Rash remedy???


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 23, 2010
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I have several spots that itch uncontrollably some days... and are scaly.. found out that it is from my under active thyroid.. have your levels been checked? It is just a thought.:hu


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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Detergent allergy? The detergents you wash your underthings with..is it completely rinsing out? Vinegar would be good for that. I can understand your frustration. I have developed a localized itch on the very top of my right leg, in that area...and have to remind myself not to scratch. At least, this is a well used forum, and site....maybe somebody will see your post and have an answer. I will keep an eye out for ideas ...or something. An itch..especially where you cannot scratch it...can drive a person to distraction.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 4, 2011
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Thanks everyone. I talked to my OB/GYN today and she refered me to a dermatologist. I called and made an appt for November8th was the soonest they had open. WITH A FEMALE DOCTOR!!! I dont think i want a man examining my crotch.... im hoping we can get this resolved. Im also wondering if it goes with my hormones also. It seems like at certain times of the month it itchs/acts up more than other times. Or maybe its just coincidence. Idk. -Rach


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Usually rashes in warm moist areas are fungal in nature and if fed a high sugar diet~can of Mt. Dew a day~will hang on persistently despite strong antifungal treatment. I'd try eliminating any complex sugars in my diet and that means starchy foods as well~breads, pastas, etc. Then I'd start taking Olive Leaf Extract twice a day. I'd make sure my panties had cotton crotches, I'd continue to "air out" at night and I'd make sure to use gentle soaps in that area....something like Dove.

I wouldn't douche at all and I'd use an OTC yeast treatment like the clotrimazole cream each night. Make sure you dry it well after showering, even if you have to use a hair dryer and I'd get a Nystatin powder RX from my doc and use it twice a day.

Since your rash is localized, it's doubtful that it is caused by something you are eating or a detergent you are using. If you haven't had an A1C blood test, ask for one at your next checkup as a simple fasting blood sugar test is not always accurate. A fungal rash that hangs on through all the treatments you have used could be caused by new onset diabetes that just hasn't been detected yet.

Most of all...stop drinking that Mountain Dew! One 20 oz. bottle has enough sugar content to render your immune system helpless for 4-6 hours after you drink it. :)


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I agree with Beekissed- it may be a sign of incipient diabetes. I had the same thing for almost 5 years and no doctor was able to figure it out because my fasting sugar was reading high end of normal, but still normal. Since I was also going through menopause, they just assumed it was my hormones acting up; but sure enough-- I've got diabetes now!


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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Beekissed said:
Usually rashes in warm moist areas are fungal in nature and if fed a high sugar diet~can of Mt. Dew a day~will hang on persistently despite strong antifungal treatment. I'd try eliminating any complex sugars in my diet and that means starchy foods as well~breads, pastas, etc. Then I'd start taking Olive Leaf Extract twice a day. I'd make sure my panties had cotton crotches, I'd continue to "air out" at night and I'd make sure to use gentle soaps in that area....something like Dove.

I wouldn't douche at all and I'd use an OTC yeast treatment like the clotrimazole cream each night. Make sure you dry it well after showering, even if you have to use a hair dryer and I'd get a Nystatin powder RX from my doc and use it twice a day.

Since your rash is localized, it's doubtful that it is caused by something you are eating or a detergent you are using. If you haven't had an A1C blood test, ask for one at your next checkup as a simple fasting blood sugar test is not always accurate. A fungal rash that hangs on through all the treatments you have used could be caused by new onset diabetes that just hasn't been detected yet.

Most of all...stop drinking that Mountain Dew! One 20 oz. bottle has enough sugar content to render your immune system helpless for 4-6 hours after you drink it. :)
Good..good...good!! Info!! I would add my 2 cents, while agreeing with "no douching", use and even milder soap like Baby Wash-diluted, for washing genitals, and.....try to not drink any more Mt Dew!

Lady bits are delicate and tender anyways.

Good luck with your next Dr.s appointment. I hope she can track things down. You are suffering needlessly.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 4, 2011
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Beekissed said:
Usually rashes in warm moist areas are fungal in nature and if fed a high sugar diet~can of Mt. Dew a day~will hang on persistently despite strong antifungal treatment. I'd try eliminating any complex sugars in my diet and that means starchy foods as well~breads, pastas, etc. Then I'd start taking Olive Leaf Extract twice a day. I'd make sure my panties had cotton crotches, I'd continue to "air out" at night and I'd make sure to use gentle soaps in that area....something like Dove.

I wouldn't douche at all and I'd use an OTC yeast treatment like the clotrimazole cream each night. Make sure you dry it well after showering, even if you have to use a hair dryer and I'd get a Nystatin powder RX from my doc and use it twice a day.

Since your rash is localized, it's doubtful that it is caused by something you are eating or a detergent you are using. If you haven't had an A1C blood test, ask for one at your next checkup as a simple fasting blood sugar test is not always accurate. A fungal rash that hangs on through all the treatments you have used could be caused by new onset diabetes that just hasn't been detected yet.

Most of all...stop drinking that Mountain Dew! One 20 oz. bottle has enough sugar content to render your immune system helpless for 4-6 hours after you drink it. :)
I know, im trying so hard to kick my Mt. Dew habit. I have NO will power. I have kinda an addictive personality. It took me 3 years to quit smoking!! Im doing pretty well, but then ill slip and go on a mt.dew binge and drink like 2 or 3 bottles over the weekend.

yes, i wear cotton panties only and "air out" at night. I have an OTC miconazole cream that i use too. What is Olive leaf extract?? I dont douche at all either. I use my own homemade detergent. Just washing soda, borax, and fels-naptha. I guess i looked at other symptoms online for being prediabetic and i didnt have any of them besides dry itchy skin and ive had dry itchy skin since i was like 5!! But, if the dermatologist doesnt come up with anything, i will have a blood test and thyroid test done to see if those are okay also. Thanks for all the suggestions.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Olive leaf extract is just that.....extract of olive leaves. You can find it in the herbal section of most pharmacies but it is expensive there....my mother gets it much cheaper from Swansons. It is a good antifungal and my family has used it for years and found it to be very effective.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
So my doctor appt was today at the dermatologist. well, it was kinda useless. She didnt really look at the area very well, and said, YUP, its excema. (sp??) gave me a prescription for a hydrocortisone cream (dbl strength) and told me to get this expensive cream@ walgreens which is super good and then use the prescription also. well, im not sure what to do. The cream is $15 for a small 8oz tub and the prescription was $10. Not that bad. But the cream said there is a type of Acid in it. Not sure that can be so good for my skin. I think i might use the presciption and my own homemade cream, that ive only started using a few days ago.
Okay, so the funny part is that the lady doc. was asking me what i use to "wash" with "down there". I said.... Nothing, just plain water. She looked at me horrified!!! She said, well, things get pretty dirty and such down there, you should wash. well, my ob/gyn told me that there is no need to "wash" with any products down there because the skin is very sensitive and delicate around your genetal area and unless you have an infection of some sort, there is no need to really wash. The doctor really didnt understand why i wouldnt wash down there and thought that that was maybe the problem. What???? really???? Cuz i dont wash??? I dont think so. Maybe IM wrong, but everything ive read says you shouldnt apply any harsh washes or douches unless you need too. Whatever, anyways, its a little better now. I havent had a mt.dew in almost a week.!!!! im doing pretty well. Rach

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