Rammy's Rabbit Thread


Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
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This isnt rabbit related, but chicken related. I have a pen with just banty chickens in it. This year has been one where at least 6 or 7 hens, banty and regular size hens have insisted on going broody. 🤦‍♀️
Despite my best efforts to break them of it, I finally gave up and let them hatch a few chicks. My bigger hens got two each, but I suspect rats took some of the eggs because when I checked, one or two were missing, and I marked them so I wouldnt mistakenly take them. 🥚
Rat poison has been put out. 🐭
The bigger hens hatched four, but one got stuck under some plastic and when I found it the next day, it had wry neck. I took it inside and by the next day, it was alot better so I took it out to its mothers. Two hours later I check and its gone. Cant find it anywhere. Crap. 🐥🤷‍♀️
I was also hatching out some eggs in the incubator, and took the one remaining egg from the bigger broody hen to hatch out in it and put it under her at night. Since eggs were disappearing, I wanted to make sure it got a chance. So far mom us doing a great job. Its almost 2 weeks old. 🐣
Soooo, when the other eggs hatched out, and I had banty hens sitting on eggs, I decided to put a few chicks in with them. Not so good.
I had put 3 chicks in there. Two were black, one chipmunk striped, like some of the OEG hen chicks. The splash cochin hen attacked the black ones. I came home after running errands to find one chick nearly drowned in the water bucket and the other under the coop missing most of the skin off his head, bloody and blinded.:mad:
After three days of hoping to get him better and possibly some sort of life, it ended up dying.:hit I tried.
The nearly drowned chick got better once it warmed up so I put him back with the others.
How do I know the Splash cochin did it? Because when I put them in there she bit at one. It got under one if the other broodys so I thought they'd be ok. I was wrong. So very wrong.☹
So tonight I check to see if any of the 3 remaining eggs hatched yet. I find the three chicks that were already born, doing well, hiding under the coop, the 2 good mothers inside co-incubating. One egg had hatched, but no chick. 🤷‍♀️ I count. Only the three.
Then I look down and see lying in the straw, a newly hatched chick, still with an egg sac attached, bloody head missing feathers, lying there. :hit
I know who did it. :somad
Shes in with the ducks now. 🦆🦆I hope they harrass the he// out of her. Murdering witch.🤦‍♀️


Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
This is what she did to the first one.



I figured the chick today started hatching and was laying there without any of the other hens there to protect it, and the splash witch snatched it by the head and took it outside. Makes me so mad.


Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
Ok. So the mystery deepens. Another banty chick hatched. It was doing fine under the hen when I checked on it about 9pm last night. This morning the hen was still sitting in the nest. Chick was gone. Found it out in the run dead. No marks or noticable injuries. The hen I know that killed the last two was not in there. So what the bleep is going on? I took the last egg out and pit it in the bator to finish hatching. The other chicks are still ok. Im confused, mad, and frustrated.


Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
I've had rats take a baby chicken. :(
I think thats what happened to a almost 2 week old chick out in the main coop. It was there when I locked them up one night, gone the next morning. Ticks me off to no end.

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