Hi, Krisac! 
I use soapcalc.com- they have a page that tells you what each long chain fatty acid in each oil contributes to your final product, as well as having a neat calculator that is easy to figure out.
Superfatted means there is more oil in the recipe than can be reacted with the lye you add- this basically ensures that all your lye is reacted and is not free in the soap to burn you. Superfat also adds to the moisturizing property of the soap.
For molds- try a quart milk carton. Cheap, nice square bars, and you haven't spent any money on a mold if you decide you hate soaping!
About molds- I have one I bought that has 6 half-cylinder shapes. I love the shape- it is so easy to hold in the shower and has a nice flat side to scrub with. But they are a bear to get teh soap out of, even if I freeze it. Has anyone any ideas on how to make myself a pipe mold cut in half with the removable caps on the ends so that it stays upright and doesn't roll? I have been kicking this idea around because then I could just push it out of the half pipe and cut it. I also would have to calculate out how long it would need to be since I only make small 2lb batches.

I use soapcalc.com- they have a page that tells you what each long chain fatty acid in each oil contributes to your final product, as well as having a neat calculator that is easy to figure out.
Superfatted means there is more oil in the recipe than can be reacted with the lye you add- this basically ensures that all your lye is reacted and is not free in the soap to burn you. Superfat also adds to the moisturizing property of the soap.
For molds- try a quart milk carton. Cheap, nice square bars, and you haven't spent any money on a mold if you decide you hate soaping!
About molds- I have one I bought that has 6 half-cylinder shapes. I love the shape- it is so easy to hold in the shower and has a nice flat side to scrub with. But they are a bear to get teh soap out of, even if I freeze it. Has anyone any ideas on how to make myself a pipe mold cut in half with the removable caps on the ends so that it stays upright and doesn't roll? I have been kicking this idea around because then I could just push it out of the half pipe and cut it. I also would have to calculate out how long it would need to be since I only make small 2lb batches.