Revolution in Progress
Great story Quail...sounds like a wonderful day!
Gina, you are a funny girl!
Gina, you are a funny girl!

i cannot believe you said this!!! you know he's going to be impossible to live with now, right? i'd better call his Lovely Wife and let her know i had NOTHING to do with this!!!wow-you've got the equipment to do that?!
Hey, I was trying to work a deal to get Blessing AI'ed when she's old enough....BR insisted that E can do it, that he just needs to get back into practice.ohiofarmgirl said:i cannot believe you said this!!! you know he's going to be impossible to live with now, right? i'd better call his Lovely Wife and let her know i had NOTHING to do with this!!!wow-you've got the equipment to do that?!
Oh yea! They'll be twice that size once she gets to laying regular!TanksHill said:That egg is big, they get bigger?