Ah, we have something similar called Employment Insurance. A portion of every paycheque along with an employer paid portion gets paid into EI. But EI only pays out when someone loses their job (laid off, not fired).savingdogs said:Moolie, SSI is Social Security Insurance, us Americans pay a percentage of our income from every paycheck (mandatory) to this fund, it is for the elderly and the disabled. In order to qualify as disabled, you can't just have a doctor SAY you are disabled. It is more of an approval process and impartial doctors are chosen to examine you. I've been waiting four months now and they say the quickest it ever happens is five months, so I expect that my wait will be over soon. I did not have hearing loss or vertigo to this extent up until about three years ago, and the hearing loss being this bad has only been about six months. My disease is characterized by fluctuating hearing loss, I could still experience a spontaneous improvement (has happened to me several times).
We also have other programs for people who become disabled on the job, and for people who cannot work due to disabilities, but I don't know much about them. My Mom has epilepsy and has some kind of disability income until she hits retirement age (she is 61).
And then we have a government Old Age Pension system that kicks in at age 65--my Dad just started getting this on top of his company pension (he retired at age 59 with some RRSPs and his company pension).