Food Guru

I use those, too. You really have to hunt to find the LARGE size, which holds several gallons worth of stuff.Wifezilla said:I leave the beans in the original packaging but also take the extra step of putting them in a ziplock storage bag. It may be overkill, but, while I am not in a flood zone, I am near one.
???? Ummm...huh?xpc said:Five gallon buckets are no good, I keep all of mine in the visceral donelop.
what I do with sugar, rice, flour etc is I put it into the deep freezer for 2-3 days. For sure kills off any insect larva or eggs. Then I repack into mylar in buckets. How often you currently use flour sugar etc would determine if you use many smaller bags or one large one. Personally, a 5 gallon bucket worth of flour or sugar would be used up here before it went bad, and as long as you reseal it after use (so bugs don't get in) then it'll last quite a while.lovin' life said:I've been reading this forum for a while but this is my first post. I just had a question about storing dry foods in the 5 gallon buckets with the mylar bags. If I'm going to store something like flour or sugar, would it be better to just pack the individual bags into the bucket and open a bag as needed, or pour everything into a mylar bag in the bucket? If you have something stored in a mylar bag and you open it, how long is the food good for? For instance if I were to open a 5 gallon bucket of rice? I'm pretty new to this whole concept and feel really behindThanks in advance!
OH LORD!! I'm sorry I asked!xpc said:beer belly done lopped over my belt