This little girl is already a little butt. I swear her favorite past time is keeping me up all night. She hardly moves all day then when I try to go to sleep she goes into over drive when she kicks me.
I had one like that. I swear he had a trampoline in there. He always had the hiccups, even as he was travelling down the chute. (first born) While the second (a girl) was TOTALLY the opposite. I'd go for days at a time without feeling so much as a whisper of a movement from her. Often, I'd poke her to elicit movement, just to assure myself that she wasn't dead.) Their out of womb behavior paralleled their in womb behavior. Son was colicky, hyper active, restless, adventure seeker. Generally a little wild man. Dtr was a quiet couch potato.
This pregnancy is different for me my son hardly moved. Even when they did the ultrasounds they had to use a little vibrate to get him to move to get measurements.