Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California

Wow, there is a real passion for piggie around here! Congrats Aly, I am completely jealous!

So what did it cost for 1 piggie? I was going in on one with a friend, but I think that fell apart :/


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I'm sure ya'll have read about ohiofarmgirl and her friend, Bourbon Red (BR) in ofg's journal....

anyhoo....so Becca and her mom and E and I started out for the beautiful rolling hills up North. :) and to Goose Paradise! :D

We pulled in, and first thing I see is Black and white scovies!! and here's BR coming out of the barn with a big Bourbon Red tom in his hands.

"Perfect timing!" that was his greeting as we popped out of the car, and I'm oggling those 'scovies the whole way up to where my new pair of Embden Geese are penned and waiting.

We exchange greetings, but can't really shake hands because his was full of Turkey. LOL We got the big tom settled into his crate and exchanged handshakes.

BR is extremely nice! very jolly-and he said they don't really get sloshed when they're killing dem pigs!

BUT 99% of ofg's stories are true....even if she does exaggerate the details just a bit (BR's words! not mine!) :lol: :gig

But, no, seriously, he was super nice!

We're walking up to my new pair of Geese, and I'm still watching the 'scovies. I see three beautiful black and white 'scovie ducks with two black and white drakes. I jab my finger their way and say, "Can I have one of those?!" (I'm a total poultry junkie, don'tcha know!)

BR kind of chuckles and says-well I'm not sure what he said because I was blabbering on making sure he was aware that I wanted a duck, not a drake....he says, "Oh a duck...well, if you can catch one, you can take her.."

So then he tells me that those ducks are hatchlings from Dash! I'm like OMG are you kidding me?! Those are Dash's babies?!

I totally had to have one! But, you can't get close to them AT ALL.

Back to the geese...as they deterred me from the 'scovies for all of five minutes ...lol....he told us he had vent sexed them that morning...Becca and I were like "really? you can do that?!"

I mean, he just became a hero! he can vent sex! whoot!

so he shows us how to vent sex the geese and well...not as cool as I thought...kinda gross...lol..

Soon as we were done with the geese, I was back on the 'scovies...kinda like a dog with a bone....

BR says, "Well, we'll try some corn, and maybe if we stand real still, we can grab one...."

and that's just what happened!! He tossed down some corn, stood completely still while the ducks surrounded his feet and then wham! he reached down and snatched up a beautiful little black and white 'scovie duck! whoot!!!

We named her Dash Jr. :D

We ungracefully shoved her in with my Embden pair. She rode home on the back of the Embden goose...LOL It was cute!

That gander, tho, scared the beejesus out of me several times on the way home! he kept honking....LOUD....right behind my head! First time I nearly peed myself...second time, I jumped...third time, I jumped....and the 4th and the 5th...6th...jumped jumped jumped....etc etc etc.

Was I ever glad to get him home! LOL

Getting them out of the crate wasn't as easy as getting them IN. Dash Jr. jumped out on her own, and had no problems. I pulled the gander out by his feet, but that goose just hissed and hissed and hissed and moved as far up in the crate as she could. I finally forced her out and they are happy in their new pen. :D

While we were up there, BR talked pigs with us, showed us his other geese...AND he has two Jersey milk cows! TWO! One is due to calf out in July (I think he said) and I already called dibs on that calf if it's a heifer! whoot!!

I think BR prolly thinks I'm a nut. :hide


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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OHMIGOSH!!!! i'm so excited about EVERYTHING!!!!!

and holycow! Dash Jr!!??!?!? i'm SO HAPPY!!! and yep, she'll lay like the dickens this spring - but if not her momma will provide you with some lovely 4H ducklings! she was one of 18 babies that Dash hatched... lemme see if i can find the pix of 23 ducklings all scooting around... very cute.

and i KNOW.... isnt BR totally the Farm Master!??! seriously - he knows everything AND had two cows! what could be better!?!!

and yes... the driving while honking -- when the geese get going it totally sounds like you've been driven off the road, right?!??!?!

YAY i'm so excited that this worked out.

and that whole stripper thing.. we'll just let that go....

ps not that sloshed? did he forget to tell you i was drinking tequila out of the bottle after The Big Man and i got married? or how he and TBM drank ALL the beer when we had them down once??? hee hee hee


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score

Well, I don't think it could have been a better day...well, if you'd been there, maybe...

Yep! Dash Jr. :D She's a doll! I plan to take pics of her tomorrow (after church)

I actually edited out the whole stripper thing...was worried it's offend ya...but E believed that, and he said, "what did the stripper say when you told her about your day?"

No worries, I'll spank him for ya.

Oh wait...

Well, I won't spank him for you....but....

eta: BR did mention that you like Tequila...and that after the Big Pig Killing The Big Man and BR like a little Bourbon to settle their stomachs! LOL

OH, and he said something about if E and I get more piggies this fall for a winter killin', he'll come down and teach us how to do our own! whoot!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Aly you are killing me. Pigs, dicks, geese when will the insanity stop.....??????? :ep

OFG if you read this remind me to never let you drink tequila with my dh. That could get messy.

I am starting to wish I lived in Ohio. I wish I had a pig man neighbor who could vent sex geese. Geesh, sometimes life is just not fair. :plbb LOL



Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
TanksHill said:
Pigs, dicks, geese when will the insanity stop.....??????? :ep
Gina, please tell me you meant D U C K S ????


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Wow, I am so happy for you, and jealous at the same time! You got to meet BR!! I wish I lived closer as well....so I could have him help ME butcher a pig, or two. Hubby wouldnt have any part of it, so...its off to the butcher for our little piggies.
I had scovies....once. Made the mistake of letting them out to the pond. Did you know they can fly...REALLY WELL!!?? yup, they hung around a few weeks, then poof! they were gone. :( Oh well, I will stick with my Khaki Kambells. I love thier antics, and they dont fly! LOL


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
Up-the-Creek said:
Quail_Antwerp said:
TanksHill said:
Pigs, dicks, geese when will the insanity stop.....??????? :ep
Gina, please tell me you meant D U C K S ????
:ep :lol: :lol: :lol:
somebody send the EMT's! i think i laughed myself into a coronary! hee hee hee hee hee


yes ducks i'm sure she meant ducks

Gina we love you!!!

but you did, in fact, accurately describe my farm! hee hee hee hee hee oxygen! i need oxygen!!!! hee hee hee hee hee

and yes i can drink tequila with the best of them.

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