Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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BeccaOH said:
lorihadams said:
I know!!! Igot my catalog too! I am looking at the BLRW myself but I gotta get the new coop built first....dang.

Just sneak 'em in.....no one will ever know......it's a 4-H project.....part of a homeschooling project......the computer told you to do it.......it's Becca's idea.....how about those for excuses??? :lol:
My idea!? I get blamed for encouraging her too much as it is.

It is QA's fault for the state of my addiction. Case in point -- I had no intention to have rabbits and now I have multiple babies just born. :rolleyes:

Hey, QA, add on a couple copper Maran pullets for my laying flock. ;)
Now wait a minute! The rabbits were YOUR idea...I didn't twist your arm and MAKE you take any home! I would have kept them all!

AND, it seems to me that I have this really - and I do mean really- annoying kitten that YOU picked up for me..... :gig

Well darnit, I should have checked with you before I called Meyer...My BCM order is in, for pick up on March 30 :hide

They are not taking orders for the BLR Wyandottes yet. They told me to call back the first week in February to see if they are taking orders for them. If they're not available for pickup when I pick up my 2nd order on April 4th, then I might have to make a THIRD drive to Meyers.....wouldn't be the first time....

Javamama, I haven't got my catalog yet....I heard it through the poultry cluck line....and I called and asked LOL We're only about an hour and a half from Meyer.

They also do NOT know what lines their BLRW are from, but they were able to tell me that all of the new Marans are from eggs from Gabbard farms.

kel, please see if Betty will have some Black and Blue Cochins! Polk and Quincy could both use some ladies...and I am sure missing my Louisa (rip). :hit

E's appointment went well. (I replied to your email kel!) They originally wanted him to come up 3 days in a row, but we put up a fuss at the office today (just a little fuss) about the 2 hour drive and the insane amount of gas it takes (especially since it's not a 2 hour drive to pick up chicks!) and they did the 1 time treatment instead of the 3 day one. So, we don't have to go back tomorrow or Thursday! whoot!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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It's snot freezing cold again.

I hate winter.

I need to live in a place that's generally the same temp 365. As long as it's NOT cold.

Anyway, the woodburner was smoking bad. Yipes. So, we did a little investigating, and the pipe needed cleaned out.

Had to take the stupid pipe down, clean it out, and put it back up.

Next year, we're going to have a different pipe up with a clean out. Not going to hafta tear the dern thing down when it's 25* to clean it out.

We're still trying to get the house warmed up...it's like 50* inside right now...I like it to be more like 70*........

I hate being cold.

Last night I popped over to Becca's with my mini rex doe's and had her boy take care of them. Hopefully I'll have some mini rex babies in a mont. :p

When I got home, it was about 7:30 pm and I had to shut the chicken coops.

Now, while bantams are bantams, some bantams are bigger than other bantams. My Quail d'Anvers and the Black Tailed Buff Japs are among the smallest bantams. My black cochin bantams are twice there size.

Last night as I was in the bantam coop, I found Cackle, Black cochin bantam roo, smashing poor Fran, Quail d'Anver, into the straw. :( She seemed to be pretty beat down, and weak...and her crop was empty.

I put her in a small carrier and brought her in the house. I gave her a chick waterer and a small dish of feed. She honed in on that water, and after her long drink (er actually it was about a gazillion short drinks) she gobbled down her feed.

This morning she seems to be much better. She even ate some blueberry bagel out of my hand, which I of course painstakingly ripped up into tiny d'Anver bite sized pieces. :rolleyes: Yes, she's spoiled!

She's just so small, and so cute! I bet if I had a big enough bird cage she'd make an extremely NICE house chicken....Just gotta convince E that a house chicken is not that bad and they're not that different than a parrot.....right?!


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
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east central Ohio
She's just so small, and so cute! I bet if I had a big enough bird cage she'd make an extremely NICE house chicken....Just gotta convince E that a house chicken is not that bad and they're not that different than a parrot.....right?!
Sure, not too different. :D Glad she is doing better. You need her. ;)


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
House chickens are wonderful! Just ask any of The Ladies about living indoors.... :lol:

I got your email. :D Glad to hear one trip is all that is required. Anyone would rather spend gas on a poultry trip than the doctor's any day.

I will email Betty and see what she has or will have available. How quickly do you want them? And how many? I am not sure she sexes her birds. But after I hear from her, we can get you up here to pick out some chicklettes.... :D


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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keljonma said:
House chickens are wonderful! Just ask any of The Ladies about living indoors.... :lol:

I got your email. :D Glad to hear one trip is all that is required. Anyone would rather spend gas on a poultry trip than the doctor's any day.

I will email Betty and see what she has or will have available. How quickly do you want them? And how many? I am not sure she sexes her birds. But after I hear from her, we can get you up here to pick out some chicklettes.... :D
Well, normally I would say the sooner the better lol...but I think waiting until at least March would be good.

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
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Puget Sound, WA
Hey Q_A, I've been waiting for you!!

There is an ad on CL here for Barnevelder chicks for sale. What do you think of them? I know they are "rare", but I've been seeing reports of roos just falling over dead. I just wanted your opinion. (I want chocolate brown eggs.)

(Do you ship live adult birds?)


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Hey, BBH!

I honestly do not know much about Barnvelders.....but if you're hearing reports of roos dropping dead, I'd have a few questions for the ones your hearing it from.

1. What lines did their Barnvelders come from? because it could be a genetic problem.

2. How are they caring for them? it could be a lack of care.

3. How old are the roos? It could be an age thing.

Now, Barvelders lay more of a brick red colored egg, from everything I've read about them. If you want a chocolate brown egg, finding a good Marans breeder would be your best bet.

Welsummers can lay dark eggs, too, but they are more of a terracotta color than chocolate brown.

I do get a nice chocolate color from my Langshans, too.

IMO, if it were me, I'd be snatching up those Barnvelder chicks and give them a try...find out through personal experience how they really are, and if you didn't like them, re-sell them.

I have not shipped any live birds yet, chicks or adults. But, I am legally allowed to ship live birds since I'm now NPIP. :D

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