Savingdogs-Saving the chickens


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Well now I have five people contacting me about my wethers. And one offered me my original asking price because he knew there was competition, and he was the closest one as well, so he is coming either tonight or tomorrow morning. I am sure they will love them. I wish it would stop pouring rain. This family wants to make a goat playground and watch them play on it. Sounds good to me! They also live in blackberry country......and are only about 20 mins away.

I could have LOTSA milk by tomorrow night at this time. Cheese here I come! :bun

Money will be nice too. 150.00 right now will bail us out of a little hole we are in with our livestock feed needs. It is nice timing because our chicken expenses have been greater this month and usually the chickens pay for the goat food. This month the sale of the kids will cover the extra goat food and the chicken food and incubator expenses so that is breaking even, my goal. :thumbsup We did not pay for any stud service and only paid 10 apiece for disbudding so aside from feed costs, these little fellers were a nice little education for us and contributed to the farm expenses in a positive fashion.

So much for the meanies at BYH who thought breeding Ginger was BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD. I'm keeping her doeling with the perfect number of teats and her son is making me 75.00 for free and he will be a nice little grass eating pet. :plbb


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
We sold the wethers! :weee Yay! The people fell in instant love :love

And I got my full price I originally planned on asking. :celebrate

We are down to three goats now, just the three females.

Molly and Ginger and not happy and are bawling their heads off. I'm glad I can't hear this, it is bad enough when I look out the window. Ginger still has Emilee but Molly has no one now. She is standing in the kidding stall looking all around for Sebastian, waiting for him to come back. Pretty sad. I shouted out the window to her, "Such is life, you are a workin' gal! You did good, he made me 75 bucks!" She gave me a mutinous look.

I have plans to buy some more cheesemaking supplies and an egg turner for my incubator with a little of the funds. :clap

This was good!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
Yay! More milk for you.
I gotta say - we are getting a good feel for the weather you live with and it bites :p You are a very strong person to put up with it.

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