Savingdogs-Saving the chickens


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Canterbury, CT
savingdogs said:
I didn't think about how that comment sounded about men and getting larger.
Well, sweetie...that's what me and Denim Deb are for ;)

And yes, Deb - that IS where I was going with that comment! :lol:

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Glad to hear you got your fence up, and if your computer ever cooperates, I'd love to see a photo too.

My garden last year was NOT whimsical. More like "redneck knock-together" and I sure was glad when the tomatoes covered most of the structure, lol.

Loooovvveee the pallet garden! I'm almost out of pallets, as they went into chicken coop, goose coop, rabbit hutches, gates, and all kinda stuff. :)

I'm not even going to touch the man-comments, except to say that I share some of the men's difficulties. I'm pretty big on the planning and gathering stage. So much so maybe that between being busy with animals and jobs at home, as well as my outside job, and other obligations -- well, actually getting things DONE is more on an "I can't wait any longer or this project will crash and be TOO late." I feel like I run around putting out fires. Makes one creative at times though. But in some cases I think I'd have better production if I managed things better. ;)


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Putting out fires..........that almost perfectly describes my hubby. He waits until things are well lit to go around putting out fires. Hmmmmm

We are having a gray, plain day today. Nothing to note. My hands were killing me all night and this morning during milking. I made bread yesterday and that just makes for too many squishy-mostions with my left hand. My right is more ready for it (right handed). I'm sure it is from all this milking though. Got more than a gallon from the girls this morning, Ginger is on a roll!

I hope I build some milking muscles! I'm waiting for sexy upper arms like Glenolam has. Harder to come by when you have old lady flab arms though. I may be waiting awhile.

I am making those tamales today after all....I found out roast I had ready to cook was from the freezer burnt stuff we picked up for the dog. Oh well, the dogs enjoyed it.

But we had cheese pizza with low sodium (for me) and goat cheese. It came out great! This batch of farmer cheese came out the BEST. It looks like cheese from the market even. Hee hee. I've also started making chocolate milk every day for Trouble now. He drinks about a gallon! My goodness. I told him to have all he wants and he is. I hope he gets a good growth spurt from all that calcium!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Not feeling so hot today. I got the goats milked this morning and felt dizzy when I got them put away and came in and slept until noon. Woke up and no one had dealt with the animals, :somad so I went out and checked on everyone's food and water. In the middle of that I lost my balance and had to hold onto things to get back in the house. I've been laying down since then although managed to watch the Kentucky Derby. I wanted Twinspired to win, but it was cool anyway because I picked out the winner in the pack at the beginning of the stretch and told hubby who was going to win.

We are going to my moms early tomorrow and cooking breakfast. rah. :/ Eggs are on the menu, which I can't eat. I had to remind hubby we had to serve something besides eggs and he went Huh? and I had to remind him about my allergy. We used to always make and serve this special favorite egg breakfast buffet dish we call Hot Eggs, but he forgets I can't actually eat Hot Eggs anymore. But to be down at my moms for breakfast AND stop at the store I will have to get up tomorrow around 5.

And I feel like doo doo.

I also double booked myself, Murphy's people are coming tomorrow as well because I forgot it was Mother's day. So I'm trying frantically to contact them to no avail. They will probably like the change in our location because my mom's house is very close to where they are going, but I have to first REACH them. :he

At this point I'd like to just crawl back in bed and it feels strange since I've slept most of the day.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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:hugs Hope you feel better soon. I was down all day yesterday, the autoimmune reared it's ugly head and put me on the couch. Today is better but not great.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Oh geez, SD. I know that feeling so well. Hope you get to feeling better soon. :hugs

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
I'm so sorry you're not feeling well AND you have so much to do. :(

I hope you feel better soon.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Happy Mothers Day to all you moms out there reading this. Just a quick note before we head down the hill to see family and get Murphy adopted.

Well I can see ice cream in my future, my son got me an ice cream maker this morning! Yum! I can't wait. I may make my first batch today, I have plenty of milk. :lol:


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Well Murphy was happily adopted! Yay! We were very pleased how that went. It was a little worrisome because of one minor issue....he had sudden diarrhea! Remember this dog had to go one state SOUTH yesterday and I don't mean just across the border to Portland. He went to live in southern Oregon. We had changed his food to one the owners preferred because the donated (expensive) food we had him on was really not working for him and we had talked about how a better food needed to be tried, so we went ahead and changed his food. Oops. He kept Hubby up all night the night before last, and pooped all over the blanket he had been given by his family so that his blankie would smell familiar at his new home. We had to leave him out in the rain and mud until he finished all his "business". Then Hubby had to drag a muddy poopy dog through the house to the tub to give him a bath (I was hiding in the bedroom, mother's day priveledge). So Murphy got a bath. We all clamber into the car (a little late at this point) and Hubby tears off down the road.

We live on a very high mountain and our road rambles all over it before it decides to go down hill to the town below, so the first 15 minutes of any drive for us is rather hard on the dogs. Murphy ralphed twice before we made it down the hill and we had to stop two more times to let him vomit some more on the way to my moms. Hubby finally decided that racing around the curves wasn't helping us get there any faster, hah! Thank God I always carry lots of paper towels (when TSHTF I want to have a huge supply of them).

So when we get to my moms where the folks were meeting us, we were a little nervous turning over a barfy dog with diarrhea and his blankie, now wet from being washed instead of smelling like Dizzy Dog Ranch. Oh well, it was a good thought. But I don't think it matters; it was so cute, he loved them and remembered meeting them! But before he left, he seemed to UNDERSTAND what was going on, and came over to me to say goodbye. I swear! I've seen this before but didn't expect it from Murphy. I didn't realize he was attached in his funny dobie way.

And today when I got the report from them I was very glad I chose dobie owners for him. They understand him very well! I thought he had a doberman temperment, I've never had one but he didn't act like any ridgeback I knew and that is what his other half was, so it was really just a logical guess on my part. But I think these folks will be perfect for him. This was the man whose father's dead body (in a car accident) was protected and defended by his rhodesian ridgeback, so he was very attracted to the breed, but they have had dobies in the past, never knew any ridgeback except the one his dad had, who became a beloved family pet of a different family member after the accident and had since passed on. I knew when I read that application that I was getting my wink from the Lord that this was the right family and I truly believe I heard Him correctly. His other applicant was a vet and I had never not picked a veterinairan applicant especially one that was preapproved, but I did in this case and I think we did the right thing. I'm sure we can find the vet a great dog too, just not Murphy, the dobieback was meant for the ones we gave him to yesterday. They have a dobie, but their family will see the "mark" of a ridgeback on his back, like a reminder of their dad. He has a beautiful full perfect ridge such as a purebred would have.

I do not "miss" this one, he was a puppy and a lot of work, but I do feel really good about the accomplishment, Hubby and I LOVE this despite the barf in the subaru and the mud in the hallway. It will take me a few extra minutes to clean up today, but for a lifetime that dog will be with them instead of put down at the HS. I do not think this one would have passed a temperament test and would have been one of the "unchosen" and I really truly am happy today that I have to clean the bathroom and he is with the right folks and not already long dead.

Rescue is my mission and I'm lucky to know what my mission is, so many people don't know what they are supposed to do, what the purpose of their life is. We feel very lucky that there is no quest for us, that this is our purpose is very clear and we managed to figure out how to do it and not go crazy in the attempt!

Or maybe I AM crazy.........they are coming to take me away ha ha :p

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
They're coming to take me away ho ho, he he, he he.
To the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time
and I look forward to seeing those nice young men
in their clean white suits and they're coming to take me away, ha ha!

Sorry, got distracted there for a sec.

So glad Murphy was able to find the right owners. That must be so satisfying for you.

Question, when your hubby goes around the curves too fast, does it bother you at all? I know I get dizzy if someone does that w/me.

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