Out to pasture
Of course we need to be kept informed! 

We find out the sex of my baby next Monday and I am going to be 18 weeks then. I have to be honest this pregnancy is kicking my butt and I am exhausted. Good luck on the rest of your pregnancy!Quail_Antwerp said:Well, I'm betting it's going to be a BOY because we're all hoping too hard for a girl. LOL (but still hoping for a girl!) truth be told, I'm worried I'm going to get my hopes up for a girl and be disappointed if they say boy. Won't know until April, though.lorihadams said:So, are we placing bets on the sex??? I'm guessing girl....I'm with you on the heartbeat DD's was way higher than my son's.
But, regardless, I didn't pass up a deal on some nursery decor yesterday at the local Browse and buy - pink and brown with hippos, elephants, giraffes, and koala bears. It was a 6 piece set - curtains, diaper stacker, blanket, mobile, and wall decor - originally priced at $20 but since it was a pink sticker item, I got the WHOLE set for 99 cents!!
Am I supposed to tell ya'll what the sex is when we find out???