SheriM - Too Stubborn to Stop Dreamin' - SURPRISE!!!

TTs Chicks

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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:celebrate congratulations - hopefully now you'll start to feel better.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Sheri that is great news! I am sure you are thrilled to be getting off of all those meds and back to your normal self! :celebrate



Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Can you see me doing the happy dance for you!?!

:celebrate :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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So happy you are out of treatment mode and into recovery mode!!!

Take good care of yourself! You sure have been thru alot!


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 11, 2009
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Saskatchewan, Canada
She did it again!!! :barnie

I have 4 LGD's, two female Pyr who are penned with the goats and two males who are loose in the yard. This is normally the perfect situation, giving the goats both offensive and defensive protection. The problem is, the one female occasionally likes to escape and take the boys on walk-about. Some of you may remember me posting a few months back when she did that. I was worried sick.

Well, she did it again on Sat. and this time it was over 24 hrs before she came home. This is hunting season, and the beginning of the coyote trapping season. I was terrified something had happened to them. (I've twice lost dogs to coyote traps).

While I'm comng down off all this blasted medication, I am not sleeping worth a darn. Saturday night, I slept maybe two hours then had a busy day on Sunday, so Sunday night, depite being worried about the dogs, I decided to take a sleeping pill. Knowing it was going to knock me out, I took it, and then asked DH to go out one last time and check to see if the dogs were home before I crawled into bed.

He was outside a little longer than I'd thought he would be so I went to look out the window and there he is with 3 big dogs standing around him. Hooray! They're home! I rushed outside and instantly spotted a problem. Ellie's muzzle was full of quills!!! Just as I'm registering that fact, Smiley, my 120 odd-pound Great Pyrnees ATTACKS my 50 lb Aussie boy, Fynnigan! (Did I mention that Ellie usually goes on these gallavants when she's coming into heat?)

Now, Fynnigan, (the Aussie) is my baby. He is the other half of my soul and if something ever happened to him, I'd never survive it so I am extremely over-protective with him. When I saw Smiley attack him right at my feet, I lost it. Straddling him, I grabbed Smiley by the scruff and reared back, desperate to keep those snapping jaws away from Fynn's throat.

And DH just stands there watching everything.

Smiley managed to pull away from me and grab Fynn again, so I yank him back again and my poor sleeping-pill fogged brain finally kicked in. I finally clued in that DH didn't understand what was happening or what needed to be done. Still holding Smiley back by the scruff of the neck, I hollered at DH to grab Fynn. He ducked under and pulled Fynn out, who quite smartly scooted for the house. He was limping but it seemed to me anything moving that fast couldn't be too badly hurt.

I left him for the moment because Ellie was still running around the yard and I wanted to get her confined before she buggered off again. We took her out to the shop to see about the quills but there are quite a few and the underside of her jaw and throat were quite swollen, so I decided to leave it for the night and talk to the vet. Not to mention the fact that my hands were still shaking so bad I couldn't get ahold of the quills!

To make a long story short, Fynn has a small wound on his front leg, but otherwise seems fine. I called the vet last night and made an appointment for Ellie first thing this morning, took a few minutes to decompress then crawled into bed and slept like a log all night. I still feel woosy from that stupid pill so now I have to let that wear off before I can drive to the vet. Coffee. Where's my coffee????


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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oh no!!! quills!!! dog bites dog!!!!?!?

here let me quickly pour you some of my coffee (pours cup and hands it)


hang in there baby....


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 11, 2009
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Saskatchewan, Canada
What started out as an annoying but somehowlaughable situation with the dogs has turned into something extremely serious. In my earlier post I mentioned Smiley attacking Fynn. Well, I figured I'd just keep Fynn out of his way till all the testosterone blew over and since we've been keeping Ellie and Smiley confined together, I thought the situation was a non-issue but today while I was in town, DH let Fynn out, not realizing Ellie and Smiley had busted out again. He (DH) called to tell me the dogs had gotten out, but he said he brought Fynn in and was going to try and catch the big dogs before they took off. I came home as quick as possible to help. DH was in the house and said he'd locked the big dogs in our old bunny barn. Then Fynn came up from behind DH and my heart nearly stopped. He was filthy dirty and had a huge swath of blood through the normally gorgeous white ruff on his chest.

I knew instantly that it was serious this time. I made a quick call the alert the vet clinic that I was on my way, loaded Fynn into the van and took off. He wasn't too bad when we left, but as time went on (the vet is nearly an hour away) I guess shock set in and by the time we got there, Fynn was in pretty rough shape. He howled and cried when the vet tech helped me carry him inside. She muzzled him and got the wounds shaved up a bit before the vet arrived. Once he got there and had a look, the first thing he did was give Fynn a shot of demerol. That made a huge difference but even so, he cried out every time they moved his head around.

To make yet another long story short, Fynn has several very nasty puncture wounds on his throat, one really bad one that pierced from his lower jaw through into his mouth and a couple of smaller ones on his shoulders. I wasn't there to see it, of course, but it's very obvious Smiley tried to kill him. I honestly don't know why he didn't, but the fact that Fynn is here at all is only by the grace of God. Above the very tight pressure bandage on his throat, he is swollen to at least 4 times normal, especially on the side of his face where the pentrating bite is.

I have already decided to have Smiley neutured, just as soon as my poor bank account recovers from this latest blow, but I'm praying that will be enough, that once the hormones are removed from the equation, Smiley will be as friendly toward Fynn as he always has been. And I mean that literally, I am Praying for this, because re-homing Smiley simply isn't an option. He is terrified of any other human beings besides DH and me. Even I can't get near him if there are strangers here. Just getting him to the vet for neutering is going to be a huge challenge.

But a part of me is so scared that this event will have changed Smiley's attitude toward Fynn forever and I will never be able to trust him around Fynn again. If that's the case, I don't know what I'll do. I refuse to even entertain the idea of putting Smiley down. This isn't his fault. Smiley lives as close to a wild existence as a dog can and still have a home and a food dish. He was only acting on those natural, wild instincts.

It's amazing how quickly a person's life can get dumped upside down. A week ago, I had 5 dogs I thought I knew and trusted completely. A couple of days ago, I had two that I knew had to be kept out of each other's way for a while. Now, the whole harmony and balance of the farm is out of whack and I don't know if we can get it back.

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