Shiloh Acres - RAIN!!!!!!! and maple syrup! ;)


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 3, 2010
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Zebulon, NC
savingdogs said:
Then wrap her up in a towel. Lay it over her shoulders first with just her head exposed and then tuck the ends down under her body like you would swaddle a baby, and leave just her head sticking out.
In my house, we call that "making a kitty burrito". :lol:

So glad she's doing better, Shiloh!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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No, no, no you are pronouncing it is a "purr-ito" :lol:

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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Oh, yeah, someone tell her I wanna make a kitty burrito and we'll see if she comes to me .... "Here, kitty, come here, I just wanna wrap you in this tortilla --- err, towel ...."

She'd be under the furniture for a week!
:hide <--- my kitty afraid of being eaten ...

Purr-Ito .... I love it tho !!!

And more good news/bad news.

I didn't want to say the bad till I had some good.

Her attacks are actually pretty frequent today and I'm worried.

But. I did more research, finally got posted in the kitty-asthma list. Hopefully if it's what she needs I can get a script for prednisone or something called in. She's likely just very inflamed.

And I've also been doing what I can -- mostly from bed today. Applied for a job posted locally. Very part time, and I don't know the pay, but she liked my email and since I could really use the money (I do have late bills along with no more $ for vet -- thank the Lord I had so much food stored up and still do!) ... Well, I'm hoping it goes well. I'm to call her Tuesday. Just helping out with her dogs, and around the house, and companion-type stuff, but for my kitty and my bills ... I hope it works out. :)


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Oh, I hope it works out for you! The job I mean.

One of my dogs has asthma and it kind of comes and goes. I can never really tell what flares it up, but she seems worse every winter. Then every spring it seems to improve until the cold weather hits again. What is the asthma group you are with, I'm interested in that for her sake, or is it just feline? I'm currently rather UPSET with her though because she is the one who killed the little Red Hen. So at this point if she started wheezing I'd probably say "Serves you right!"

Actually I love the dog but she hasn't been getting any TLC from me this weekend that is for sure. But her asthma must be much more mild.

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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Soooo ... much going on. Some good, some bad. Isn't that the way of it? Mostly I'm pleased though. :)

Oh, and SD, before I forget to reply, it is a cat-only list. There might be one for dogs though? I'll have a look in a bit and send you a pm if I find one. :)

Good news first, bad news first, or mix it up?

Well ... Kitty has not had an attack in about 30 hours. And someone offered me an AeroKat!!! Very excited about that. :) She was acting her old self again last night. I guess I've missed her without realizing it.

I have two half-silky chicks, doing fine. They have fuzzy legs, and I think are from my buff silky ... the silliest one, so I hope they don't take after her there! Four more eggs the mama is sitting tight on, not sure if they're gonna hatch. I need to candle.

I also had to isolate my BR hen. My ONLY BR hen that I have left. I could kick myself. She's been hanging mostly in the coop for a while. How could I miss checking her carefully? Her foot is a bit swollen and she is just so obviously not doing well. I thought she was going broody, but ... well, she may be, but that's not all. So she's in a temp pen in the front and I hope she'll be safe there. Poor girl. I've not had this problem before. Somewhere my memory is saying "Bumblefoot" but I'm not sure yet, gotta do some reading.

I bought a few seedlings yesterday. Heritage tomatoes, and Cayenne pepper, since I've never seen the pepper seedlings before. They were 40 cents each, so I'm going to give them a shot.

I got the meds for my kitty yesterday. Over two HOURS at the Wal-Mart pharmacy. No idea why I should have had to wait that long. That place is hopping, 8 employees, 4 pharmacists. It's crazy there. The town has a pop of 5K if I recall, and surrounding towns are mostly around 1K. That many people need prescriptions??? Either that or they just couldn't figure it being for a cat. At least it was only $4.

I then came home and made the very best fried chicken I think I've ever made, and homemade biscuits and gravy. I wish I'd had something quicker to fix, by the time I finished it was 10pm and I was exhausted. The fat I used to fry the chicken was putting off a faint cinnamon smell, I thought ... then I remembered. I used that fat for some apple spring rolls, and a few burst while cooking and I guess cinnamon leaked out. The chicken had a very faint cinnamon flavor in a few bites, and it complemented my usual spices surprisingly well. Either that or I was too tired to know otherwise. :rolleyes:

Oh, and I was finally able to cash one of my checks from work today. Still not much, but ... any money is good. Even better, I don't know if I posted here, but I ran across an ad online the other day for someone who wanted help locally. It was just to bathe her dogs and take them to the vet, but she had another ad for a companion, someone to run errands, and take her to the doctor and places. I wrote her, and she liked my email. I was to call her today, and when I did, she seems like she wants to hire me. I'm supposed to write her back in a few days and let her know how much I want to charge. Problem is ... I have no idea what to tell her. Most of it for now would involve driving, so I have to figure that in.

Is that it? I think mostly. My silly geese didn't set the nest last night, and I had to go catch one and put her in with the nest. They take turns, and I think no one realized the eggs were unattended. I sure hope they hatch!!! I need those goslings this year. They have 24 in the nest, and one or two set all the time out of four of the geese. I think they have given up nesting elsewhere ... I only have two other fresh eggs not in the nest and no incubator.

Hehe, and my kitty ... yes, she IS feeling good. I was playing with the boy kitty, who is twice her size, fussing at him because he's been very bad today. He was in a bad mood and fussed back at me. She came flying from the foot of the bed to sit tall in front of him. Then she leaped on him and grabbed him by the throat. She's not letting any other cat threaten to bite or claw me!!! My protector guard kitty. I love that cat. :)

So, the ups and downs. Mostly I feel pretty up about it. :)

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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Oh, and the goats ... I thought breeding season for Nubians ended in December or before?

My buck is plenty interested in the girls, and my Nubian mix is showing signs. Please let her be in heat!

I'd love to have kids before this time next year, which is what I thought I'd be waiting for. She's gotten big enough, IMO. Though I guess she's only just about a year old, actually under. I'd have to check my records. Maybe I shouldn't be in such a hurry, but she's gotten to be a big girl. She's a dairy mix, only half Nubian.

My silly little buck is showing off though. He's trying alternately to climb/knock down an electric pole in the pasture.

Then I thought he was digging a hole ... he was taking a LONG pole and sticking his head under it so he could stand up and fight with it. Silly boy .... His beard is suddenly looking longer too.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Well I wish you luck with that job! I'd check around and see what the going rate for that kind of work is around you. Aim for something around that.

I'm glad you are getting an aerocat! And that kitty is doing better.

I have gone to Wallmart Pharmacy for myself and decided not to return after they were exceedingly rude (about two years ago). Many of the other pharmacies around here are matching the 4.00 prices. They were so rude that I wanted to call their management to complain. They gave me the phone number 1 800 Wallmart and when I tried to call, the phone never was picked up, it just rings and rings, despite trying to call them around 10 or 20 times. I don't think customer service is their strongpoint.

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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Wow, can't believe how many computer problems I had posting this reply ... which is actually from last night, LOL. Going to the city as soon as I get this posted!

Mostly concentrated on the rabbits today. I took pics of a junior buck to list him on CL. I finally decided who to keep and who to get rid of from the ones Id retained from my out-crossed litters. Im selling 4 bucks and one doe. I bred two does my young buck talk about dealing with an inexperienced buck sheesh! And I spent some time really studying their pedigrees for a few generations. I was really pleased with what I learned.

Ive been concentrating on meat-rabbit traits. Large litters, good mothers, meaty babies. My rabbits are from show lines, but Ive been VERY pleased with the results. As I studied the pedigrees and show records I learned something my very BEST rabbits are also from the BEST show rabbits, a promising doe bred back to her impressive father. And the buck I am using also has part of his championship before I bought him.

So I will tell you, other than visiting a few and asking questions, I really know NOTHING about show rabbits. But Im very pleased to find that the stock that I am happy with from a utility standpoint are also from very good show bloodlines, and there is no reason I couldnt expect outstanding litter from a show standpoint from my buck x 4 of my does.

Of course, they dont LOOK like show rabbits. They have been living outside and so their color patters are not what they should be due to temperature fluctuations (Calis). But still, Im glad the genetic potential is there. Might as well raise the best stock possible.

I *DID* also find another transgender buck. That is really frustrating me I checked her carefully, and added her to the pen with another young doe. So my doe for sale isnt for sale until 30 days have passed, since I dont want to explain that she might be pregnant. Sigh Ive lost babies over the winter from having what I thought was a doe in with other does. At least he is a proven breeder sigh.

And I havent posted much about my geese they created a community nest. It was where I wanted it I can lock them up on the safe porch and keep them safe through the broody period, but I learned too late (Im so glad Goosedragon informed me!) of potential pitfalls mothers fighting over babies in a tug-of-war. So. I have two steadfast broody geese on that nest, and a few other interested parties. I think I have managed to discourage all the interested parties, but I have to keep the two because its a nest of two dozen eggs and one cant cover it alone. Still going to have to figure out what to do with those babies (hopefully they WILL hatch). But two of my other geese appear to have developed an interest in making other nests since I did that. Big yayyyy!!! I thought that one nest would be it. I have two extra eggs inside I cant get an incubator for, so if one of them goes broody soon, I will slip them under her. So progress.

The sick hen I posted about last time unfortunately died the next day. I think it stressed her too much to be isolated. I put her back, but she died anyway. She didnt seem THAT weak. Im still very puzzled over it. Everyone else looks healthy. And I checked the half-silky chicks today. I took the gate off the front of the broodys box and let her come out to stretch her legs, get a proper dustbath, and free-range her chicks if she wanted. She didnt want to she kept them in the coop. That was ok. She went into the neighboring box and found an egg and a golf ball and promptly sat on them, LOL. It took some convincing (and she can look FEROCIOUS I found when shes got babies, a ferocious silky, LOL but I got her back on HER nest which still has 3 eggs Im leaving with her a bit longer as Ive had some REALLY late hatches before. I had to catch her chicks to give them back to her, so I took the chance to examine them carefully. All have feathered legs. It appears half the feet have extra toes. One has extra toes. One has normal toes. And one has one foot normal and one with an extra toe, LOL. Of course, they are TINY extra toes, and it was dim in the coop, so I might have missed toes. I mainly wanted to check them over quickly and all appears well enough. I hope they are ALL pullets. I need more broodies, and my silkies are actually excellent layers. I eat mostly their eggs.

Those were the highlights of my day. I also had my geese more aggressive than usual and had to pick two of them up before theyd leave me alone. Even a female goose threatened me! They left two eggs uncovered in the open, so I re-buried them and put a basket over them so the llama doesnt accidentally step on them since I put her in that yard to be close to the geese and rabbits overnight (and where I can see her too). Im going to the city tomorrow to get some business supplies hoping things will go well. I will get a few cheap groceries at Aldi there, I hope. And stop by a feed store and see what bulk seeds they have. It was WARM here today, finally! Windy, but warm. I actually sweated without working hard for the first time in many months usually I walk around wanting a blanket any time I stop moving cuz Im always feeling so cold these days. I know Ill be wishing for cooler weather when its 110 here and 90% humidity (ok, maybe I am exaggerating, but NOT BY MUCH), but for now its delicious not to be cold!

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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Well, spring has sprung, hasn't it? Oddly not by much here as we just had a freakishly cold couple of days. Electric blankets in MAY?!?!? Usually I'm dying for a/c by now.

Lots of stuff going on but the most exciting I'm looking at. One of my little does kidded today!!! And it's a little doeling! She's just normal colored and not purebred but I couldn't be more excited. Mama made it through kidding fine (I was a wreck). And is attentive as a mother and is showing signs that she will be a fabulous milker.

We do have some problems. The kid's back feet are knuckled under. Sometimes she stands on them straight, sometimes on the first joint. She is quite strong, but shaky in her walking as she is trying to put all the weight on her front legs.

Also I'm not satisfied with her nursing. Mama loves her, but backs up when baby approaches to nurse. She will stand still with some encouragement. Baby ... REALLY wants to suck mama's leg, or belly, or my finger. She gets the teat sometimes, but I'm not sure if she sucking properly. She doesn't shove in with her head while nursing, though she has tried twice. She has latched on 3 or 4 times and sucked. I THINK she's getting some milk. Mama sprays milk easily when I milk a stroke.

I really don't want a bottle baby. And I'm thinking of splinting the leg, though a goat friend suggested I wait till she's 24 hours old. Just with her not nursing well, if that's contributing, I worry about waiting.

I also have 4 fat goslings (out of 8 that hatched , and out of about 80 eggs so far). But I have another goose setting that's probably overdue, and one still laying. Could be more.

And one hatch of silky x chicks that I think is 2 pullets and a cockerel. One hatch of 5 totally mutt and totally adorable chicks. And a BO setting on eggs.

One experienced mama rabbit killed her entire litter lying on them. But a first time NZ mama has three GORGEOUS babies that are monstrous. I think I will keep one or two. She had 5 but two were delayed and left on the wire. Otherwise she's a wonderful mom so hope next time is better. I also have 4 bred does due soon.

All that and trying to get the garden in -- I am soooo late. I have peas, onions, potatoes, and tomatoes in and that's it. Weather is weird though. Very cool very late, so actually maybe I'm on track for everything and early on the tomatoes, but I had some started and they had to go in the ground. I also put it off because of the wind ... Terrible hard winds all day every day all day long. Maybe it's finally going to ease up. Today is the very first nice day. Good day for a baby to be born. :)

Gotta go, I'm exhausted. Was up all night last night checking on the goat. Night before with a chick I had to help hatch that died after all. And I was supposed to work today-- they've kept me busy too. I'm supposed to teach preschool to kindergarten, but I guess I did a good job so my reward is to keep those kids going and now I get just about ALL the kids for math either one on one or in small groups.

I think I'll see if tutoring jobs are available. Seems I'm good at it. :) I need the money. But ... They also just laid off about 1/3 of the public school teachers so I dunno ...

Hoping I can actually catch up on what's been going on in the last forever since I've been here. :). I missed y'all!