Shiloh Acres - RAIN!!!!!!! and maple syrup! ;)

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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I will probably give that a try then. But that means I'll have to sit in the COLD part of the house to keep an eye on it. :D

Thanks, ya'll!!! :)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Shiloh Acres said:
I will probably give that a try then. But that means I'll have to sit in the COLD part of the house to keep an eye on it. :D

Thanks, ya'll!!! :)
Hope it works for ya! Take a blankey :lol: I'd just check it every 20 minutes or so and listen for the water to start running myself. Me and COLD don't get along too well :p

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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My hubby used to use a hair dryer to thaw out pipes. They do sell things you can wrap around them to keep them from freezing.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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We were lucky. It was 2 degrees this morning and we still had water! I use a really small stream though. I have had drips freeze before, or my absolute fav. -have the water freeze in the sink or drain. We did that in a metal bathtub once. I had filled it with water in preperation for possibility of frozen pipes. Apparently there was no insulation under it and when I got up the next morning it was frozen almost an inch in the bottom of the tub! :ep Yes that is a true story! I had been wondering why the bathroom stayed so cold all the time! We don't live there anymore thank goodness.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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My hearing is good enough I could hear our neighbors trickling in their tubs too. I don't have any worry about whether or not I'd hear the water from a different place in the house.

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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I was more worried about just involving water and an electric heater and not supervising. Guess I needn't have worried. It didn't work. :p

I just hope the pipes are ok. I can flush the toilet, take a shower, and get hot water in the kitchen, so there's not much to complain about. Having hot water is a lifesaver. I don't know else the animals would get water. Hopefully their pools/troughs, etc. won't crack.

Well, originally it was supposed to start thawing today. Instead something new moved in and we got snow dumped last night. I don't know how snow is technically measured, but it's standing up 6-8" on top of things like the goose pool, mailbox, propane tank.

The good news is that I guess it's easier to drive on than ice. The mail came today!!! But it came very early, and it was not our regular carrier, so I didn't get out to SEND mail. I hadn't wanted it to set in the box all week so I was watching for the mail to run, and figured I could get it out there before they came back. Instead, a strange vehicle passes without stopping, and on the way back a strange man got out and was messing with the mailbox. Since he dropped off mail, I'm guessing he works for the post office. ;)

I'll see what happens tomorrow. I have stuff I really need to get mailed out!!!

My dog is loving the snow. He thinks it's a special toy just for him. He LOVES leaping around in it. I made a few snowballs (nice powder that packs PERFECTLY) and told him they were balls and threw them, and told him to bring them back. The first one he broke with his mouth when he grabbed it and he was afraid to pick the other two up after that, but I think he knows I played a trick on him.

The geese can barely get through the snow. They are NOT amused. First deprived of their breeding pond and now THIS! They came onto the porch and LOUDLY discussed the possibility of nesting amongst the firewood stacked there. That would make going in and out the back door interesting to say the least. The ganders are NOT their cuddly sweet selves at the moment ...

The goats felt betrayed. They weren't even going to be put in the pasture, but fortunately my bravest doeling -- the baby of the group too -- convinced them to go. I know she'll be herd queen one day.

They camped out by the round bale all day and didn't even go in the barn.

The llama is taking it all in stride. Her wool is ice and snow free, and the only clean spot on the ground in where she bedded down.

The chickens aren't even interested in free-ranging, their favoritest time of day. The guineas won't come out of their coop. The rabbits are fine. Well, mostly. I was counting the days of possible litters from the boy amongst the girls, discovered last month. I was almost there, but there was a litter born night before last. I never would have PLANNED babies this time of year, and they were dead before morning.

Even in the house ... I had a few bananas and they are turning on the counter, as though they were in the fridge. Banana bread, I guess. I just hope my oranges are ok. I bought an 18 pound bag of oranges last week. I was going to get a 4 pound bag on sale, but 18 pounds was just twice that. Not sure I can eat 18 pounds of oranges, but I KNOW I can eat 8 pounds so I'll get my money's worth out of them. Might find a way to preserve some, and the goats LOVE oranges. I shared one with them the day I got them. :)

Getting my "White Christmas" ... Just a bit late. Maybe I'll build a fire, make some cocoa, and play some carols. ;)

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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And a meant to tell you Abi, your neighbors are obviously too close!

And a tub freezing from the bottom ..... Yes that makes me think Brrrrrrrrrr too! I'm glad my other bathroom isn't getting THAT cold!

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
What a day!

I woke up this morning after only about 2 hours' sleep (really not good since I'm fighting a cold!) ready to go to work and tackle (again!) an issue with my pay. Thankfully, I didn't have to. Someone came and asked me instead, and I think it's all going to work out finally. :)

And today was the last day to pay my water bill. It says on the back of the bill it has to be there by 5. I should kept reading the fine print -- they actually close at 4, LOL. I got there at 3 mintes after 4 and found this out. I only had cash, and not exact amount, so I called. They suggested buying a money order but ... Driving back to town, I'd probably miss 5:00 (not to mention miss buying feed) and spend more on gas and MO than the late fee. Fortunately, they said they'd open the door when I said my only option was to put cash in the drop box and overpay. Next time I'll be there before 4. :)

I made it to the feed store too -- still can't believe how high feed has gone this year so far!!! Up by 33%. I bought my regular rabbit feed and the co-op's cheaper feed to check it out. I don't wanna switch my breeders if it's not good since I need to get several bred this week. I also got seed potatoes!!! I had no idea how many to buy, so I got a pound and a half each of white and red. The guy said it would plant a 15' row spaced a foot apart so that's 13-16 plants. I wish I knew what yield to really expect. I've heard folks brag of 50 pounds per plant but I don't think I can count on that, LOL. I guess I typically use 60-100 pounds of potatoes a year, but if I can grow more I'd eat them. Or find a good use for them. :)

When I got home I fed the goaties some leftovers from work -- bits of apple and carrots. They mostly behaved though the wether butted the smaller doeling away. NOT a gentleman!

I went to bring the geese into the front yard to see if they would eat the sea of purple flowers coming up on some weed out there. Before I could get the geese to follow me through the gate, the chickens set up a major fuss. I didn't expect it to be anything, but I went to check.

And confirmed. There ARE cats after my chickens! I've never seen cats hunt together, but these do. The guineas alerted to three of them before. This time it was two orange cats, one in the run with my terrified barred rock hen (the only one I have left!) and one crouching outside the run. The silkie had abandoned the nest too and was screaming. When the cats saw me, they went crazy. The one in the run tried to go over the fence and got caught in the netting. I just stood there looking at him -- short of grabbing a stick and hitting him I don't know what I could have done. He was flipping all over like crazy and finally (probably 2 seconds later) managed to get out and he was gone. I checked all the chickens and all were ok, but that barred rock hen kept squatting. She decided to stay in the coop and wouldn't free-range after that (poor girl, she's actually BEEN hanging out in the coop for a week and refusing to free-range. I wonder if it's because of the cats? And she was the one they almost got!)

Now I dunno what to do about the cats. They probably belong to a neighbor. She has at least 5 females that breed, and I don't know how many cats overall. They are almost feral. I don't mind them in my barn or field, hunting mice or whatever, but ... In my chicken run and around my rabbit pens, teaming up on my animals?

If I tell the woman, I doubt she'll do anything. It's not like she can take them inside or fence them up anyway. And if I shoot them, then she'll know I did.

And I'm sorry, but feral animals running around killing livestock -- well I think they ought to be shot and that's where I'm leaning. I really like cats ok -- I have one very spoiled kitty whom I love dearly (and another I kinda like who at least loves me, lol). The idea of killing a cat -- sigh. But it looks like I'm going to have to. I'm expecting chicks soon, and hopefully goslings and ducklings, and they'll really be vulnerable.

Mondays always tire me out, and today was no exception. Somehow I didn't realize that fact, even on so little sleep, because I felt so much better than I have since last Wednesday (again this annoying cold!)

So it probably wasn't the best day, but I put dough in the bread machine for pizza crust. I usually do a quick crust, but everyone says a risen crust is better. The only recipe I had was in my bread machine book. So far everything in there has been so-so at best, but I did it anyway. It really wasn't bad, as far as texture. I should have added my regular stuff to improve flavor.

I baked a birthday cake while the dough was mixing and rising. This was the most COMPLICATED recipe I have ever done for a cake. It took me almost the entire hour and a half of the dough cycle to prepare it!!! And the sad part? The silly thing FELL while it was cooling. I've had a cracked cake or two, but I have never had a cake fall before. Kinda ruins it for a birthday cake! So now I have a chocolate mess in there.

I also tried an Alfredo-style sauce on one of the pizzas for the first time. I only used Alfredo sauce and mozzarella and made a smallish pizza, to see what I thought and make adjustments next time. It was pretty good!

By the time I finished cooking it was after 9, so I ate -- almost too tired by then! And ...:hide

I brought a glass of tea and got under a blanket to get warm. I'd been chilled since taking the geese out front after work. I left the dishes -- my kitchen is a MESS!!!

It was after 10pm by then. I thought I'd watch a video and warm up ... I don't think I got 3 minutes into it. I woke up after 3am with nothing done, but at least I'm warm. It's in the 30's tonight -- they said this house isn't well insulated but I really can't complain. I'm going to stay under the blankets though, and see if I can get some more rest. The tickle is back in my throat and I've been sneezing again all evening.

What a day. I dont even know what to title this update!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
:hugs Sounds like you had a rough day. Hope today is better for you.