Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Javamama said:
Deb that sounds like my last pregnancy. I was sick 24/7 with all of them, but the gymnastics my last one performed made me wonder what exactly was growing in me :lol: It was freaky. And she would start around 9om and go all night. I could not sleep and it was misery. But when she was born she was an angel who slept all the time, go figure :rolleyes:
My DD was like Denise the Menace. She wouldn't go to sleep until close to 12:00am, then was up at 6:00am, and would maybe take a short nap during the day. I slept better when I was pregnant w/her!

QA, hope you feel better, soon. :hugs


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I have thought about a calf operation like that with one addition. I would like to buy an old milk cow (dairy cull) to go along with the operation. That way you could milk her and feed several of the calves on her milk then at the end of the season she could go to burger. If you staggered the calves, weaning the older ones over to grass/hay and feeding the youngest on milk alone, you could make one milker go even further. I have never worked out the actual dollars and sense of the idea, :hu but I bet it would be cheaper than milk replacer.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I was incapacitated from 4pm to 9pm when I was pregnant with my daughter for the first 3-4 months. I couldn't do anything but lay on the couch. It got better but then the gymnastics started and she kept kicking me in the throat and trying to stretch sideways...you could see hands and feet on the sides of my belly under my ribcage.....yep, I'm done.

I hope you feel better soon, honey! :hugs


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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so I was not doing any better on Monday. still forced myself to go to the auction with becca so she could get straw. and i still wanted to go myself to look around. felt gradually worse as the day went on, but forced myself to stick it out.

took the straw to becca's and she was kind enough to let me use her internet, gave me a glass of water, and a bowl of broccoli soup. yum.

drove home as fast as i could in e's truck because he needed to leave to pick up an amish crew from work and he was watching baby boy. thankfully i got home on time, but was so wiped out i just laid down on the couch.

took my temp, it was 100.6. so i took some tylenol and waited. took my temp again an hour later and it was 101.4. freaked me out that it had gone UP after taking tylenol, so i called my mom and becca since e wasn't home yet to try to make arrangements for kid care and/or ride to er.

e gets home and i run down what's going with me and wanting to go to the er. it's decided that he'll stay home with the kids and becca whisks me off to the hospital. we figured we were in for a couple hours wait - nope. surprisingly they got me in right away.

i went down my list of symptoms, and told them i thought it might be flu or something and told them i was 14.5 weeks preggers and was concerned about the amount of over the counter meds i'd already ingested the past week. and that i hadn't really slept in 3 days.

they didn't seem concerned about the baby so i guess that's good? they didn't run any tests on me, just looked down my throat, listened to my lungs, and looked in my ears. said, "everything looks normal. so i think it's viral, so we'll give you an antibiotic to try, but if it doesn't help then it's viral and you'll just have to wait it out."

i was NOT too happy with them when we left. we were in there for all of 30 minutes, so at least it wasn't a 6 hour wait for them to do nothing.

went to walmart after that and got some oranges, seed potatoes, and more tylenol. hey, gotta make trips count.

haven't had a fever since. but, coughing like i'm choking on a mule or something. maybe a chicken leg? last night the coughing was so bad it led to another date with - well not jon, i was ON him....*snicker* so i leaned over and emptied everything into the tub. yuck.

today, gotta love best friends! becca calls me and she's at walmart - i begged her to get me some cough syrup lol she did, and cough drops, too! gotta love friends like her!

yesterday wasn't so great, either, though. not just being sick, but we had some vehicle issues. dummy me, sick or not, knowing tsc has chicks, begged e to take me into town to see the chicks -priorities, right?

so we go into town, and e says i can get some. i get 5 st. run black australorps and 1 gold laced polish - because he looked lonely lol then we stopped at the parts store and bought the part e needed for his truck.

we get home. five minutes after getting home, e comes in and says, "won't be going anywhere in the van for awhile. back tire is as flat as a pancake." great. we're hoping to get the new tire tomorrow.

then, he goes to work on the truck. comes back in, and says, "now we're completely without transportation. the starter broke off on the truck."


remember the best friend? lol a quick call to becca and she whisks e off the part store so he can get a starter. thankfully, he got back and got it on and the truck runs fine now. tomorrow - tire for the van!

then today, i actually feel like walking out to my chickens. there was an old piece of osb leaned against the barn, and jett my black sumatra's tail was sticking out. e asked is he dead?? i moved the board, and jett's face is completely tore up and blood every where! and he had some swelling. i looked around for which rooster was guilty - and mostly was in shock since no one has EVER kicked jett's butt before, and he's the barnyard favorite of mine -

culprit - spitzhauben roo! he has blood all over him and upon closer inspection, realize none of it if his blood! it's all jett's blood!!

so i get a feed sack that still has a bit of oats in it, but when trying to pick up the bag the weight kept shifting in a strange way on me. i said, that's weird! reached my hand in the sack and started screaming!! IT WAS A RAT!

i throw the sack on the ground and the rat runs out and off into the woods. yay.

i then use the oats to trick culprit roo into the barn, where he's captured and then sequestered away to the hoop house - his white feathers stained with the evidence of his brutality.

i think jett will be ok. he was alert, but i think the damage was more to his pride than anything else. we caught him, too, and put him in his own pen with his gal, Gypsy.

so, yea, great week here LOL


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2010
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I remember being so sick during my first pregnancy, I had a horrible flu, fluid out both ends. Gag. Its the worst. They wouldnt let me take squat and I was suffering. Just had to endure.

Hope your rooster recoups. :hugs


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Good grief....putting something in the mail for you today....hope you feel better darlin'! :hugs

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