big brown horse
Hoof In Mouth
LOL!! I'm so glad I checked in one last time tonight!! I would be deep frying stuff in rendered suet cakes! "I wonder why freemotion thought this tallow gunk was such a great idea?!"freemotion said:No! Not suet cakes!!! Ask for raw suet. It will be a big, lumpy, icky hunk of white fat with icky bits stuck to it. If you can get them to grind it, even better. No one will grind it for me around here....
Then render it down, strain it, and harden the icky bits separately for your hens, they will be eternally grateful and will love you twice as much as they do now!
If you want to make your own bird feeder suet cakes at the same time, get a bag of premium shell free bird seed and a small container of dollar store cayenne pepper. Reserve some of the rendered suet for this. Add the seed and the cayenne to the warm, liquid suet, until it is the texture of oatmeal or wet sawdust. Pour it into (glop it into...) an appropriately sized pan, based on the size of your suet cake feeder, and let it harden in a cool place. The birds will love it and the squirrels don't like the cayenne.
I'll check out my local butcher, I'm sure they can hook me up with the right stuff.