Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I'm feeling pretty tired after the adventures of today. Lots to tell, but I'm almost so tired that I don't feel like typing it out.

I like feeling tired. It helps to keep my mind off other things.

Started the day out talking to Becca and making plans with her to go into town. I was wanting some supplies to make another hoop house type deal - only smaller than the big one made out of cattle panels. She wanted to get some things at Lowes, too, so we agreed to meet and go together.

We took baby boy with us because it just makes things a bit easier for E that way.

First stop was at TSC to get cracked corn and cattle panels for Becca's hoop house project. They had Layena on sale, so we each picked up a bag of that, too. And of course I had to walk by the chicks - ugh big mistake! they had 4 little bantams - that looked like the little OEG bantams that E really likes so yep, you guessed it, I bought all 4 bantams. Brought them home to E and told him they were his early Easter present. :lol: Buying them for my hubby seemed like a rational reason to buy them. *snicker*

Then it was to Agland to buy the feeds we get that TSC doesn't carry - and of course they had a great deal on meat birds, $44 for 25 cornish cross chicks with a free 50# bag of feed! So Becca and I ordered those, too. They will be in by April 13.

Then it was off to Lowes.

At Lowes we picked up a little bit of materials for E to make another one of those nesting boxes - this one for Becca. I picked up some conduit stuff from the electrical section for framing over a smaller hoop house, landscape timbers for bottom of hoop house, and a couple treated 2x4's and a sheet of OSB - that apparantly wasn't needed for anything. So now I have this extra sheet of OSB and no project for it. Ooops.

We get back to my house and E says something about the chicks and ducks need to go out. They're getting too big to be in the house. Yikes. Ok. I thought I'd figure something out later, so then Becca see's my old rabbit hutch that we had in the bantam coop and she says, "This would make a nice chick brooder." I was stoked! yea! It just needed some patching done where the rabbit wire was coming off, and a little bit of fixings here and there...so I got out the cordless saw and Becca and I went to work.

We figured we'd put it in the coop addition so I wouldn't have to worry about putting a top on it, and I could suspend a heat lamp above it for their heat. E says, "Did you measure to make sure it will fit in the door?"


Nope, we hadn't measured it. We measured, and the door is several inches narrower than the hutch.


So it's still a nice hutch for - something. lol We're finishing it up tomorrow after church to house a pair of bantams. YAY. I have a bit of chicken wire that I'm using to cover one part of the top. I'm going to put a hinged door over top of the "nesting" area, and we're putting a small access door on the side of the "front run". I think I'm going to put my pair of bantam brahmas in it. It will be perfect for them.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
What a great day you had! Im tire with ya. :lol: The little bantam hut sounds neat...got pics??


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 22, 2009
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Aly, Im glad you had a big day! Working yourself into a tired frazzle sometimes can be good medicene :hugs The hoop houses sound interesting,..how are they done? Just using the hog panels?? You will have to post a picture or "splain" it to me. I need a quick way,...so to speak,..to make me a greenhouse. Wouldnt that work?? Clear plastic sheeting over it?? See you put ideas in my head,...shame on you! :gig


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
sounds like you got a ton done Aly. Having Becca as a neighbor sounds great. sorry the hutch did not fit in the cop. But at least it's ready to go.

Have a great day.



Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
I woke up with the worst head cold ever. I've had a sinus headache and a lot of sinus pressure and I'm feeling rather cranky.

We did have a nice morning at church. I filled in for Jr. Church at the very last minute and gave an impromptu lesson on "Palm Sunday" and the reason why we recognize it before Passover Sunday.

The kids were very well behaved - it helped that they all had coloring pages relating to the lesson in front of them :lol:

Becca and her mom invited us for lunch. whoot! an excuse to not have too cook the noon meal. awesome. We did stop at the store and picked up some breadsticks and salad makings to go with the soup Becca had fixed. Soup and salad lunch - it was great. Plus we brought a dutch apple pie (that i bought so it was cheating) and they had ice cream left over from Becca's b-day and Becca's mom baked some chocolate chip peanut butter cookies.

I think I gained 6 pounds from lunch.

Now we're home and as soon as I'm done drinking my bottle of water, I'm going down to the spring to haul in some animal and house water. Then I'm hoping to finish the hutch that we started on yesterday. I feel awful, but I think if I get that hutch done I'll call it a day.

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