Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Hey, I didn't answer my phone because I was driving Amish today.

Let me tell you a quick story.

The week of the trial I was so stressed that I was dizzy and had some nausea and couldn't stop crying. The next week I was so tired, I was going to bed at 8 pm.

So my neighbor girl was getting worried, thought maybe I was dropping into a depression and suggested I call my doctor. She also suggested I take a pregnancy test to rule that out, as given how I was feeling that's the first thing the doc would ask.

So last week we went grocery shopping. Using hyper-stealth I went down the pharmacy aisle, snatched a test, and hid it among the cereal boxes in my cart.

At the check out, my FIL was standing in front of us, so E and I again hid the test on the belt among our groceries. That stupid casheir then whips the box off the belt and waves it around for the whole world to see like it was a stinking flag.

E said he thought I was going to pass out.

I made some kind of strangled noise and wildly jerked my head at FIL, and the stupid idiot woman says, "Oh I gotcha! I know people who don't want others to know, too!" and she stuffs it in a small bag, hands it to me, and I stuff it in my purse.

We get home, put away our groceries, and I tossed the test onto the bar. I refused to open it. I walked by it several times, glaring at it. Every time I went to the "office" he would come running back and ask, "Where's your test?"

"On the bar" was what I said each time.

Finally the neighbor calls and asks if I got the test. I said yes, no I hadn't taken it, and she asked Why not???

I said, "because I'm chicken!"

She said, "go pee on that stick already!"

so I take her via phone and the test, and made a whole 2 second pee - and not one second later I had a pink plus sign.

I started screaming "omg omg omg it's positive!"
her: are you serious? that was fast!

At this point i've nearly passed out from shock. E comes in and i hand it to him and he says, nope, it's wrong. It's gotta be wrong.

I mean, we weren't TRYING AT ALL. And we only had ONE oops and really didn't think that would matter...............

are married people allowed to call it an oops??

So yes, I'm expecting - and by God I hope it's a GIRL! Due sometime around September 17 - October 8, depending on if you go by last cycle or when we had our oops (and yes I know the exact dates for both).


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 16, 2010
Reaction score
Santa Barbara
:) I know its going to be a girl, it has to be, it will be your daughters year, despite the start.

Congrats aly, I couldbt be happier for you!


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ontario Canada

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