Shiloh Acres - RAIN!!!!!!! and maple syrup! ;)


Lovin' The Homestead
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Bloomington, IN
my parents' cat has asthma and this does sound like that - especially if it's after exercise, or if you've got windows around the house open and there's a high pollen count or something.

with my parents' cat, he just needs a steroid shot to open his airways again, and the shot lasts about 3 months for him. it's not my favorite idea, to have him on steroids long-term, but it's the only thing that works for him. so his life expectancy is probably going to be shortened, but, the quality of his life before then will be much higher than it would have been without. =/ as i recall, the shot is not terribly expensive as far as those things go (though definitely more than $20). good luck with everything... i hope your vet can help and will be nice enough to work with you on the payment thing.

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks everyonefor your kind words and prayers.

I went to work and finished the kids' work early, and went in to talk to the vet.


I told them I have $50 right now, explained her history and what's going on. They said for $50 they could examine her and give me some antibiotics. Even though it's very doubtful they would help.

They don't carry accounts under any circumstances, the office person said. My boss had said I should go there because they work with people. The office person said they'd gone too many times not being paid.

I can understand that actually. It's a pretty poor area, and financially everyone is being hit. I just hate it -- I offered to pay what I can today and I HAVE a job.

Well, my cat seems to be doing better. She was much more acute this time -- I actually thought I would lose her overnight. But she seems to be coming back around much more quickly. She's walking, ate a few bites, and can jump up a few feet. I am SOOOOOOOOO thankful for that.

Maybe she can hang in there, and I can get paid, and I can find out what's wrong with her. It's honestly hard to think about, since I have things I can't pay now that should be, that are going to cost more later when I do pay them. I feel guilty thinking about spending a few hundred on a vet bill, but I feel terrible to think of doing nothing and losing her.

Well. Basically, there are only 3 treatable conditions that it is likely to be. Respiratory infection (very unlikely in this case), lungworms (not at all sure how likely), or asthma. So. I'm going to do some more research, and do whatever I can that won't cause further harm or stress as if she had one or all of them.

It could be the vacuuming early yesterday. And there's lots of pollen in the air. Both of those can aggravate asthma. I'm really thinking (actually pretty much hoping) that's what it is. I'll try to manage it that way for now.

Well, I guess that's an update.

I wonder if I sent the vet a letter and asked her to barter, anything? Or give me a part-time job.

I'm just glad my kitty is better for now.

Thanks again for the prayers and replies. :)


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Is that the only vet in your town?

There are sometimes local resources to help people pay for veterinary expenses. Your clinic should have at least referred you to these.

You might read through this national website and see if anyone of these groups can help you: I would go with the theory that it is asthma when speaking to them if you do.

They often look for people in your situation to help.....a temporary financial situation in a normally stable setting. Maybe one of those problems will match your situation. If they do help you out, I'd take my business to the other vet in town if there is a good one.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Isle of Wight, VA
Maybe a humidifier would help....or put her in the bathroom when you take a shower (as long as that doesn't freak her out too bad). My cats love to hang out on the side of the tub when I take a bath. I feel bad for you......I hate to see animals suffer.
:hit :hugs


Lovin' The Homestead
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Bloomington, IN
i don't know how you'd feel about this / how your credit situation is, but there's a company called CARE credit that you can google if you're interested; it's essentially a credit card that is only for medical/veterinary expenses. there's nothing special about it except that there is 0% interest on charges for the first many months (the length of time depends on how much you spent, i think - their site will have a chart). so you could use this card to basically make payments to the vet, without worrying about interest accruing.

i'm kinda surprised they gave you the antibiotic if they thought it was unlikely to help the problem... my parents' vet just does the steroid shot, the whole visit is something like $70 (including the "check up" that they do). unless they wanted x-rays first to confirm? iunno. =/

i hope she continues to be on the mend... close all your windows if you know the pollen is high. sendin good thoughts your way :)

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks all.

She's doing better as in the acute phase is over. She's still having coughing fits but in between she's semi-normal except her abdomen appears swollen to me. The boy cat tapped her head before I could stop him and she launched herself at him with all 4 feet and rolled him. She's tiny but she's fierce.

Thanks for the info. I've checked out a number of those sites, Savingdogs. I don't fit the profile on many, but I may ask anyway. There are lots to go through though. It also made me think of something else. Some are affiliated with vet schools, and I might see if I can work something that way. From reading online, it seems asthma in cats is tricky and rare (that could be wrong info, I dunno) but perhaps they'd more likely be interested if that's true.

I will look into the credit thing too. My credit was excellent before my ex's actions after the divorce caught up with me. I'm guessing it's trashed now.

They also apparently sell something along the lines of treatment at a vet supply to kennel owners and such, so for ongoing treatment there might be a way to make it more affordable. And I heard from my boss of a vet she called, elderly gentleman, who practices only small animals out of his home that would set up an account she said, but he has the flu and isn't seeing animals now.

So. I have lots to look into, and some options. Thank you SO much for y'alls prayers and help too. :)

I didn't get anti-b's for the cat. I wouldn't give them to her anyway if she didn't need them. They just said that's all they would do if all I can pay today is $50.

I can take a no from a vet -- like I said I understand them being leery of getting burned. But don't take what little money I can spare and give my cat something that likely won't help and potentially could weaken her immune system. I'm afraid I find that rather irresponsible. There IS one other vet around. I went to them when I got here with a very old rescued dog that had tapeworms and the two cats I wanted treated at the same time. They said -- actually I forgot if it was $200 or $300 -- either way I find that outrageous for three courses of tapeworm meds. They specialize in pets of the rich set that come to their lake houses from the city.

I think I'm gonna try to sleep tonight. I'm so tired my voice is almost gone. It's impossible to manage small children who want your attention at the same time when you're trying to teach two levels at the same time with no voice, LOL.

One of the older boys said I looked nice today. That's the first compliment I've gotten from them all year. And I've hardly slept in 3 nights, I'm sick, and did a lot of crying last night. I think I likely looked so awful he must have thought he'd better give me a compliment, LOL.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
I hate to think of you so sad! The only time I've seen cats treated for asthma, they used a nebulizer and put the kitty in a tank so that the air was always moist and put a special medication in the nebulizer. I believe steroids were used like metalsmitten mentioned. I don't see why antibiotics would help unless they thought it was something else? That was a good call not to purchase them.

I think LovinLife's suggeston is exactly that I would do.....and don't be afraid to ask for help at that site....that is what those programs are for.

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Still working through those sites and suggestions.

My kitty is having a different sort of acute attack today. It doesn't look as worrisome. I wish I KNEW what was going on with her. Swelling a bit in the abdomen, so I'm worrying it might be heart-related ... but I was surprised to read that that IS treatable, at least to some degree.

I need to move onto better news. Of course I'm loving on my kitty, and trying to find help for her but ....

At leas the weather here is gorgeous. Days are sunny with a light wind, and in the 70's. I SO want to get out and work in the yard. I've been doing little bits -- argh. this MINOR cold got nasty on me and I'm afraid to push too hard. I think it's from worrying about my kitty.

Now there, I was GOING to CHANGE THE SUBJECT!!! :he

I heard from a friend today. Used to be a very dear friend, but ... I don't even know what happened. Some things got said between this person and that and ... well, I was shocked to find that I had become the bad guy. I still don't know what I did. I tried to fix it, but my efforts didn't work out, so I had to let it go. Now, two years later, I get a message on Facebook, and she's been very chatty and friendly again. I loved this woman dearly, almost like an adopted mom (my daughter had asked if she could call her Grandma, since her grandma died) .... so that is a comfort to be back on good terms with her. :)

And there is a new little life on the farm tonight. :) A new chick hatched out under the broody silky. I'm happy for her ... it's been a long go. The nest actually started under another silky, and this one joined the first one. The eggs ended up getting broken, and I think they must have gotten chilled. I've had to re-start them, and the first broody gave up about ten days ago. But I have a tiny peep tonight. :) It was very freshly hatched, and not even really able to walk yet. Looks like a buff silky crossed, mostly likely, with the RIR roo.

I started out with silkies just for broodies .... I didn't plan to let them set their own eggs. But ... these little girls lay almost as well as the standard layers. Their yolks are comparatively much larger, and they are by far my best foragers -- super-orange yolks! I love their eggs, and they go broody too! So I decided to see if I can mix their genetics into my main flock. Today's chick was the first one of those. I hope it's a pullet, and I hope it carries the best of both. :) She has five more eggs, so I also hope I get more. I love the sight and sound of chicks with a mama hen. :)

And in case the cats sneak back in, I have them in a large wooden box with a wire-door front in the coop, so they can have their own food and water too and no one else tries to steal the babies from her. Those silkies are bad about that!

And I have a nest with 24 goose eggs in it. Probably 3 or 4 different geese laying there ... and they are brooding only half-heartedly. I sure wish I could find an incubator to borrow ... I would really, REALLY like to get 15 or more goslings this year. Who knows, they may hatch that many from the 24 eggs she's on so far. :)

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks :)

I'm not worrying much about me, though this thing is in my lungs and I haven't had that happen in years. I was almost over it when she started having these bad attacks. I am wishing for some cherry bark though ... so tired of coughing.

I hope she gets better too. She really is being sweet. When I do something in a different room, she gets up and follows me and lies down where she can see me. She is not feeling well at ALL but still wants to be near me.

She's still managing to keep the dog at bay. He's a HUGE German Shepherd pup that really wants to play with the cats. She created a "rule" for him. She chose a cardboard box, and whenever she is in that box, that means she is "on base" and he can NOT touch her, or let his tail touch her, while she is sitting in it. :) If he does, she lets out a battle cry which at least convinces him she means business. She has trained him well with this, and now that she's so sick, she's safe enough just climbing into the box when she wants to be in one of the rooms he is allowed in. I'm glad ... he is not bothering her. She doesn't need the stress.

It's funny .... I have a male cat that's twice her size, and he hasn't learned to make the dog leave him alone. The dog will pin him down and chew gently on his fur. I think the cat secretly likes it though. I used to have a young tom when I adopted these two, and the tom took a liking to the little boy and would wrap his paws around him and lie next to him and lick and groom him ... then CHOMP ... bite down on him. Back to licking. This little boy cat adored that tom ... he really missed his mama I think. Ever since then his "affection" has often included some rough play though ...

But my little princess ... SHE gets to say how things go with her, and she doesn't tolerate any roughness. I guess it's necessary for her, she's always been so small compared to everyone else. Tiny, but fierce. :) And yes, very, very sweet.

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