Got the t-shirt
I got rid of all my Paper plates and napkins and use regular plates and cloth napkins. Saves a ton of money. I still have some "around" for the just in case but in general I don't use the paper products.
For paper towels I bought a bunch of microfiber(auto dept.) clothes to use for everyday cleaning. I still use some for my salon (acrylic nails to wipe brush as the acrylic hardens and ruins cloth ones) and for poopy pet messes also use old news papers for that. So have sut down dramatically on what I spend that way.
I try to do a once a month or bi monthly "major" shopping trip and that way I get what I need in advance and can avoid the grocery store and impulse buys. (saves me a bunch and saves time too)
I will run in and get milk from walgreens/gas station/sale where ever it happens to be cheapest as it usually runs high at grocery store.
I use allot of make your owns recipes I actually have 3 binders full of various recipes (several varieties of same thing and figure out which one we like)
I always have a garden but last yr it was very sad it was just too wet to get much so this yr I went a bit overboard and have a huge garden (hopefully things will be better this yr.
I am going to try canning this yr as well. I did some pickles last yr and they weren't the best so will try again this yr lol. If at first you don't succeed try try again lol
My FIL has cows so my DH bought video's on how to butcher cow/pig/ect so that is something we are going to try also.
I always butcher our own deer and make hamburger/roast/summer sausage/jerky...Soo I thing the cow thing could be doable We have a good grinder so why not use it more.
I just bought a new dehydrator so when it comes I will be prepared to dehydrate my garden stuff as well.
I also have just gotten into raising chickens(Buff Orphingtons) this year and LOVE it. I always put it off because I thought they were mean nasty critters but after finding BYC I plunged in and am so glad I did they are my babies and are more pets than anything right now. Haven't started laying YET!!!
Then DH decides we need ducks so now we have 5 baby ducks(magpies). They are a messy smelly bunch but they are only week or two ish old (got them at farm supply and don't know for sure) Still trying to lean about ducks as was blindsided and had not got to do research on them 1st.
We don't pay for tv although with this going digital thing I can't get the same channels I did before. Instead of better it is worse(darn government anyway!!!) I may have to look into buying a cheap satt pkg as we are in the country and no cable tv here lol.
WELL I think this is long enough soo.. By 4 now...
I LOVE this site and glad I found it!!!

For paper towels I bought a bunch of microfiber(auto dept.) clothes to use for everyday cleaning. I still use some for my salon (acrylic nails to wipe brush as the acrylic hardens and ruins cloth ones) and for poopy pet messes also use old news papers for that. So have sut down dramatically on what I spend that way.
I try to do a once a month or bi monthly "major" shopping trip and that way I get what I need in advance and can avoid the grocery store and impulse buys. (saves me a bunch and saves time too)
I will run in and get milk from walgreens/gas station/sale where ever it happens to be cheapest as it usually runs high at grocery store.
I use allot of make your owns recipes I actually have 3 binders full of various recipes (several varieties of same thing and figure out which one we like)
I always have a garden but last yr it was very sad it was just too wet to get much so this yr I went a bit overboard and have a huge garden (hopefully things will be better this yr.
I am going to try canning this yr as well. I did some pickles last yr and they weren't the best so will try again this yr lol. If at first you don't succeed try try again lol
My FIL has cows so my DH bought video's on how to butcher cow/pig/ect so that is something we are going to try also.
I always butcher our own deer and make hamburger/roast/summer sausage/jerky...Soo I thing the cow thing could be doable We have a good grinder so why not use it more.
I just bought a new dehydrator so when it comes I will be prepared to dehydrate my garden stuff as well.
I also have just gotten into raising chickens(Buff Orphingtons) this year and LOVE it. I always put it off because I thought they were mean nasty critters but after finding BYC I plunged in and am so glad I did they are my babies and are more pets than anything right now. Haven't started laying YET!!!
Then DH decides we need ducks so now we have 5 baby ducks(magpies). They are a messy smelly bunch but they are only week or two ish old (got them at farm supply and don't know for sure) Still trying to lean about ducks as was blindsided and had not got to do research on them 1st.
We don't pay for tv although with this going digital thing I can't get the same channels I did before. Instead of better it is worse(darn government anyway!!!) I may have to look into buying a cheap satt pkg as we are in the country and no cable tv here lol.
WELL I think this is long enough soo.. By 4 now...
I LOVE this site and glad I found it!!!