SheriM - Too Stubborn to Stop Dreamin' - SURPRISE!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Sheri I am very sorry to hear about the lamb. It was not your fault, just a run of off circumstances. I am sure the man will understand. You were trying to do a nice thing by feeding the sheep while they had a bit more of extended stay. Just an accident.



Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
I had a kid die under a gate.
I had a gate "supposedly secured" against the wall of the barn.
Came home, the gate has squished the kid when it fell over.
nothing I could do.

Live and learn. It happens.

Yup, I sure secured everything after that. I liked "Curly" also and felt like an idiot for letting it happen. but stuff happens. makes us super aware of the next time.

needless to say all "possible squish" situations were handled that day.

move forward and just know "if you think it might happen, yup it will so just be on it before it happens."


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score
Saskatchewan, Canada
Hi, everybody. Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything. I have been lurking and reading everyone's journals, but things have been been so chaotic around here lately I didn't want to bombard and confuse you all.

I think I posted about the increasing problems I've been having with the chemotherapy side effects. That lead to a 7 week gap between treatment 3 and 4 (instead of the usual 3 weeks) and the doctors reduced the dosage for the 4th treatment, but it still hit me like a ton of bricks. I think I'm developing a sensitivity to the chemo meds. I had all the symptoms of the world's worst head cold and still do, even though it's been 4 weeks since treatment now.

I saw the oncologist last week and he has decided to stop the treatment. Since, in my case, this is a preventative thing (there are currently no discernable cancer cells in my body, and the chemo is intended to keep it that way) they need to find a balance between theraputic levels and toxicity.

So, to make a really long story a bit shorter, I guess I'm done. I have to see the doctor again later this week because the one I saw last week wasn't my regular doctor and he needs to confirm that my regular doctor agrees with his decision.

I am on all kinds of meds to deal with the side effects, including a really nasty steroid called Dexamethazone, which makes me feel like an ADHD patient on speed! I'm so hyped up I can't sit still, but at least my house is getting VERY clean. :D I was scrubbing walls at 9:00 pm one night. I'm also on several meds to counteract the effects of the Dex and then others to counteract the effects of the ones meant to counteract the Dex! I hate this part...feeling like a whacked out druggie and I'm really hoping that when I see the doc on Friday, he will start to wean me off all the garbage. Once he does, I'm going on a massive detox program!!!!


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
It's really good to hear from you!! I have been wondering about how you were doing. I'm not sure if it's good news or bad news, I guess only time will tell. How are you feeling about it?


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score
Saskatchewan, Canada
miss_thenorth said:
It's really good to hear from you!! I have been wondering about how you were doing. I'm not sure if it's good news or bad news, I guess only time will tell. How are you feeling about it?
In the throes of dealing with all the side effects, I'm so fed up I am absolutely elated with the idea of no more treatments, but the more rational side of me does want to discuss with the doctors the implications of missing two treatments.

Basically, it's been about 11 weeks since I've felt anything approaching normal and there have been a lot of days that I've been barely functional and that's not a good thing right now. DH's condition is such now that he can't really do the chores on his own, so no matter how I feel, I have to get out there and at least check that he's done things correctly.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Sheri it is good to hear from you. The side effects sound pretty rough. I hope you get through those quickly. Keep you chin up. You are in our thoughts and prayers. :hugs



Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Tests showed no cancer cells! :thumbsup Hope this Dr. agrees so you dont have to go through any more chemo. You've been through enough. :hugs

Hope the side effects :ya :weee :ya :weee :ya wear off soon.

Just figured you could use a laugh.


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score
Saskatchewan, Canada
Despite being a fairly aggressive form of breast cancer, mine was thankfully very localized. Two years ago when it first cropped up, they removed the lump and at that time, there were no cancer cells left that they could detect. I did the chemo and radiation treatment as a preventative. Unfortunately, it didn't work. When it came back this year, it was in exactly the same spot, so everyone is pretty sure that the surgeon left a few errant cells when he removed the lump. I had a mastectomy this time, meaning a lot more tissue was removed so hopefully they got it all this time!!!

Again, the chemo was prescribed as a preventative. That's actually a good thing because if the chemo was being used to treat active cancer, it would be a lot harder to make the decision to stop early, but the oncologist I saw last week told me that in my case, 4 treatments are pretty much as good as six. That wasn't my regular doctor, though, and I'll find out what he has to say tomorrow.

I have been feeling so out of sorts lately that last night I simply refused to take the sleeping pill they prescribed to counteract the hyperactivity of the Dexamethasone. I basically dozed all night rather than sleeping soundly, but other than being tired this morning, I don't feel as disoriented, queasy, shaky, etc. so I think the sleeping pill might have been the culprit all a long. I totally despise the idea of taking any kind of drugs like that, but going days without sleep isn't really an option either. The dosage of the Dex is down to half now for the next few days then I'm done with it and maybe I'll be able to start getting back into a normal routine.

Thanks to everyone who's rallied here to cheer me up. I really do appreciate all the encouragement.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
It's soooooo good to hear from you, honey! I know we've all been wondering how you've been. I've been thinking about you and your hubby and wondering if all was going well. I'm glad to hear that it may finally all be over and you can get back to your normal routine.



Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score
Saskatchewan, Canada
I saw my regular oncologist yesterday and it's official. I am DONE with chemo! :weee :ya :woot

There, now that that's out of my system. :D

He was very concerned about the possibility of fluid on my lungs and wanted to run a bunch of tests, including another CT scan (I just had one a few weeks ago) but I put the brakes on that. CT scans involve much higher levels of radiation than, say, a chest xray, and I've been irradated enough, I figure. Instead, we opted to just leave things alone for a month and see how I'm doing. I know that last time, after waiting 7 weeks between treatments, I was feeling pretty good, so I think with time, this problem will resolve itself. It's time to leave the good doctors to their work and let God do his now. I pray every day that he will heal me and help me move on now and leave it all behind forever.

When I see the doctor again in a month, we'll discuss removing the PICC line and get a plan in place for that. I'm not sure what impact the blood clot will have. If there is still a clot in the vein where the PICC line is inserted, it might be dangerous to take it out, but if they don't take it out, the clot may never dissolve. Kind of a catch-22 but we'll worry about that when the time comes.

And more good news...I can stop all the meds but the blood thinners! I will probably still need the OTC cold meds I've been taking for the head congestion, but that's nothing. No more Dex, antibiotics, stomach aids, etc.

Now I just have to wrap my head around suddenly being thrust into recovery mode when I was expecting to still be in treatment mode. That was a tough one last time, but it should be easier the second time around.

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