Savingdogs-Saving the chickens


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Yes! Why do you think I got perverse pleasure that the dog was barfing in the car on mother's day? I knew they would not ask me to clean it up (I'm usually the one on barf duty) AND Hubby drives too fast around those curves.

When I was driving, I could drive MYSELF around the curves fast with no problem whatsoever. Someone else driving is different. But I've only driven my car twice in the last five months now and both times only a few blocks. I'm not saying I'll not ever drive again, but for now, it is a good choice for me. I get these drop attacks that I could not drive in the middle of, and I don't get any warning whatsoever for them. So it just isn't something I can do until that goes away. For most people with Meniere's disease it eventually does (when you are totally deaf) and I'm getting close, so I suspect I will someday be driving again.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I've heard the same, which is why I've fought this so hard. There are days when I feel like just saying forget it, I'm tired of fighting, I'd love to have a Coke, but those feelings don't last long.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I took a sip of Hubby's coca cola the other day as I was thirsty and nothing else was around. :sick Disgusting! How did I ever drink that stuff?

So we got an offer to get a different phone/TV/internet package that saves us 20 dollars a month! :weee AND we will have 120 channels instead of about 10! :ya :celebrate I am a bit excited. They also have a better closed captioning system! I was laughing at the TV the other morning on the news when they were trying to say the police hit some dude with a "taser" and instead they typed "the police used a tater to subdue the suspect." :gig

I was like, "Gimme some of them spuds!" :gig


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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maybe I could konk them on the head with spuds! :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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So, FJ was there helping your police?


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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So we went into town today, for dentist appointments. I had not been in 2 1/2 years, a personal record. I used to work for dentists for 20 years (from 16 to 36) so I'm very much at home there, never stayed away that long before. This was the first time I went in there deaf and I could tell it dissapointed the dentist because I know he enjoyed talking to me. We managed to communicate but all I know is he is giving me a really good deal on fixing up some minor cosmetic stuff, and I'm gonna go for it, I know it was a "special" rate for poor pitiful me, and I have two small cavities. It will have to be after I get SSI "approved" but I have had temporary fillings on my two front teeth that have lasted four YEARS (we just counted) so I think I'm going to spring for another "temporary" but this time, he will know I can't afford veneers in a year like we all thought I would have. I broke my two front teeth falling one night a long time ago......but they are not crowned, they are still mine. Veneers would have given me a really great smile because my teeth are awesome other than the front two are too small (always have been). But my teeth used to be an asset for me when I worked in dentistry, small front ones or no. It would be nice to restore my smile especially when I've lived so much of my life so conscious of teeth in general. I still consider myself a "dental" person. I know you guys all think of me as work ing for a vet, but I was just a lackey there, in dentistry I managed the place! I was actually trained and very experienced after all that time. The technician (new) asked me today if I had worked for dentists because I showed her which picture needed re-taking (x-rays used to be my forte) because they would want to check an old root canal (used to work for a root canal specialist). I know lots of you are going YIKES but I actually enjoyed that field. Just got tired of it.

Meanwhile, Hubby found me one of those fancy blenders that blends dough at the Goodwill, an old style one but real professional looking! We decided that most people use their bread machine just to mix dough, I would just get a good mixer and have something more multi-purpose. I'm excited. We also found rennet at the store and stocked up on needed supplies.

But some of them were at the feed store.....where they had baby chicks! I did cave and bought a few (five) that are already in the chick house, all set up. We were hopefully going to be putting my hatching chicks out there when they hatch shortly, so we were not buying anything extra, and if they don't hatch it won't matter and if I only get a few hatch it won't matter. What I got was an Americana cockerel, three americana pullets and a sussex pullet. I need two roos and I think it would be better to have EEs by using an Americana. And everything I'm hatching is either a cross breed or another Buff Orpington. So I NEEDED a different roo, you see. And then HE needed to have friends until next week, and more purebred EEs to throw into my flock seemed just the right thing. I want to move to them because if they are mixed they are still considered EEs and that will be so much easier.

I'm thinking I'll be able to tell whose offspring are from which roo by the color of the legs? And with so many chickens I believe I can have two roos (I have about 25 now, plus whatever hatches, 41 are in the bator!)

The Sussex I got because they are so dang pretty and I've seen some EEs that were supposedly Sussex crosses and they were the prettiest EEs I've seen yet, so I'm hoping that getting just one of a breed was okay. I hope she thinks she is an EE since at this point she looks just like them almost.

So anyhow I'm in chicken love at the moment, don't worry it only lasts a little while for me and then I got to just plain liking them but nothin special.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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Yay chicks! I have no idea about the who's the daddy by leg color question though. But it sounds like fun.
My backyard is ridiculous with 4 different sets right now. My older set has figured out how to fly over their fence and the cats go into stalking mode. Not good. I guess I'll be clipping wings today.

I cooked my duck yesterday - I ended up just putting it in the crockpot and adding salt and pepper. And it was delicious! Totally tender and tasty. Yes, there will be more ducks in my future :drool DH even said "maybe we should get some of those big ones"


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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yay chicks!!!

hee hee hee i love that you're in a chicken moment! yipeee!

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