

Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va
There are some things that I buy over the course of the year, in the past, while grocery shopping. I buy sweet pickle relish in 1/2 gallon jars and then reuse the jars for any and everything... anything that I can find in gallon glass jars that I will eat, I buy that way. Might take awhile for me to go through it, but kept in the fridge I usually get through it. Besides, if you use at least 2/3 of the jar, then it still usually costs less than the equivalent of small jars of the same stuff. I am not much of a soda drinker, but once in awhile I like to have some. At 1.79 or so for a 20 oz one, you are better off buying a 2 liter bottle for 1.29 or even cheaper... and not drinking 1/3 of it. Sure it seems like waste, but it is still cheaper than the single smaller bottle. So, I make sure I peruse the "bulk " sections.... I must have a dozen of the 1/2 gallon jars from pickle relish or some bread and butter pickles that I just keep reusing. I did buy a dozen 1/2 gallon ball jars for milk in the fridge when I had a friend getting some, so I had enough.


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
Mom is terrified of pressure canners. She swears Great Grandma had one explode on her and spew food everywhere burning her. Great Aunt said it wasn't that bad and the burns were minor. Something had distracted her from the wood cook stove and there was extra heat for a while.

It overpressurized and blew the plug like it's supposed to instead of explode. Yes there was water and some contents all over but it didn't bother Great Grandma that much other than having to replace the plug.

Mom freaked when I got my canner and did my first batch. Pressure canning is stupid simple just have to keep an ear on what's going on. I do have a weighted gauge so we all learn that jiggle. Had the stove try and go to high last year but the jiggle stopped allerting me to check. Too high is a constant hiss. Turning unit off and back on fixed everything. Didn't even have to restart the batch as it settled back down just fine as I kept watch.