In years past we raised a good portion of our household meat by raising rabbits in our garage. (family of two adults and three kids)savingdogs said:But we were already buying hay by the bale. You cannot by it by the little pet store bag. That would be very expensive. But all this would fit onto a patio really well and not be too smelly. The pee does smell but it isn't that hard or too icky to clean. I like taking care of the rabbits. They are sweet. I think you need more than two pair to supply all of your meat needs, but I guess it depends on how many people you are feeding.
We have eaten rabbit in the past and really enjoyed it, the meat is very mild. You can flavor it up however you want. So I'm very excited about the rabbit project, it is going well. My first breeding only produced the three kits from the two moms, but I'm already trying again.