Food Guru
Please think about your children FIRST. If you can't bring yourself to protect yourself because you are stunned and confused....get out of that state RIGHT NOW for the sake of your children. You can be stunned and confused about your relationship with him (been there, first husband) but take action NOW to protect the interests of your children. Sending one's kids away because one is bored and tired of them is not the way anyone loves their children. Maybe he loved them in the past, but girl, he is not loving them now. This WILL damage their psyche. I'm so sorry you have to be the grown-up alone in this right now. But you do. You are the only hope those kids have right now.
So don't leave that house until you have a lawyer hired and papers drawn up for a legal separation, and written proof of all assets and bank acounts, etc. It is amazing how quickly things will "disappear" the moment your back is turned. It is one thing for you to trust him for yourself, but you have to protect your children. Women really get raked over the coals in these situations because we never expect our sweetheart to behave in any way that we would not behave. But it happens every day. Please don't let it happen to your kids.
Sorry, I do tend to be very direct when it comes to protecting children. I know you are suffering right now. But I am lovingly but firmly taking you by the shoulders and giving you a little shake to snap you out of this and into action. Be a mama bear and protect those kids, just in case he does not come to his senses. Maybe it is the heat or something else, but meanwhile, just getting a lawyer will snap him out of it if that is the case.
So don't leave that house until you have a lawyer hired and papers drawn up for a legal separation, and written proof of all assets and bank acounts, etc. It is amazing how quickly things will "disappear" the moment your back is turned. It is one thing for you to trust him for yourself, but you have to protect your children. Women really get raked over the coals in these situations because we never expect our sweetheart to behave in any way that we would not behave. But it happens every day. Please don't let it happen to your kids.
Sorry, I do tend to be very direct when it comes to protecting children. I know you are suffering right now. But I am lovingly but firmly taking you by the shoulders and giving you a little shake to snap you out of this and into action. Be a mama bear and protect those kids, just in case he does not come to his senses. Maybe it is the heat or something else, but meanwhile, just getting a lawyer will snap him out of it if that is the case.