Lovin' The Homestead
ok, PLEASE don't take this as ..... well.... as some people tend to take stuff.....enjoy the ride said:OK- contrarian to some extent.
I usually look at anything reporting handi-dandi factoids as usually incomplete and frequently wrong. So why the rush to believe all this with at least some citing of studies comfirming?
I have been around University people for decades and find that the level of poor judgement is as high there as anywhere else.
The guy citing the apple problems - he said that apples need a lot more spraying than other kinds of fruits because weaker varieties are grafted and have little disease resistance.
Well- I hate to burst his bubble but virtually all commercially grown fruit from apple, pears, etc to nuts are grown on grafted stock. I grow on grafted stock as almost everyone who grow home grown fruit trees purchased from a nursery or store does.
Grafting allows uniform convenient height, early fruit production and uniformity of variety. They are not inherently weaker than any other fruit variety, although some, mostly home offerings, are. If you want disease resistance- you can buy that sweet cardboard masquerading as an apple known as Red Delicious.
Actually I would suspect that most commercially grown apple varieties have disease resistance as part of their attractiveness to growers- chemicals are expensive.
The reason for all the spraying is that people demand fruit that looks perfect- no scab, insect, etc damage. They want ridiculously large, symetrical fruit. All not possible to produce in mass inexpensively without chemicals of some kind.
I do not spray my apples and try to pick disease resistant varieties for my area but I also will eat ones with scab or rust damage- some lopsided and small. If people will go with that, they too can have chemical free fruit.
About the other items, I have no direct know so can't say. But since they sited one less-than-sensible source, it makes me wonder about the others. Some reporter without understanding is not a person to accept as gospel. Especially as the ones used as experts are from organizations promoting organica products.
(If I could use emoticons at the moment, I"d be using the one hiding under a chair.) I like to grow without chemicals- I just don'ty trust these kinds of articles for real information.
but it's comments like this that make it so hard for those of us trying to hard to eat better. I am just learning that the food pryamid isn't the end all be all in food. So, ok, I'll eat more veggies. Nope that's not good enough because they have chemicals on them. ok, I get it, I'll try to get my frutis and veggies from the farmers market, nope that's not good enough either. just 'cause it says organic, doesn't mean it's REALLY organic.... ok..... sigh..... I'll get my organic fruits and veggies from the health food store.... nope, it's wasn't blessed by tibetan monks.
some of us are really thinking we're doing good with the sweet cardboard....