Food Guru
I just received a bunch of boxes from someone who moved to another state and asked her aunt, my friend, if she wanted her canning stuff. Her aunt took a few jelly jars and suggested that I might want the stuff....

A Mirro 22 quart pressure canner/cooker
122 jars....66 pts, 39 qts, and 17 half pts
A Blue Ball canning book.....I flip through it in the store on occasion, but have never bought one because there seemed to be so few recipes that I would make. Most canning books focus on sugary things like jams, jellies, preserves and such, and vinegar pickles, none of which I am interested in making. However, now that the book is in my possession, I realize that I can get lots of fermenting ideas from the pickling recipes....woohoo! And there seem to be some good meat recipes and ideas, so I can't wait to go to bed tonight and do some relaxing recipe reading! Yes, I know I'm weird....
ETA: I just looked it up, and I can't use the Mirro on my flat-top stove. Oh, well, I have two Presto's! Looks like I have something I can trade for something I need! The jars were still a fantastic score, and I will love the book.

A Mirro 22 quart pressure canner/cooker
122 jars....66 pts, 39 qts, and 17 half pts
A Blue Ball canning book.....I flip through it in the store on occasion, but have never bought one because there seemed to be so few recipes that I would make. Most canning books focus on sugary things like jams, jellies, preserves and such, and vinegar pickles, none of which I am interested in making. However, now that the book is in my possession, I realize that I can get lots of fermenting ideas from the pickling recipes....woohoo! And there seem to be some good meat recipes and ideas, so I can't wait to go to bed tonight and do some relaxing recipe reading! Yes, I know I'm weird....
ETA: I just looked it up, and I can't use the Mirro on my flat-top stove. Oh, well, I have two Presto's! Looks like I have something I can trade for something I need! The jars were still a fantastic score, and I will love the book.