it. Wish I lived in a warmer state, like Alabama or Georgia (but not Florida, I have my reasons!)

Anyway, so I get to bed and doze of. GOOD deep sleep. I know Ernie got up at day light yesterday, but not really sure what time that was....I didn't care, I snoozed on...or rather, tried to.

Wouldn't you know my father in law shows up at 8 am. GAH! Ernie slams my bedroom door shut and says, "Dad's here!" So I get up and get dressed and I hear his dad talking about needing to go get propane and something else. I figured he's hinting that he wants Ernie to go along and assist with the loading/unloading of the tank. Ernie just ignored him. Then he asked what time we had to be in Steubenville for the kids shop with a cop program. Guess he planned on driving us down? I heard Ernie tell him not until 6 pm and Dad seemed a little not happy about it, because we were due to have freezing rains about that time. Dad left. Didn't see him the rest of the day. Which was fine, because I hadn't had enough coffee today and I'm feeling crabby.

Went to the laundromat and managed to get five loads washed WHEW that's a lot of dirty kids clothes! LOL Brought them home to dry, washed the day's dishes, made beef stew for dinner, and then it was time to load the kids up to head off to shop with a cop.

Ever stood in line for 2 hours waiting for your kids to have their turn while listening to 100 other screaming kids throwing tantrums??? I felt bad for the mom's trying to soothe the kids. Ernie perused the store quickly and came back and reported that toys were disappearing off shelves fast, including Transformers, more specifically, Optimus Prime and Bumbleebee. Our 4 year old had a total meltdown over that one. I told him it would be Ok, and that he would find something he'd like. When it was finally their turn, we hit the clothing first and each of them got really nice outfits for church on Sunday, socks, and 4y old DS and 6 yo DS got much needed new pj's.

I had wanted to get more things that I felt they needed, instead of toys, but the officer kept saying, "We have to hurry, they are closing the registers." Apparantly, they had a time limit for the shop with a cop program, we had to be done by 9 pm and we didn't get started until after 8 pm! So I gave up on trying to get the things I felt the kids should have, and told them to just go grab what they wanted.

So we hit the toys. DD loaded up on Littlest Pet Shops. She didn't even look at anything else, and she got every LPS that was on her list. Can we say SPOILED? The boys mostly loaded up on Transformers.

That was the best part for them, I think, loading up on toys. 4 yo DS, the one that talked Becca's ear off the other night, chose a few transformers and was absolutely ecstatic that he managed to get a small Bumblebee action figure. He also got a Imaginotex dinosaur that roars and walks and a furreal baby parrot thingymabob.

Towards the end, the officer we had said they could have put all their money together and got a DS with several games, but I could see that having caused problems later. So I'm glad the kids chose multiple things instead. The officer also said we were the only family he'd had all night that forced the kids to get needed items, and we shopped the clearance racks, etc. He said he was impressed that we wanted the kids to get needs and stuff. We saw other families that just loaded up on toys.

But, I was exhausted and I have muscles sore in areas that I wasn't aware I had muscles in! If I never seen the inside of Walmart again....well we know that's not gonna happen....seems like we can't stay away from Walmart.

Kids barely stayed awake for the ride home. But when we got home they were instantly awake and the oldest 2 boys had ripped open a toy each before we were even completely unbundled and in the house!


Mama's a big, fat killjoy! I took ALL the new things away, even the one they opened, and told them all that they are waiting for Christmas to have any of it! (Except the socks and underwear, and the pj's and outfits for church, but that's not any of the fun stuff!)

Tucked everyone in for the night (at 10 pm!), hugs, kisses...whew...wore out! Hoped they would sleep in this moring, but nope.....seems the kiddos never sleep in no matter how late they stay up....

It rained for several hours, but thankfully didn't freezing yet. I'd be happy if the temps would go back to 40 and stay there all winter...I don't like frozen winters....Well, snow on Christmas might be nice.....


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I was tired just reading about that day! Ugh
and when ya need sleep and are dragging it makes it 100 times worse
but it still sounds like a good day for ya!!!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
Oh, mean mama! :lol:

One year, and ONLY that one year, my darling two found the stash of presents for everyone & opened every single one of them, they even opened the inside packages that weren't plastic clamshells. :smack

Say, how about's you move somewhere in MS? It doesn't get that cold, we hardly ever get snow & you can garden year round :D


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Brave woman! Mine have been extra whiny lately and it seems they cannot speak in a civilized tone of voice, ever. I've been giving out more and more spankings and "go to your room" orders lately. The weather has been awful here too, really wet so everything is mucky outside and the kids just can't go out to play and really don't want to with all the mud and stuff. Is it spring yet??? :D


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
What a great program! I am so glad that you could get some of the kids "needs" filled as well as some of their "wants". That is what Christmas is all about!

I was a mean "not until Christmas you don't" mom too.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I forgot to mention that Becca went with us to help, too. Unfortunately, my kids were in excitement overload, so controlling them proved difficult last night. I think Becca saw a side to my kids she'd never seen before LOL

While I was standing in line with the boys, Becca and DD took a cruise of the store. DD had hid a gold dress that she wanted, but by the time we got out there it was gone. She had also hid the LPS toys she had wanted and she was happy they were still there when we finally got through the store.

Becca helped us find a nice dress for DD on a clearance rack for $7. I was worried about the skirt part being too short, so we found another 2 piece outfit on sale for $7 that has nice black tights to go under the dress. Came with a cream colored long sleeved top. Also found her a turtle neck for $3 and a long sleeved shirt for I think $5 to go over it. With the dress, 2 piece outfit, and shirts, she can mix and match to make at least six if not more outfits.

The boys got nice dress outfits for church, socks, and underwear. 4 y.o. DS also got a 2 piece outfit for $7 and a flannel shirt to wear with it.

Becca told us that while she and DD were cruising the store, another little kid was upset about something being sold out. His mom said to him, "It's Ok, Santa's still coming." :ep These kids all had $90 each to spend on themselves....Does Santa REALLY still need to come?! I think $90 is a GREAT Christmas!

Becca said another kid was having a meltdown because his mom was telling him to hurry up and make a decision. He said, "I can't make a decision this fast!" Or something to that effect. Guess he was feeling the pressure? That's where I as mom would be making the decisions for him, but I guess I did give my kids a lot of the decisions, too. I told the boys they were getting dress outfits for church, but I let them choose the one they wanted. DD's outfits were pretty much chosen for her because she's too picky and wouldn't make a decision.

Ernie just gave me one of my Christmas gifts early! He said because I can use it now...It's an 8ft Shoplogic heavy duty extension cord. It has it's own breaker and 6 outlets!!! Means all my coops will have heat and/or heated waterers this winter!! :ya He gave it to me now because he was afraid if we'd have bad weather before xmas and he didn't want me to have bird loss knowing he had the cord for me LOL

But, WHOOHOO for me! :D


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Now THAT is a sweet husband! What a wonderful Christmas gift as well. Just what you need for the things you enjoy the most on your little farm - your birds! I can really appreciate how thoughtful he was when picking it out. A good gift like that is better than a stupid diamond in my opinion!

another little kid was upset about something being sold out. His mom said to him, "It's Ok, Santa's still coming." :ep These kids all had $90 each to spend on themselves....Does Santa REALLY still need to come?! I think $90 is a GREAT Christmas!
I would say $90 is a GREAT Christmas! Top end spent on my kids is usually $50 or $60 each and was far less than that when they were little. Some people are just so greedy and materialistic. That irritates me. My kids were taught to be thankful for what EVER they got as a gift. Why spend a fortune to fill a whim that will be so much junk in a few weeks. I always tried to make sure my kids got things that had long term fun built in. Something that took imagination to play with.

You are doing right by your kids. I wish more folks would do the same. :)


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
Farmfresh said:
Now THAT is a sweet husband! What a wonderful Christmas gift as well. Just what you need for the things you enjoy the most on your little farm - your birds! I can really appreciate how thoughtful he was when picking it out. A good gift like that is better than a stupid diamond in my opinion!

another little kid was upset about something being sold out. His mom said to him, "It's Ok, Santa's still coming." :ep These kids all had $90 each to spend on themselves....Does Santa REALLY still need to come?! I think $90 is a GREAT Christmas!
I would say $90 is a GREAT Christmas! Top end spent on my kids is usually $50 or $60 each and was far less than that when they were little. Some people are just so greedy and materialistic. That irritates me. My kids were taught to be thankful for what EVER they got as a gift. Why spend a fortune to fill a whim that will be so much junk in a few weeks. I always tried to make sure my kids got things that had long term fun built in. Something that took imagination to play with.

You are doing right by your kids. I wish more folks would do the same. :)
:thumbsup That about sums up my thoughts as well. We've never (yet!) spent more than $60 each, including needed things, and my kids have never been disappointed. They aren't yet to the point they are asking for much specific stuff. DD asked for a cupcake froster last year, my mom got it for her and she never even opened the box. I'm not going to buy whims like that.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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My kids want everything they see right now and it is driving me nuts! I'm getting them hula hoops and jump ropes.....burn off some of that energy that's exhausting me!!! :lol:


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Quail_Antwerp said:
Ernie just gave me one of my Christmas gifts early! He said because I can use it now...It's an 8ft Shoplogic heavy duty extension cord. It has it's own breaker and 6 outlets!!! Means all my coops will have heat and/or heated waterers this winter!! :ya He gave it to me now because he was afraid if we'd have bad weather before xmas and he didn't want me to have bird loss knowing he had the cord for me LOL

But, WHOOHOO for me! :D
Congratulations on that spiffy present! It sure looks like you will get some use out of that this month! I was hoping the weather would continue on as it was in November :( ... Then I remembered this was Ohio in December! :lol:

We have been at 20 before the wind chill. BRRRRRR!

Stay warm!

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