I am still wondering about molds...Do silicone baking pans work? Someone mentioned the bottom of quart milk do you clean them? If I want to put the soap into tins to used I know it can be started there so I am thinking it would have to be a soap almost the consistency of a butter type product. Any thoughts on how that recipe might go? The shp keeper I talked to ( and this seemed really strange and made me wonder where she was getting her soap from) said she could keep the soap all season long because it would get rancid. I've bought home made soaps, natural soap, kept them forever and a day and have never seen that. Something I don't know about??? or was her soap supplier just whacked?
I really appreciate y'all putting up with all the questions. Since everything I make has to "mostly" look or at least look authentic enough to pass for 1863. I am really nailing things down before I start. Especially since I knw once I start there will be failures along the way and I'd like to keep that number unde oh100, 1000 somewhere in there.
I really appreciate y'all putting up with all the questions. Since everything I make has to "mostly" look or at least look authentic enough to pass for 1863. I am really nailing things down before I start. Especially since I knw once I start there will be failures along the way and I'd like to keep that number unde oh100, 1000 somewhere in there.
